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Design of Sewerage System

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Design of Sewerage System
Sewage – Mixture of water and waste products

Types of Sewage:
 Domestic sewage - consists of liquid wastes originating
from urinals, latrines, bath-rooms, kitchen sinks, wash
basins etc. of the residential, commercial or institutional
 Industrial Sewage - consists of liquid wastes originating
from the industrial processes of various industries, such
as dyeing, paper making, brewing etc.

The sum of domestic and industrial sewage, may be

termed as sanitary sewage or simply sewage


Liquid Solids Micro-organisms

99.7 to 99.9% 0.1 to 0.3% in millions

Organic 70% Inorganic- 30%

(derived from living things)

Carbohydrate Proteins Fats Grit Salts Metals

25% 65% 10%
Raw Sewage
Collection System

Reuse for

Disposal to water
Pumping Raw Sewage Sewage Treatment
station pumping main Plant
Design of Sewerage System
Difference in the Design of water supply pipes and sewer pipes:
1. The water supply pipes carry pure water without containing
any kind of solid particles, either organic or inorganic in
nature. The sewage, on the other hand, does contain such
particles in suspension and the heavier of these particles
may settle down at the bottom of the sewers, as and when
the flow velocity reduces, thus ultimately resulting in the
clogging of the sewers.
2. The water supply pipes carry water under pressure, and
hence within certain limits, they may be carried up and down
the hills and the valleys, whereas the sewer pipes carry
sewage as gravity conduits and they must therefore be laid
at continuous gradient in the downward direction up to the
outfall point, from where it will be lifted up, treated and
disposed of.
Hydraulics of Sewers


V = [ (1/n) (R2/3 S1/2)]

Where S = Bed slope of the sewer (1 in 100)

D = internal diameter of sewer in mm
R = Hydraulic mean depth in m
= Area / wetted Perimeter
V = velocity in mps
n = Manning’s coefficient of roughness
Mannings Coefficients (n)

Values of an full depth for

S.No. Pipe Material
Good interior Fair interior surface
surface condition condition *
1 Salt glazed stoneware pipes 0.012 0.014

2 Cement concrete pipes 0.013 0.015

3 Cast iron pipes 0.012 0.013

4 Brick, unglazed sewers/drains 0.013 0.015

5 Asbestos cement 0.011 0.012

6 Plastic (smooth) pipes 0.011 0.011

Partially filled Circular Sewer Section
Hydraulic Elements of Partial flow Sewers
d/D v/V q/Q

1.0 1.000 1.000

0.9 1.124 1.066

0.8 1.140 0.968

0.7 1.120 0.838

0.6 1.072 0.671

0.5 1.000 0.500

0.4 0.902 0.337

0.3 0.776 0.196

0.2 0.615 0.088

0.1 0.401 0.021

Design Criteria

 Diameter of the sewers and the slope should be decided

to meet the following conditions
 Minimum size of the sewer should be not less than 150mm.
 If any future development is anticipated beyond the head reach,
the starting sewer can be of 200mm diameter.
 The velocity of flow and slopes (grade) of sewers are
very important criteria in the sewer design.
 A self-cleansing velocity of 60cm/s and 80cm/s should
be maintained at the present peak flow, and at the
ultimate peak flow respectively.
 Sewer section should be designed to run at partial full
condition always not exceeding 0.80 full depth at the
ultimate peak flow.
Velocity of flow in the Sewers
 Should neither be less than 0.3mps nor greater than 3mps.
 Optimum velocity of flow for self-cleansing, is 0.6mps for
the present flow.
 Larger velocity will involve steeper slope and extra
 Some important facts about velocity of flow are as follow:
 Velocity of flow is equal to full flow velocity when the flow is half full,
 Velocity of flow is more than full flow velocity when the flow is more
than half full,
 Velocity of flow is rapidly decreasing when the flow is less than half
 Velocity of flow is maximum when the depth of flow is 0.82 D,
 The carrying capacity of the sewer is the maximum when the depth
of flow is approximately 0.9D.
 Velocity of flow has to be checked for minimum self
cleansing velocity whenever the sewer is flowing less than
half full,

The sewer pipes are normally circular in section, although

some other sections such as basket handle shape, egg
shape, horse shoe shape, parabolic shape, semicircular
shape, semi elliptical shape, rectangular shape etc.

