Philosophy of Recruitment-What Is Recruitment?
Philosophy of Recruitment-What Is Recruitment?
Philosophy of Recruitment-What Is Recruitment?
Philosophy of Recruitment-
Right man on right job at the right time.
What is Recruitment?-
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating them to apply for the job so that the organization can select
the most appropriate people to fill in job needs
It differs from Selection. Recruitment is a positive process - building a
roster of potentially qualified applicants, selection is a “negative” process
of rejecting/ screening / eliminating to search the most suitable one.
Recruitment policy-
Corporate goals – short/long term
Identification of recruitment needs
Preferred sources of recruitment
Criteria for recruitment
Financial implications of recruitment
Recruitment has two main aims-
Projection of positive image organization the
Attracting & retaining them
Recruitment is the first contract that the
organization makes with potential/ prospective
employees- A critical function
Recruitment is directly related with a number of
activities- HR Planning, Employment Planning,
Selection, Orientation, Placement, etc.
Human Resource Plans
. Number & type of vacancies
External Recruitment
Benefits of new skills, new talents and new experience to
Compliance with reservation policy become easy.
Scope for resentment, jealousies and heartburn are avoided.
It is costly
Chances of creeping in false positive and false negative errors.
Adjustment of new employees to the organizational culture takes
longer time.
Recruitment Process
HR Planning
Job vacancies (Number, Types etc.)
Recruitment Planning
Strategy development
From where?
How ?
Target/ Applicants Population
Searching Activities-
Selling, Message, Media
Application – pool (Application Blank)
Potential Hires
To selection
Final Checks
Methods of Recruitment
Direct – Method – Campus Recruitment
Indirect Method – Advertisement
Third Party Method- employment agencies- public + private
Sources of Recruitment
Newspaper advertising
Search firms
Employment agencies
Employee referrals
College recruiting
Internal posting
Self application- stray application
Through references – managers, union leaders, professional
Employment- exchange
Job/Head Hunters
Institute/College- Campus Interviews
Wants ads- Identifies the job, benefits, org.
Blind Ads- No identification of Org.- To apply in Box
A- Attract attention
I- Create interest in the job/org.
D- Create desire to apply
A- action- to apply
Walk- Ins, Write- ins & Talk- Ins
Radio/ T V / Cinema/ Posters/ Cassettes/ Videos, etc.
Competitions- Poaching/ Raiding
Why Recruit on the Internet? Opinion of HR Managers & Headhunters
C) Physical Test
Stage IV
Checking the reference
Checking the antecedents
Medical – check up
Placement & Orientation
Placement means posting on the job
Probation – (a) job fit (b) job mismatch (c ) skill
Orientation is the personnel activity which
introduces new employees to the enterprise and
to their tasks, superiors, and work groups.
Removing fear
Creating good impression
Providing information
(c ) relieves anxiety – makes him feel at home
- Rapport with the environment
- Lasting impression
Induction programmes
The HR department may initiate the following
steps while organizing the induction programme:
Welcome to the organization
Explain about the company / History Philosophy
Show the location/department where the new recruit
will work/ products/ services
Give the company’s manual to the new recruit
Provide details about various work groups and the
extent of unionism within the company
Give details about pay, benefits, holidays, leave, etc.
Emphasis on the importance of attendance or
Explain about future training opportunities and career
Clarify doubts, by encouraging the employee to come
out with questions
Take the employee on a guided tour of buildings,
facilities, etc. Hand him over to his supervisor.
Safely meaning
It is internal movement within the organisation. It
contains following internal processes like (i) placement
(ii) promotion, (iii) demotion (iv) transfer (v) separation
Placement : Placing the new employee to suitable jobs-
trying him on different jobs, job enlargement, job
enrichment, pooled job, independent job, etc.
Promotion : Promotion is the upward assignment/
movement of an individual in an organisation’s hierarchy-
more responsibility, enhanced status & increased
income. Promotion is different than upgradation of a
post. In upgradation only increase in wages takes place.
Why promotion?
Recognition of a job well done.
Retain/Reward an employee
Org./ Individual effectiveness
Job- satisfaction
Ratio of Internal promotion to External recruitment
Finalizing promotional channel / LOP
Relationship of any disciplinary action to promotion
Determining the criteria for promotion- Elibility Periodicity, Appraisal,
Interview etc.
Criteria for Promotion-
Merit vs. Seniority
Seniority- cum-merit
Types of Promotions
Time Scale Promotion (based on seniority)
Merit Promotion (based on merit)
Merit-cum-Seniority (Striking a balance between merit & Seniority)
Adhoc promotions or Expediency promotions
Need based
Satisfaction & Prestige
Recognition & Incentive to better employees
Reduces turnover
Motivates people
In breeding/ stagnation
Peter’s Principle “Level of Incompetence”-
Why Demotion?
Adverse business conditions
After accepting promotion an employee request to revert to his
old job due to various reasons
A mismatch between promotee’s ability/ interest and the demand
of the new job
Demotion punishment
Demotion policy
Clear, reasonable & transparent rules for demotion
Well communicated
Fair, firm & Consistent
Periodical Review
Transfer: Transfer is lateral movement. It is change in job assignment-
May involve promotion or demotion or administrative requirement or job
requirement – no reduction in salary, no change in status – May be
reward, May be punishment.
