(3.19) CarbosMetab (PPP, Other Sugars & GAGs)
(3.19) CarbosMetab (PPP, Other Sugars & GAGs)
(3.19) CarbosMetab (PPP, Other Sugars & GAGs)
Synthesis/function of:
*Steroid Hormones
*Fatty Acids
*Ketone Bodies
*Reduction of oxidized
Glutathione (GS-SG)
*Mixed Function Oxidases
*Cytochrome P450
The Pentose Phosphate Pathway
To Nucleotide
synthesis used
for Nucleic acids
and Coenzymes
TPP structure
Glycolysis and
The PPP Reactions
• No ATP is directly consumed or produced in the cycle
• Carbon 1’ of glucose 6-phosphate (G-6-P) is released as CO 2, while
2 NADPH are produced for each G-6-P entering the oxidative part
of pathway
• Rate and direction of reversible reactions are determined by
availability of intermediates
• CGD is a disorder resulting from the inability of phagocytes to kill
microbes they have ingested. The normal functioning reaction is
mediated by the phagocyte NADPH Oxidase also called Phagocyte
Oxidase (phox). When this is non functioning there is a defect in the
killing mechanism caused by any of several defects in the NADPH
oxidase enzyme complex which generates the microbicidal
respiratory burst
• Infections are caused mostly by catalase positive organisms, such as
Aspergillus spp. or Staphylococcus spp., and are often life-
Chronic Granulomatous Disease
• In phagocytes, the NADPH oxidase complex is activated to produce
Superoxide anion (O2.-) and other secondarily derived ROS
(reactive oxygen species), which promote killing of invading micro-
Chronic Granulomatous Disease
• Patients with CGD experience severe recurrent bacterial and fungal
infections and often develop granulomas, which may form initially by
accumulation of phagocytes containing ingested bacteria. The
accumulation of phagocytes occurs because they are unable to kill
ingested pathogens and because apoptosis/turnover is abnormal,
both of which are due to the defect in NADPH oxidase function.
G-6-P Dehydrogenase Def.
• Glucose 6-phosphate Dehydrogenase
(G6PD) is a house-keeping enzyme
critical in the redox metabolism of all
aerobic cells. G6PD deficiency has been
a prototype of hemolytic anemias due to
enzymopathy, i.e. to a primary
abnormality of a red blood cell enzyme.
G6PD deficiency is also a prime example
of a hemolytic anemia due to an
interaction between an intracorpuscular
cause and an extracorpuscular cause,
because in the majority of cases
hemolysis is triggered by an exogenous
• Glucose-6-P dehydrogenase deficiency is
an X-linked inherited disease
G-6-P Dehydrogenase Def.
• At least 400 million people carry a G6PD deficiency gene. Areas of high
prevalence are Africa, Southern Europe, the Middle East, South-East Asia
and Oceania. In the Americas and in parts of Northern Europe. G6PD
deficiency is also quite prevalent as a result of migrations in relatively
recent historical times
G-6-P Dehydrogenase Def.
• Most individuals who have inherited a G6P dehydrogenase mutation do not show clinical manifestations.
However, some patients with G6PDH deficiency develop hemolytic anemia because of the following
G-6-P Dehydrogenase Def.
Typically, a hemolytic attack starts with malaise, weakness, and
abdominal or lumbar pain. The onset can be extremely abrupt,
especially with favism in children.
After an interval of several hours to 2-3 days, hemoglobin spills
over into the urine, resulting in hemoglobinuria and and dark-
colored urine.
Bilirubin, a product of heme catabolism also accumulates in blood
leading to jaundice (yellowish discoloration of the skin and
There are over 400 different mutations of the G-6-PD gene but some
of these mutations cause clinical symptoms because an unstable
enzyme that has a shorter half in the RBC or an enzyme
that is unusually sensitive to inhibition by low levels of NADPH,
infections or the purine glycosides of fava beans. In all cases, the
cell’s ability to recycle: G-S-S-G + NADPH 2 G-SH + NADP+
is impaired, and drug induced oxidative stress may lead to
Glutathione (G-SH)
• Maintenance of the integrity of the RBC membrane depends on its
ability to generate ATP and NADH from glycolysis. NADPH is
generated by the PPP and utilized for the reduction of oxidized
glutathione: G-S-S-G + NADPH 2 G-SH + NADP+.
• Glutathione is a tripeptide that includes a g-glu-cys-gly residues. Its
functional group is the cysteine thiol (-SH). Glutathione is
necessary for the removal of H2O2 and lipid peroxides generated by
reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the oxygen-rich environment
within RBCs.
NADPH and Oxidative Stress
Glutathione Peroxidase catalyzes degradation of peroxides by
reduction, as two glutathione molecules are oxidized to a disulfide.
2 G-SH + R-OOH G-S-S-G + ROH + H2O
Regeneration of reduced glutathione requires NADPH, produced
within erythrocytes in the PPP. Glutathione Reductase catalyzes:
G-6-P Dehydrogenase Def.
Sucrose Digestion
• Sucrase-Isomaltase (SI)
(EC, is one of four integral
glycoproteins expressed in the brush
border membrane of the small
intestine. Sucrase-isomaltase is a
hydrolase enzyme responsible for
catalyzing the hydrolysis of dietary
sucrose and starch into glucose
and fructose for transport into the
blood stream.
Fructose Absorption
• A deficiency of Sucrase-Isomaltase, can inhibit sucrose digestion
and absorption. This allows sucrose to pass undigested through the
intestines and serve as fuel for the naturally occurring bacteria. This
bacterial metabolism results in excessive gas, cramping, bloating,
abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea. The lack of glucose
absorption decreases energy production and impairs many
biochemical processes, which can affect growth and development.