The structural design of the sewer pipes should be such

as to enable them to withstand the various forces likely to
come on them. The following forces generally come into
play in the sewer pipes:

1. Internal pressure of sewage

2. Pressure due to external loads
3. Temperature stresses
4. Flexural stresses.
Vitrified clay (or stone ware), cement concrete, asbestos
cement and cast iron are the most common materials
used for constructing sewer pipes. While selecting a
particular material for constructing sewer pipes, the
important factors which must be considered are:

i. Resistance to corrosion
ii. Resistance to abrasion
iii. Strength and durability
iv. Light weight
v. Imperviousness
vi. The economy and cost
vii. Hydraulically efficient
Manholes are masonry or R.C.C. chambers, constructed at
suitable intervals along the sewer lines, for providing access
into them.
The manholes, thus help in joining sewer lengths, and also help
in their inspection, cleaning and maintenance.

Location and spacing of Manholes:

The manholes are generally provided at every bend, junction,
change of gradient, or change of sewer diameter. Unless there
are practical difficulties, the sewer line between two manholes
is laid straight with even gradient.
Even when the sewer line runs straight, the manholes are
provided at regular intervals.
The spacing between the manholes, in such a case, however,
depends mainly upon the size of the sewer line.
The manhole spacing's, generally adopted, on straight
sewer reaches, are given below:

Recommended Spacing's of
S.No. Size of the Sewer Manholes on straight reaches of
sewer lines as per IS 1742-1960
1 Dia up to 0.3 m
45 m
2 Dia up to 0.6 m 75 m

3 Dia up to 0.9 m 90 m

4 Dia up to 1.2 m 120 m

5 Dia up to 1.5 m 250 m

6 Dia greater than 1.5 m

300 m
Depending of their depth, the manholes may be classified as:

i. Shallow manholes – is about 0.7 to 0.9 m in depth, and is

constructed at the start of a branch sewer or at places,
which are not subjected to heavy traffic. Such a manhole is
provided with a light cover at its top, and is called an
inspection chamber.
ii. Normal manholes – is about 1.5 m in depth and is
constructed either square (1m x 1m) or rectangular (1.2m x
1m) in cross section. Its section is not changed with depth,
as its done in a deep manhole.
iii. Deep manholes – is having depth more than 1.5m. The
section of such a manhole is generally not kept the same.
The size in the upper portion is reduced by providing an
offset as shown in the figure below.

 Select sewage treatment and disposal location

depending up on the availability of land or water
 Divide the town into number of zones,
 Factors to be considered in zoning:
 Special features such as railway line, NH, river etc., can be
treated as zone boundaries since gravity sewer crossing of
these features is expensive.
 An area of the town having a descending slope can form a
 To restrict the depth of cutting to the pre-determined level (5
to 6m) since excavation under ground water table condition
and / or in hard rock is difficult and expensive.
 The site is available for the pumping station.
 Exceeding the maximum depth of cutting for short lengths to
avoid introduction of lift station is permitted.

