Syllabus: Fundamentals of Financial Management 2

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Fundamentals of
Management 2
Credit units 3 units

Code MAN2102

Facilitator Sri Handaru Yuliati

South-wing building, 3rd floor

Faculty Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Office Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281
Phone : +62 274 548510 ext. 117; +62 811252051
e-mail : [email protected]

Consultation Friday 10.00 – 11.00 or by appoinment


Prerequisite MAN2101 (Fundamental of Financial Management 1)

Course Description

 Involves studies on decision-making

utilizing financial resources available to the
firm from the perspective of the manager
 The course emphasizes the understanding
of finance theory and working knowledge
of the financial environment in which the
firm operates in order to develop
appropriate financial strategies
Learning Objectives
1. Explain how to obtain external financing through venture capital and IPO.
2. Distinguish concepts, advantage and disadvantage types of capital
sources for firms in different characteristic of risk and return, and industries.
3. Understand capital structure theories and payout policy, evaluate and
make decision based on the theories
4. Understand working capital management
5. Analyze special topics in financial management: (1) derivatives, risk
management and multinational financial management, (2) hybrid
financing, and (3) merger and acquisition.
6. Analyze and plan financial conditions of corporation based on financial
statement information.
Book and Reading Material

1. Brigham and Houston, adapted by

Jun-Ming, Yoon Kee and Arifin. 2013.
Essential of Financial Management.
Third Edition, Cengage Learning
Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore.
2. Additional materials will be
distributed later.
Students’ Responsibilities

Class participation.
• Students are highly expected to contribute ideas, thoughts,
experiences, and argument to the class discussion.
• It is strongly recommend that students
• comprehend the materials in details
• raise questions and ideas
• create a “lively” class
• read and prepare readings assigned prior to coming
to the class
• raise comments, questions, and suggestions on to the
other presenting groups

Predicted on FEB UGM regulation,

students are required to attend
100% of total lectures held
Any violations against this rule
may render the final grade
Academic conduct and behavior

 Academic
misconduct/dishonesty (cheating
and plagiarism) would lead to
serious academic penalty
 Students are expected to behave
as a mature and decent people
Learning method

Assignments and Quizes
Case analysis

 Assignment and Class participation : 10%

 Quiz 1 and 2: 20%
 Case report and presentation : 20%
 Mid-Term Exam : 25%
 Final Exam : 25%
Score Conversion

A: 90 -100 B/C: 60 – 64 D: 30 - 34
A-: 85 – 89 C+: 55 - 59 E: 0 - 29
A/B: 80 – 84 C: 50 - 54
B+: 75 - 79 C-: 45 - 49
B: 70 – 74 C/D: 40 - 44
B-: 65 – 69 D+: 35 - 39

Session Topic Sources

1. 2/2/17 Overview of Financial Management 1 BH 1-5 & 7-14
How Corporations Raise Venture Capital Brealey, Myers and
2. 9/2/17 and Issues Securities (IPO) Marcus
3. 16/2/17 Capital Structure and Leverage BH 15
Distribution to Shareholders, Dividends and
4. 23/2/17 BH 16
Share Repurchases
5. 2/3/17 Working Capital Management BH 17

6. 9/3/17 Financial Planning and Forecasting BH 6

7. 16/3/17 Derivative and Risk Management BH 18



Session Topic Sources

8. 6/4/17 Multinational Financial Management BH 19

Hybrid Financing: Preferred Stock, Leasing,

9. 13/4/17 BH 20
Warrants, and Convertibles
10. 20/4/17 Merger and Acquisitions BH 21

11. 27/4/17 Case 1: Analysis, Report & Presentation -

12. 4/5/17 Case 2: Analysis, Report & Presentation -

13. 11/5/17 Case 3: Analysis, Report & Presentation -

CODES OF Conduct
1. berempati memberi solusi, bukan mengkritik atau mencela
2. mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu
3. masuk kelas saat kuliah sudah dimulai, menjelaskan satu slide
4. Sebut nama sebelum bertanya atau berpendapat
5. hp silent mode
6. datang telat duduk di depan
7. toleransi keterlambatan 15 menit. Apabila lebih 15 menit nraktrir
minum sekelas
8. keluar kelas diluar break maksimum 2 kali @ 5 menit

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