Fructose Metabolism
• Muscle, which contains two types of Hexokinase (type I and type II),
can phosphorylate fructose to F6P which is a direct glycolytic
intermediate. However, the affinity of hexokinase for fructose is
substantially less than that of fructokinase.
• In the liver, which contains mostly Glucokinase (Hexokinase type IV),
which is specific for glucose as its' substrate, there is the requirement
for KHK (Ketohexokinase: Fructokinase) to utilize fructose in
glycolysis. Hepatic KHK-C phosphorylates fructose on C–1 yielding
Fructose-1-phosphate (F1P). In liver the form of Aldolase that
predominates (Aldolase B) can utilize both F-1,6-BP and F1P as
substrates. Therefore, when presented with F-1P the enzyme generates
DHAP and glyceraldehyde. The DHAP is converted, by triose
phosphate isomerase, to GA3P and enters glycolysis. The
glyceraldehyde can be phosphorylated to GA3P by Glyceraldehyde
kinase or converted to DHAP through the concerted actions of Alcohol
dehydrogenase, Glycerol kinase and Glycerol phosphate
Fructose Metabolism
Galactose Metabolism
• Galactose, is metabolized from the milk disaccharide, Lactose, after
digestion by Lactase (b-Galactosidase, EC, an enzyme of
the brush border of the intestinal epitelium (microvilli).
Galactose Metabolism
• Galactose metabolism occurs through a series of steps that is referred to
as the Leloir pathway.
Waldenase (EC5.1.3.2)
Galactose Metabolism
Galactokinase Deficiency
Galactokinase deficiency
(Galactosemia type II)
Classic Galactosemia
• Deficiency of Gal-1-P Uridyl Transferase (Galactosemia Type I).
• AR inheritance
• Frequency: 1 in 35,000 births
• Symptoms of galactosemia, which usually begins within a few days of
ingesting breast milk or lactose-containing formulas, are:
• Gastrointestinal findings: Vomiting and Diarrhea
• Feeding problems: baby refuses to eat formula containing milk;
• If the diagnosis of galactosemia is not made in the neonatal period, failure
to thrive, chronic vomiting, hepatic cirrhosis, and mental retardation may
develop in infants who survive.
• Hyperammonemia
• Hepatocellular damage and especially jaundice of intrinsic liver disease:
Bilirubin uptake is less and bilirubin conjugation decreases, so
unconjugated bilirubin increases resulting in jaundice
• Gal-1-P accumulates in the liver. This will inhibit Galactokinase and
Glycogen phosphorylase resulting in hypoglycemia
Classic Galactosemia (cont.)
• Most changes in the GALT gene alter a single amino acid. The most
common GALT mutation in Caucasian Europeans and North Americans is
Gln188Arg. Another mutation occurs almost exclusively in people of African
descent. Is Ser135Leu.
Synthesis of Chondroitin Sulfate
Synthesis of GAGs
• The GAG, on a serine residue of the core protein, is synthesized in a
pathway that begins in the endoplasmic reticulum and concludes in the
Golgi apparatus. It requires several specific Glycosyltransferases.
Synthesis of GAGs
Synthesis of N-Acetyl Aminosugars
• The monosaccharide Fructose 6-phosphate is the precursor of
GlcNAc, GalNAc, and the Sialic acids, including N-Acetylneuraminic
acid (NANA). In each of these sugars, a hydroxyl group of the
precursor is replaced by an amino group donated by glutamine
Glucuronic Acid
• Glucuronic acid can be obtained in small
amounts from the diet and from the intracellular
lysosomal degradation of GAGs, or via the uronic
acid pathway. The end product of glucuronic acid
metabolism in humans is Xylulose-5-phosphate,
which can enter the hexose monophosphate
pathway and produce the glycolytic intermediates
GA3’-P and F6-P. The active form of glucuronic
acid is UDP-glucuronic acid, which is produced
by oxidation of UDP-glucose
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS)
• The mucopopysaccharidoses are hereditary disorders caused by
a deficiency of any one of the lysosomal hydrolases normally
involved in the degradation of Heparan sulfate (HS) and/or
Dermatan sulfate (DS). This results in the presence of
oligosaccharides in the urine, because incomplete lysosomal
degradation of GAGs. These fragments are used to diagnose the
specific mucopolysacharidosis, namely by identifying the sugar
residue present on the nonreducing end of the oligosaccharide.
That residue would have been the substrate for the defective
• The mucopolysaccharidoses are characterized by accumulation of
GAGs in various tissues, causing varied symptoms such as
skeletal and extracellular matrix deformities, and mental
• All muchopolysaccharidoses are autosomal and recessively (AR)
inherited, except Hunter’s syndrome, which is X-linked
Degradation of DS and HS
Degradation of KS
Degradation of GAGs
Hurler Syndrome (MPS I)
• Hurler Syndrome, MPS I-H
Most severe form of MPS I
a-L-Iduronidase deficiency
Mental retardation, Skeletal deformities,
Corneal clouding, dwarfing, coarse
facial features, upper airway obstruction,
Degradation of DS and HS are defective
and its deposition in coronary artery
leads to ischemia and early death.
Treated by bone marrow transplantation,
• Iduronate sulfatase
• Degradation of DS and HS
are defective. DS and HS in
• X-linked deficiency
• No corneal clouding but
skeletal deformities and
mental retardation is mild
to severe.
• Deafness.
Sanfilippo’s Syndrome (MPS III)
Four different types are reported. Every enzyme
catalyzes a step necessary for removal of N-
sulfated or N-Acetylated glucosamine residues
from heparan sulfate