 Decide the location of the sewage pumping station

(SPS) for each of the zones at the lowest elevation
and also considering the site available.
 SPS shall have facility for pretreatment to remove
floating large particles and grit; about 30m x 30m land
may be required.
 When adequate extent of land is not available lift
station can be provided instead of SPS.
 Lift station is a small pumping station without facility
for pretreatment

 Main pumping station (MPS) is located nearer to the STP

site. MPS will collect sewage from all zones and pump to
 SPS of one of the zones nearer to STP may be converted
as MPS
 Prepare a map of sewer network by aligning the sewer
lines in roads along the natural slope of the terrain to
drain into the collection well,
 Don’t align sewers against the slope and across the
 In exceptional case, aligning across a small ridge is

 Adequate number of Manholes are necessary to facilitate

 Maximum spacing for small diameter sewers: 30m
 Maximum spacing for larger diameter sewers: 60m to 100m
 Mark the positions of the manholes in the sewer layout
 Assess the number of anticipated HSCs; Ensure at least
50% of the properties will have connections
 Assume correct Peak Factor (based on the contributing
population to the section under consideration) to assess
Peak Flow. Peak factor of 3 is preferable for all sections.
 Sewers are designed as a gravity system for partial flow
condition only

 Consider subsoil condition and level of ground water

table and fix the maximum depth of cutting, which may
be 5 to 6m,
 For the assumed zoning, by rough calculation
considering the maximum length of the zone and
assuming a grade of 1 in 200 calculate the depth of
excavation and check with the maximum depth of
 If the calculated depth is within the permissible depth of
excavation proceed further for the detailed designing of
sewers adopting the zoning.
 If the calculated depth of cutting exceeds the
permissible cutting, revise the zoning of the town, by
shifting the location of pumping station or introducing
additional pumping station/lift stations.
Lift stations
 Lift stations are required to elevate and transport sewage in
sewerage systems when continuation of gravity flow is no longer
 In flat terrain, area close to seashore, sewers enroute to a
pumping/treatment plant may increase in depth to the point where
it is impractical to continue gravity flow economically because of
the high cost of excavation.
 Here, a lift station can be installed to lift the sewage to the Bell-
mouth chamber in a sewer at a higher level
 Lift station is an enlarged size MH fitted with submersible pump
with float control operation
 Provide Submersible non-clogging pump of 2 – 2.5 DWF (2Nos., 1
No. stand by)
 Lift station may be adopted when the design peak flow is less than
1000 lpm
 Overflow arrangement from the lift station to the nearby drain is
necessary to avoid surcharging of sewers

 Sufficient grades should be adopted to maintain a

minimum self-cleansing velocity
 0.6mps for the present peak flow
 0.8mps for the ultimate peak flow
 Minimum depth of cutting 800mm to 1000mm;
Minimum depth is fixed in such a way to have the house sewer is
safely connected to the street sewer. Minimum depth should also
provide necessary cover to the sewer to protect it from load from
the traffic
 Maximum depth of cutting 5.0 to 6.0m depending up on
water table condition and type of substrata
 Use Manning’s formula for computing velocity and flow
in the section
Steps in the design of Sewerage system
 Review the performance of the existing sewerage systems in
 Insufficient flow due to lack of connections leading to silting and
clogging in sewers
 Flow of sewage in the open drains even after installation of
sewerage system and fail to protect the environment (land and
water) from pollution and make them for beneficial uses
 Inadequate O&M of STP (Even simple maintenance of WSP is not
carried out properly)
 Study the various options available with reference to capital and
O&M cost
 Collection systems: 1.Conventional sewerage system
2.Small bore sewerage system
 Sewage treatment: 1.Conventional methods
2. Low-cost methods
 Select Appropriate collection system and Sewage treatment
Steps in the design of Sewerage network

 The sewage generated from an area is collected through

a sewer network consists of sewers and conveyed to the
sewage pumping station for onward conveyance to the
sewage treatment plant for further treatment and
 The sewer network is formulated with the help of
contours. Generally, the sewage pumping station (SPS)
is located at low-lying area of the catchments.
 In addition to the contour levels, the distance of the
farthest point of the network from the SPS is also taken
into consideration while deciding the number of sub-
catchment areas or zones of the sewage collection
Steps in the design of Sewerage network