There are two types of transfers (1) Personal transfer or request (2)
Company’s driven transfer
Personal Transfer : Individual driven transfers are those occasioned by
the characteristics and desires of the employee, and are primarily in
his/her interest. The reasons for this could be many.
To correct erroneous placement
To relieve the monotony of a job, acquire better working conditions, and join
To provide an outlet from blind alley jobs
To avoid interpersonal conflicts
To escape an unpleasant work situation
To reduce commuting distance
To pursue educational opportunities, self activism
To accommodate a dual career problem
In the interest of age/health, education of children, housing
difficulties, and to joint immobile dependents.
A search to creating opportunities
To avail of training elsewhere, to facilitate later advancement
or promotion
Better opportunities for advancement
Company’s Driven Transfers A company may initiate
transfers for the following reasons:
Need for temporary adjustment for leave and absence etc.
Fluctuation in work requirement
Better utility of employee
Versatility transfer or job rotation
Shift transfer
Remedial transfer to correct faulty placement
On compassionate ground
Panel transfer- punishment/reward
Employees generally resist Co. driven transfer
Suspect victimization by management
Unwilling to move to unknown place
Painful to leave social groups, friends & relatives
Develops interests in work, place etc. and dislikes leaving them
Develop “Craft consciousness” and leaving becomes painful
Transfer policy
Transfer is a costly affair. There are number of transfer benefits –
advanced pay, disturbance allowance, packing- allowance, transport
allowance, tranist leave etc.
It is risky, also full of IR potential .
Policy should answer the following:
Transparency- circumstances in which transfer is made
Basis on which transfer is made
Principle followed in transfer- seniority, juniority, skill attitude required on
the job
Details about future job to which transfer is made
Assurance about perks and benefits
Separation : Separation occurs
because of variety of reasons.
Legal separation of Redundancy separation
Lay off
Golden handshake
Natural wastage
Prolonged sickness
Voluntary separation
Resignation, due to domestic problems, job
Performance Management
1 To succeed financially, how
should we appear to our
shareholders? •Targets
To achieve Customer
our vision,
should we •Measures
appear to
customer? •Initiatives
learning results 5%
result 9%
results 12%
Financial results
Customer focus
5. Competency– Competency Mapping, Competency
Profiling, Competency Matching and Job
Matching- at two levels behavioral & technical.
Competence is skill based attributes- measures
what, what people can do.?
Competency is behavior based attributes, applies
on performance, measures, how, how they do it –
Behavior or set of behaviors' that describe
excellent performance in particular work context–
Applied knowledge and skill– Behavioral
application of knowledge that produce results
Competency Model
Informance & understanding
needed to fulfill responsibilities
attributes Behavior Job performance
& skills
Why Strategies Fail
Business Strategy –
To attract, retain, motivate the Right man
What org. can afford
What talent will be required to meet org. strategic
The economy- macro level factors like global
trends, national wage policies- minimum, fair &
living wages, legal provisions
Employer employee are having different perspective
of compensation.
Compensation & reward different concepts
Macro National level compensation policy
Industry ( micro level compensation policy)
Protection programs Pay for time not worked Services & Perquisites
•Medical insurance •Vacations •Recreational facilities
•Life insurance •Holidays •Care Base pay Merit pay
•Disability income •Sick leave •Financial planning
•Low –cost or free meals
•Pension social security •Jury duty
Incentive pay
Deferred Pay
•Savings plan
Wage •Stock purchase
Legal aspect of Compensation
Minimum wages act
Payment of wages act
Equal remuneration act
Payment of bonus act
Income tax act
Principle of compensation
Equitable compensation systems
Internal equity – through job evaluation methods
External parity – market survey methods
Job pricing
Pay ranges
Broad banding
Wage structure
Wage Differential
Fair Wages Committee
The degree of skill
The strain of work
The experience involved
The training required
The responsibilities undertaken
The mental & physical requirements
The disagreeableness of the task
The hazard attendant on the work, and
The fatigue involved.
