System Analysis: Kristian Czar Reslin Bscpev

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System Analysis

Kristian Czar Reslin

Overview of Analysis

▪ Analysis Definition
– Analysis focuses on capturing the business requirements for the
system. Analysis identifies the “what” of the system, and it leads
directly into the design phase, during which the “how” of the
system is determined.
Overview of Analysis

▪ Characteristics Of Analysis
– Organization: It implies structure and order. It is the arrangement
of components that helps to achieve objectives.
– Interaction: It refers to the manner in which each component
functions with other components of the system.
– Interdependence: It means that parts of the organization or
computer system depend on one another. They are coordinated
and linked together according to a plan. One subsystem depends
on the output of another subsystem for proper functioning.
– Integration: It refers to the holism of systems. It is concerned with
how a system is tied together.
Overview of Analysis

▪ Characteristics Of Analysis
– Central Objective: A system should have a central objective.
Objectives may be real or stated. Although a stated objective may
be the real objective, it is not uncommon for an organization to
state one objective and operate to achieve another. The important
point is that users must know the central objective of a computer
application early in the analysis for a successful design and
Problems of Analysis

▪ is a set of analytic tasks meant to increase the designers'

understanding of an unbalanced situation, for the sake of designing a
change to the situation that will have better balance.
▪ System analyst needs to consider and clarify whether the existing
system is working well or there is any problem in terms of speed or
process etc. It also includes observing if the existing system is giving
proper response and meets the requirement of the users.
▪ Also, determining that the system is accessing the workload
successfully and there are not any technical hitches while it works is
also included during this process.
System Analysis Definition

▪ the act, process, or profession of studying an activity (such as a

procedure, a business, or a physiological function) typically by
mathematical means in order to define its goals or purposes and to
discover operations and procedures for accomplishing them most
▪ Systems analysis the process of observing systems for
troubleshooting or development purposes. It is applied to
information technology, where computer-based systems require
defined analysis according to their makeup and design.
Advantages and Limitation

▪ System analysis and design is used to solve internal problems,

improve efficiency and expand opportunities, and it has a direct
impact on the bottom line of a business. Therefore, evaluating the
advantages is a worthwhile undertaking for business managers and
– Customized Approach
– Competing
– Profitability
Advantages and Limitation

▪ Systems analysis is a way of addressing strategic decision problems

— those characterized by complexity and rapid changes in the
environment — to emphasize explicitness, quantification wherever
appropriate, and recognition of uncertainties, and to sharpen —
rather than replace — the judgments of the decisionmakers.
▪ Two strategic decisions by the Department of Defense are
documented and interpreted along the lines developed for how
systems analysis and behavioral factors will interact in the decision
▪ However, the most useful role of theories of strategic decision-
making is to suggest insights that analysts and decisionmakers can
assimilate to improve their "feel" for dealing with such situations.
Responsibilities of a System

▪ Analyzing and understanding the current state processes to ensure

that the context and implications of change are understood by the
clients and the project team
▪ Developing an understanding of how present and future business
needs will impact the solution
▪ Identifying the sources of requirements and understanding how roles
help determine the relative validity of requirements
▪ Developing a Requirements Management Plan and disseminating
the Plan to all stakeholders
Responsibilities of a System

▪ Identifying and documenting all business, technical, product and

process requirements
▪ Working with the client to prioritize and rationalize the requirements
▪ Helping to define acceptance criteria for completion of the solution
Tools of the System
Tools of the System Analyst

▪ Feasibility Studies
– Often the first step involves determining whether the product or
project is worth the time and effort.
– A feasibility study is a document that describes features and
benefits of the product, itemizes costs, resources and staffing then
describes the projects potential profits or value to the
▪ Interviews
– The details necessary to understand processes or product needs
are usually in the heads of employees and customers.
Tools of the System Analyst

▪ Use Cases
– Short narratives describing how a product will be used, limited to a few
paragraphs, often helps analysts and customers refine product features.
– Refine these narratives throughout the analysis phase. These use cases
can be used throughout the project life cycle, especially during testing.
▪ Requirements Lists
▪ When designing a product, it is helpful to keep a running list of
▪ These should be presented as a list or in outline form, organized by
▪ As the list grows, this list helps the analyst understand the customer’s
needs and helps limit what features are necessary and which are not.
Tools of the System Analyst

▪ Flowcharts
– Flowcharts come in many varieties and under many names, but the basic
concept is to take a process and describe it as a diagram.
– Whether presented as a process flow chart or an Entity/Relation diagram,
the drawing helps the analyst describe a series of steps or decisions in
visual form in a manner that facilitates communication.

▪ Prototypes
– A model or prototype can turn a group of ideas into solid form. Software
engineers often hear the statement “I’ll know what I want when I see it”
and a model or prototype can facilitate these issues.
– By presenting a prototype, the analysts gather features that work and
open discussion on other features and improvements.
System Development Life Cycle
(Structured and Object-Oriented)

▪ also referred to as the range of hardware and software

application development life- configurations, as a system can
cycle, is a term used in systems be composed of hardware only,
engineering, information software only, or a combination
systems and software of both.
engineering to describe a process
for planning, creating, testing,
and deploying an information
▪ The systems development
lifecycle concept applies to a
System Model

▪ can be hybrid models that are both descriptive and analytical.

▪ They often span several modeling domains that must be integrated
to ensure a consistent and cohesive system representation. As such,
the system model must provide both general-purpose system
constructs and domain-specific constructs that are shared across
modeling domains.
▪ A system model may comprise multiple views to support planning,
requirements, design, analysis, and verification.
Tools of Structure Analysis

▪ Modeling System Functions

– A function model or functional model in systems engineering and
software engineering is a structured representation of the functions
(activities, actions, processes, operations) within the modelled system
or subject area
▪ Modeling Stored Data
– Data modeling in software engineering is the process of creating a
data model for an information system by applying certain formal
▪ Modeling Program Structures
– Most models of computer programming explain the programmer’s
behaviour by a single design strategy.
Tools of Structure Analysis

▪ Other Modeling Tools

• Conceptual Data Models – Highest-level relationships between
different entities
• Enterprise Data Models – Addresses unique requirements of a
specific business. However this is similar to conceptual data
• Logical Data Modeling – Illustrates the specific entities, attributes,
and relationships involved in a business function
• Physical Data Modeling – Represent an application and database-
specific implementation of a logical data model.

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