A Family Is The First
A Family Is The First
A Family Is The First
Social Group
is the widely considered
the elementary cell of
social life. It is here
that mutuality is first
experienced and civility
is first taught .
According tostructure:
A.According to structure:
• The conjugal or nuclear family
it is consisting of the husband, wife and
their children.
• The extended family
It is consisting of the married couple,
their parents, siblings, grandparents,
uncles, aunts, and cousins.
B. According to Type of
marriage sanctioned
Monology – it consists of one
husband and one wife.
Polygamy – means plural
Types of Polygamy
• Polyandry – where one woman is
married to two or more men at the same
• Polygany –where one man is married to
two or more women at the same time.
• Cenogamy –where two or more men
mate with two or more women in group
C. As to Line of Descent
C. As to Line of Descent
• Patrilineal –when the descent is
recognized through the father’s line.
• Matrilineal –when the descent is
recognized through the mothers line
• Bilineal –when the descent is
recognized through both the
mothers side and fathers side.
D. According to Residence
D. According to Residence
• Patrilocal –when the newly married pair
lives in the parents of the husband
• Matrilocal -when the newly married pair
lives in the parents of the wife.
• Neolocal -when the newly married pair
maintains a separate household and live
by themselves.