Wage component
Basic/ DA + variable pay + fringe benefits
Standard Pay Package
Government Department
DA : 100% to 50% neutralization of dearness
HRA : different for different category of cities Delhi 30% of basic
CCA : According to city (A class, B Class, C class
Conveyance : Different for different slabs of pay
•Piece rate
•Sales commissions Group/ Team Organization- wide
•Profit sharing
•Bonuses • Gain sharing
•Employee stock options
•Special recognitions •Quality improvement •Executive stock options
•(trips, merchandise) •Cost reduction •Deferred compensation
•Safety awards
•Attendance bonuses
Factors for successful Variable Pay Plans
Resources Consistent
Linked to
Available With
Results in
From base
Plan details
performance Current To
Updated payouts
Broad Classification of Fringe
Benefits-Different Perspective
Broad Classification of Fringe Benefits- different
Legally required – (a) Old-age, disability, health insurance
(b) Unemployment compensation, (c) State Sickness
Retirement Benefits
Profit Sharing
Stock Bonus
Life Insurance
Paid rest period
Payment for time not worked
Miscellaneous + trends
Discounts on goods/services
Employees’ Education
Employees meals
Child care
Elder care
Early retirement windows – golden offerings
Consulting Services
Personal Services – Picnic, Club
Job related services help employees to prefer their jobs better
Subsidized transport
Food service
Family friendly benefits
Some popular forms of non-
monetary rewards
Treats Knick- Awards Environm Social Tokens On-the –
Knacks ent Acknowledge job
ment Rewards
•Decorati • Trophies • • Informal • Movie • More
•Free ve Renovatio recognition tickets responsibilit
lunche • Plaques
•Co. n • Recognition at • y
s •
Watches Certificates • Music office get- Vacatio • Job
•Tiepins • Scrolls • Flexible together n trips rotation
bashes •Brooche • Letters of hours • Friendly • • Special
s appreciation • E-mail greetings Coupon assignment
• Solicitation of s s
e •Diaries
advice/suggesti redeem • Training
breaks •Calenda on able at •
•Picnic rs stores
s • Membership Representin
• Wallets of clubs • Early g the
•Dinne • T-Shirts time-offs
• Company company at
r with
facilities for • public fora
Executive Compensation
Supplemental Benefits
Annual Bonuses
Executive Salaries
Common Executive
Financial/Legal Memberships
•Financial planning
• Company car or car allowance • Country club
•Tax planning/ tax preparation
•First class air travel •Health club
•No or low interest loans
•Company airplane usage
•Legal counseling •Luncheon club
Arguments in the Executive Pay debate
Criticisms Counter- Arguments
Boards of Directors give sizable The market for executives is tight.
rewards to both high & low Bidding wars & concern over
performing executives retention drive compensation
Executives should not get rewards packages.
& bonuses for laying off much of Executives are paid for making
the workforce difficult decisions to benefit
Total compensation packages, companies
especially with the “golden Sports & entertainment stars earn
parachutes” for failure, are out of as much or more for playing
line. games or acting.
Many people contribute to a CEOs earn their money with
company’s success, not just the endless hours, great pressures,
CEO. Others are paid only a and skill sets that few others
fraction of CEO’s salaries possess.
Executive compensation frequently Measuring executive
is not linked to company performance is difficult, and stock
performance. prices alone are insufficient.
Latest Indian Scenario
Average Wage Hike May Be 15.2% In 2008, Real Estate &
Infrastructure To Get Highest
Pay hike in India moved up from 14.4% in 2006 to 15.1% in 2007.
And despite global concerns of an economic slowdown in the US,
2008 is expected to be better with a 15.2% average pay hike in
For real estate and infrastructure sector, average pay hike was
25.2% in 2007 and expected to remain at a similar level this year.
The average salary increase rate in India is expected to slow down
to 9-10% by 2012.
The top five attrition prone sectors were insurance (35.2%), ITeS
(28.9%), hospitality (27.1%), retail (24.7%) and telecom (23.6%).
The sectors that recorded the least attrition include automotive,
energy, chemicals, electronics and FMCG.
Tax Planning
The basic purpose of tax planning exercise is to
minimize the incidence of tax to both the
employer and the employee.
All constituent parts of employees remuneration
are deductible as business expense to the
extent possible.
Remuneration received by the employees
should qualify for concessional rate of taxation
so that their post tax income is maximized.
Tax planning and tax avoidance are two distinct
legal concepts.
Emerging Trends
Charles Handy- “The new org equation for
success is that profit & productivity are best
created by half of the workforce, paid twice as
well and producing three times as such.” This
can be achieved through performance linked
incentive and reward system.
Such a system works on a very simple
promise- “If you measure it, people will do it. If
you measure it & pay for it, people will do it in
spades. If what you measure matches
corporate goals and strategies, the co. will be
Philosophy of T & D
“Amantro……………………………………” Rigved
1. Centralization to decentralization;
2. Collective to individual contracts;
3. Parity to disparity;
4. Increased wages/incomes and benefits accompanied by
erosion of job control;
5. Concession bargaining
6. Assertion of managerial rights than the rights of workers;
7. Skill-up gradation
Social security – the shift from welfare to ‘money fare’ through the
conversion of several of the welfare benefits into cash is, however, a
worrisome development. The other trend is a shift in retirement
benefits from defined benefits to defined contributions. This puts the
real value of retirement benefits at serious risk.
A few decades ago, Rusi Mody was invited by J.R.D. Tata, the
then Chairman of Tata Iron and Steel Company, and Abdul
Bari, veteran trade union leader in the same company and a
renowned politician, to require why the workers in the
company, where young Rusi Mody was Personnel Officer,
were not joining unions even though workers in all the other
firms in similar lines of business in the same neighborhood in
Calcutta were forming into trade unions. Rusi Mody replied
that the management was doing what the union could have
done – taking good care of the employees – and that if ever
the management were to shirk back in its responsibilities to
the employees they would need the shoulder of a trade union.
In other words, if employees are regarded as people and
taken good care of, they would not need a trade union.