 After formulation of the zones with networks, manholes

are marked at every 30 metres apart from junctions and
change in directions.
 The network consists of trunk sewer, main sewer,
submain, branch, sub-branch and laterals etc. and the
line numbers were given accordingly.
 Manhole numbers are assigned based on the line
 The nomenclatures of manhole numbers are generally as
per the guidelines specified by Central Public Health &
Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO)
Steps in the design of Sewerage network

 The Sewer system has been designed by forming

segments comprising of 3-4 manholes.
 A contributory area is assigned to each segment
depending on various types of land use in the segment.
 The contributing area for the segment is then converted
to an Equivalent Residential Area (ERA).
 The ward density is applied while calculating segment-
wise population based on contributing ERA.
 This exercise is repeated for whole network to arrive
segment - wise population.
Steps in the design of Sewerage network
 Contributory area of a segment of a stretch of 100 m
length of sewer is calculated. This area is then converted
into Equivalent Residential Area (ERA) by applying
suitable factors to various land uses as indicated below:
 Residential Area (RA) = 1.0
 Institutional = 0.25
 Commercial Area = 0.25
 Industrial = 0.1
 The total ERA therefore is calculated as:
 ERA = 1.0 x Residential area + 0.25 x Institutional area + 0.25 x
Commercial area + 0.1 x Industrial area
 Multiplying ERA by population density of the
corresponding ward gives the number of persons in that
contributing area.
 A return of 80% of the rate of water supply is treated as
waste water generation from each individual.
 Further, infiltration of ground water into the system is also
Design Approach -Contd.
 Consider subsoil condition and level of ground water table
and fix the maximum depth of cutting, which may be 5 to
 For the assumed zoning, mark the trunk sewer alignment
 By rough calculation assuming an average grade of 1 in
200 calculate the depth of excavation and check with the
maximum depth of cutting
 If the calculated depth is within the permissible depth of
excavation proceed further for the detailed designing of the
collection system adopting the zoning.
 If the calculated depth of cutting exceeds the permissible
cutting, revise the zoning of the town, by shifting the
location of pumping station or introducing additional
pumping station/lift stations.
 Mark the positions of the manholes in the sewer network
Numbering of Manholes and Sewers

 Manholes are generally numbered

from the pumping station end
backwards along the Main sewer.
 Numbering of manholes and sewers
can be done in many ways.
 The sewer shall be designated by
the manhole to which it joins.
 Numbering manholes is furnished in
 In case of design of sewer network
using computer programme,
manholes are considered as nodes.
 Node numbers are assigned in any
sequence and the sewer is
designated as a link with
connecting node numbers.
G.L. @ Man Holes
1 – 92.15m
2 – 92.35m
3 – 92.50m
4 – 92.80m
5 – 92.90m
6 – 93.10m
7 – 93.20m
8 – 93.20m
9 – 93.65m
3A – 92.60m
3B – 92.65m
4A – 92.90m
4B – 93.05m
4C – 93.10m
7A – 93.60m
7B – 93. 65m
Full Bore
discharge INVERT LEVEL
LINE Cumulative Sewerage GROUND LEVEL
Section Q/Qf d/Df v/Vf v (m/s) Q/Qf d/Df v/Vf v (m/s) (m)
NO Population Generation(ltr/se 2040 Slope Vf from (m)
c) Dia (mm) 1 in Slope Length mannings QF (lps)
(Mtr) formula

Start End 2010 2040 2010 2040 2010 2040 Start End Start End

0.6 0.8 0.8

A467 A638 A1-001 91490 150435 328.792 540.626 675.782 1000 1.00 2030 0.000492 240 0.801 628.5728 0.53 0.58 0.874 0.69984 0.87 0.7889 0.9973 0.79857 78.729 78.529 72.381 72.499

A638 A637 A1-002 85140 132215 305.972 475.148 593.935 1000 1.00 1850 0.000540 86 0.839 658.4424 0.47 0.54 0.842 0.70625 0.69 0.6867 0.9437 0.79156 78.529 78.596 72.499 72.546

