Cold War Cloze Notes

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Soviets in WWII

• In 1939, the Soviet Union signed an

_________________________________________________ -“no more fighting”.
• In 1941, 3 million German soldiers attacked the Soviet Union;
_____________________________________________________ or were
• In 1945, Soviet troops __________________________________ , the capital of
End of WWII
• After WWII, Soviets did not leave the Eastern European countries that they freed.
Instead, they tried to make the countries __________________________________
• Many Europeans and Americans believed that the communists were trying to
_________________________________________________ !
• In March 1946, __________________________________ warns of the “Iron
Curtain” of Soviet totalitarianism.
Eastern Bloc
• The Soviets managed to set up communist governments throughout
__________________________________ .
• The government ___________________________________________________
or newspapers that opposed the communists.
• The Soviets __________________________________ some political opponents.
• The Soviets rigged elections to ensure the
_______________________________________ .
Iron Curtain
• British Prime Minister Winston Churchill attacked the Soviet Union for creating an
“__________________________________ ”.
• The term reflected Churchill’s belief that communism had created a
_________________________________________________ .
• Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin believed that the Iron Curtain was necessary to protect
the Soviet Union from __________________________________ .
• He also used this as an excuse to _________________________________ .
Soviet Union
• 1945 was the beginning of a __________________________________ &
misunderstanding between the Soviet Union and its former allies in the West
(particularly the US).
• Soviet Union believed that a
__________________________________________________ should control the
economy as well as the government.
• US believed that businesses should be __________________________________ .
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Cold War
• There was a lot of tension between the
____________________________________________________ .
• Many feared the rivalry between Democracy and Communism would lead to a
__________________________________ .
• They called this tension a “Cold War” because
___________________________________________________ .
• However, the _______________________________________ left many feeling
• Each side thought the other was trying to
__________________________________ .
• Neither side would give up, and people lived in fear that
__________________________________ would erupt.
• This time it could be a nuclear war, which could
__________________________________ .
• The US and USSR had the ability to influence world events and project
__________________________________ .
• As the Cold War continued, more countries
___________________________________________________ .
• They formed alliances to __________________________________ .
• In 1949, Western European countries, Canada, & US formed the
______________________________________________________ (NATO).
• Each nation in NATO believed the Soviet Union
______________________________________________________ if the U.S.
would launch nuclear war in return.
Division of Germany
• At the end of WWII, the Allies divided
_______________________________________________ to keep it from
regaining power.
• US, Great Britain, France, & Soviet Union each
__________________________________ .
• In 1948, the Western Allies wanted to
__________________________________ , but the Soviets disagreed.
• The _________________________________________________________
and the reunited sections became “West Germany”.
What About Berlin?
• During the Cold war, there were many “hot spots”
(_______________________________________________ ).
• The earliest hot spot was _________________________________ .
• The Soviets controlled the eastern part of Germany, the western countries
controlled the __________________________________________ .
• The capital, Berlin, deep within Soviet-controlled territory, was also
_________________________________________________ .
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Blockaded Berlin
• In June 1948, the ____________________________________________________ and
water traffic into western Berlin hoping to make Britain, France, and America leave the city.
• (Remember Berlin was in East Germany which the
__________________________________ .)
• In response, the United States and Great Britain
__________________________________ …
Berlin Airlift
• What’s an airlift?
• A system of carrying supplies into East Berlin
____________________________________________________ . British and
American pilots _________________________________________ , fuel, and raw
• How long did it last?
• __________________________________
Now What?
• Germany officially becomes
__________________________________________________________ .
• __________________________________ becomes the capital of West Germany.
• __________________________________ becomes the capital of East Germany.
• West Berlin remains a __________________________________ , surrounded by
Post-WWII Korea
• After World War II, Japanese-occupied
___________________________________________________________ into
northern and southern parts.
• The Soviet Union controlled
and established a communist government.
• The United States would be in charge of Korea south of the 38th parallel and promoted a
__________________________________ .
Korean War Begins
• In 1950, Kim Il Sung, the leader of North Korea, sent his powerful
________________________________________ .
• South Korea was where the United States had to take a
__________________________________________________ .
• US President Harry Truman ordered American naval and air forces to support Korean ground
troops, and asked the United Nations to approve the use of force to
________________________________________________________ .
Korean War
• The United Nations responded quickly, imposing military sanctions. The U.S. and 19 other
nations ________________________________________________________ .
• Despite initial heavy losses, the combined UN forces finally
__________________________________ .
• The situation changed when
____________________________________________________________ disobeyed
orders to stay in South Korea.
• Going beyond the 38th parallel into North Korea
_______________________________________________________ well-trained and
well-equipped army into the war.
• When the fighting finally __________________________________ , no one was truly
• The 38th parallel dividing line __________________________________ .
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Who Won?
• South Korea remained “free”, so __________________________________ .
• Korea was badly damaged, and __________________________________ .
• They are still __________________________________ today.
• Reunification talks have begun, but progress is
__________________________________ .
Joseph McCarthy
• Many Americans worried that __________________________________ the
United States and dominate the world.
• __________________________________ spearheaded a communist hunt
fueled by these fears throughout the U.S.
• His television appearances infected the nation with an
__________________________________ that ruined numerous lives from
politicians to actors and writers.
Nikita Khrushchev
• __________________________________ was born in 1894 to a miner in
• He served as the
of the Soviet Union from 1953-1964.
• Khrushchev initiated the __________________________________ that
launched Sputnik I.
• He had the idea of placing __________________________________ to restore
the balance of power during the Cold War (which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis).
• Khrushchev's goals were to __________________________________ in
productivity and to help spread Communism throughout the world.
• Khrushchev was __________________________________ .
• After __________________________________________________ , he died
in Moscow in 1971.
Escaping East Berlin
• Berliners __________________________________________________ .
• Luckily, West Berlin and freedom were just
________________________________________________________ .
• About 3 million people fled to West Berlin looking for
_____________________________________________________ and better
• The East German government __________________________________ .
Berlin Wall
• In August 1961, East Germany built a __________________________________
between East and West Berlin.
• Guarded by Soviet troops, it became a
__________________________________ between western and eastern
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Losing Control
• Unfortunately for the Soviet regime, the
___________________________________________________________ .
• The government spent too much money on heavy industry, which often caused
__________________________________ .
• By the 1980s, most Soviet people had
_________ .
• They had __________________________________ .
• Soviet Union was spending tons of money
_________________________________________________ , protecting its
borders, and keeping up with the US in the arms race.
• In 1985, the economy was so unstable that
__________________________________ , head of USSR, reduced government
control of business and increased the freedoms for all citizens.
Berlin Wall Falls
• Demonstrations by people prompted the government to
___________________________________________ restrictions.
• When the announcement was made, East and West Berliners
_____________________________________________ .
• Citizens immediately began ________________________________________ .
• Nov. 9th 1989: the Berlin Wall, a symbol of communism,
__________________________________ .
• Shortly after the Berlin Wall fell, Germans voted to make the countries of East
Germany and West Germany was
___________________________________________ (October 3, 1990).
• Today, Germany is a __________________________________ with a great
Cold War Ends
• After ________________________________________________ , the Soviet
republics that had once been separate countries began seeking their independence
• In 1991, Soviet Union was no more and the
________________________________________________ .
• _________________________________________________; Russia was the
© 2014 Brain Wrinkles

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