A637 A573 A1-003 17730 50990 84.956 183.245 229.057 600 0.60 1000 293 0.812 229.3543 0.38 0.4786 0.7892 0.6405 0.8 0.75 0.9775 0.79333 78.596 78.612 72.946 73.239

A573 A575 A1-004 15770 45360 75.565 181.125 226.406 600 0.60 1000 60 0.812 229.3543 0.33 0.4429 0.7546 0.61242 0.79 0.7444 0.9747 0.79105 78.612 78.793 73.239 73.299

A575 A576 A1-005 15250 43850 73.073 175.095 218.869 600 0.60 980 0.001020 18 0.820 231.6829 0.32 0.4357 0.7476 0.6129 0.76 0.7278 0.9662 0.79212 78.793 78.876 73.299 73.317

A576 A578 A1-006 14790 42530 70.869 169.825 212.281 600 0.60 960 0.001041 146 0.828 234.0838 0.31 0.4286 0.7407 0.61354 0.73 0.7111 0.9577 0.79328 78.876 79.304 73.317 73.469

A578 A579 A1-007 13270 38120 63.585 152.215 190.269 600 0.60 850 0.001176 73 0.880 248.7697 0.26 0.3917 0.704 0.61972 0.62 0.64 0.9148 0.80529 79.304 79.613 73.469 73.555

A579 A581 A1-008 11210 32220 53.715 128.656 160.820 500 0.50 800 93 0.804 157.6928 0.35 0.4571 0.7684 0.61743 0.82 0.7611 0.9832 0.79003 79.613 80.268 73.655 73.772

A581 A582 A1-009 10470 30100 50.169 120.191 150.239 500 0.50 760 0.001315 132 0.824 161.7894 0.32 0.4357 0.7476 0.61633 0.75 0.7222 0.9633 0.79415 80.268 80.298 73.772 73.945

A582 A583 A1-010 9460 27170 45.329 108.491 135.614 450 0.45 710 0.001408 7 0.795 126.3886 0.36 0.4643 0.7754 0.61651 0.86 0.7833 0.9945 0.79071 80.298 80.298 73.995 74.005

A583 A584 A1-011 9430 27100 45.185 108.212 135.265 450 0.45 710 0.001408 138 0.795 126.3886 0.36 0.4643 0.7754 0.61651 0.86 0.7833 0.9945 0.79071 80.298 79.766 74.005 74.199

A584 A585 A1-012 7400 21270 35.458 84.932 106.165 450 0.45 580 0.001724 209 0.880 139.8373 0.26 0.3917 0.704 0.6193 0.61 0.6333 0.9107 0.80113 79.766 79.617 74.199 74.560

A585 A586 A1-013 6240 17940 29.900 85.963 107.453 450 0.45 560 0.001785 46 0.895 142.3125 0.22 0.3583 0.668 0.59803 0.61 0.6333 0.9107 0.81531 79.617 79.933 74.560 74.642

A586 A587 A1-014 5120 14740 24.533 70.629 88.286 400 0.40 490 0.002040 53 0.885 111.1302 0.23 0.3667 0.677 0.59901 0.64 0.6533 0.9231 0.81675 79.933 79.786 74.692 74.800

A587 A588 A1-015 4010 17550 19.215 84.094 105.117 400 0.40 390 0.002564 76 0.992 124.5656 0.16 0.3083 0.614 0.60894 0.68 0.68 0.9396 0.93186 79.786 79.896 74.800 74.995

 The settleble solids are likely to settle in the sewer when

the flow is very less and the velocity is less than self
cleaning velocity.
 Settled solids should be flushed at least once in a day by
maintaining self cleansing velocity
 Self cleansing velocity could be achieved only during the
peak flow.
 If self cleansing velocity is not achieved in any section of
the sewers even with peak flow, artificially self cleansing
velocity should be achieved by flushing
Survey and Investigation
 Survey and investigation are pre-requisites both for
framing the feasibility report and the preparation of
sewerage project
 The engineering designs are dependent on the
correctness of the data collected and its proper
 The survey for data collection includes the following two
 Collection of basic information
 Project surveys
 Basic information should be collected on the following
 Physical Aspects
 Development Aspects
 Other Aspects
Physical Aspects
 Topography or elevation difference of the town and the
adjoining area for deciding location of disposal works
 Subsoil conditions, depth of groundwater table and its
 In the absence of any records, preliminary data should be
collected by putting at least 3 trial bores or trial pits per
 Underground facilities like storm water drains, house
service connections of water supply/drainage, electrical
and telephone cables, and
 Location of streets and adjoining areas likely to be merged
 Possible sources of information are:
 Existing maps and plans from revenue or town surveys or Survey
of India
 Topographical map of survey of India
 Aerial photographs
 Existing instrumental surveys by Municipalities
Development Aspects
 Type of land use such as commercial, industrial,
residential and recreational
 Census population, density of population, trends of
population growth
 Types and number of industries and location of their
wastewater discharge points
 Rainfall details
 Details of existing drainage and sewerage facilities
 Basis of design and information on the maintenance of
the existing sewerage system if available; effluent
disposal sites and their conditions
 Possible sources of information
 Census records
 Town and metropolitan Master plans and Land use plans
 Meteorological data
 Pollution Control Board
Other Aspects
 Changes in political boundaries by merger of adjacent
 Feasibility of multi-municipal systems
 Prevailing water pollution prevention regulations, and
other rules relating to discharge of industrial and domestic
 Present status of the government or municipal authority
sponsoring the project, its capacity, and adequacy to
satisfactorily implement and maintain the project
 The impacts likely to be caused to the community during
execution and feasibility of minimizing them
 Possible sources of information
 National Acts
 State and Municipal Laws and Byelaws
Project Surveys
 Preliminary Project Surveys
 Collect data on capacity required, basic arrangement and size,
physical features affecting general layout
 Data on cost and the escalation of prices of basic materials and
methods of financing;
 All the basic data obtained must be reliable but need not be in
precise and detail
 Detailed Project Surveys
 These surveys form the basis for the engineering design as well as
for the preparation of plans and specifications
 Must be precise and contains contours of all areas to be served
with all details that will facilitate the designer
 Include network of bench marks and traverse surveys to identify the
nature and extent of the existing underground structures
 Construction Surveys
 Establish all control points such as base lines and bench marks for
sewer alignment and grade with reference to permanent objects
Data to be collected in a detailed survey

 The layout plan of the town with contours showing the

roads and drainage courses,
 The municipal map showing ward boundaries
 Levels along the road at interval of 10m.
 The levels at street junctions, lowest plinth level of the
building and the sullage outlet
 The width of the street and the road formed
 The location and extent of vacant municipal sites
available within the town as well as on the periphery of
the town for locating pumping station and STP.
 The availability of Revenue poramboke land on the
outskirt of the town and/or dry lands at reasonable cost
for locating the treatment plant and disposal works,
Data to be collected in a detailed survey -Contd

 The hydrology of water courses if any, with details of

minimum flow and maximum water level
 The level of groundwater table in summer and winter
and subsoil conditions, collected from the existing open
 The subsoil particulars along the alignment of the
sewers by putting trial pits and trial bores,
 Population of the town as per the latest census and
present population,
 Future population estimated based on other projects
such as water supply project or by forecast method,
Data to be collected in a detailed survey -Contd

 The details of existing water supply and proposed

water supply improvements projects if any.
 Elevations of the sills of building and the depth at
which the house drainage is existing
 Character, age and condition of the pavement of
 The details of underground facilities like cables of
telephone and electricity;
 When good information is lacking, it may be advisable
to have pits excavated in streets to obtain the require

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