Hukum Laut Internasional: The Prevention of Marine Pollution and Protection of The Marine Environment

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Dhiana Puspitawati, SH, LLM, PhD


1. Shipping
2. Dumping
3. Sea-bed
4. Land-based

 Minyak – bukan yg paling

bahaya, karena minyak dapat
diuraikan oleh marine bacteria
 Radio Active Waste – not
 Nutrients, nitrat dan phospat –
dari sampah agriculture, dlm
jml sedikit dapat diurai tetapi
dalam jumlah besar
menyebabkan infertilisation
 Plastic from land and ships

In all, yang kotor biasanya

coastal waters sedangkan open
seas masih relatif bersih
Framework Hukum
Internasional ttg marine

 Customary International

 Treaties
Customary International Law

 Corfu Channel Case (1949): suatu

negara berkewajiban untuk “not to
knowingly its territory to be used for
acts contrary to the rights of other
 Trail Smelter Arbitration (1938): “no
state has the right to use or permit
the use of its territory of another
 Pasal 2 HSC 1958: negara harus
melakukan freedom of high seas
“with reasonable regard to the
interests of other states in their
exercise of the freedom of the high
Thus, general rules-
nya would be
“States must not
permit their nationals
to discharge into the
sea matter that could
cause harm to the
nationals of other

1. General Multilateral – pollution

of ships (IMO) dan Dumping
2. Regional – mencakup semua
sumber2 polusi, tercakup
dalam satu single treaty
3. Bilateral – local questions of
marine pollutions
Treaty dalam kategory
regional, diantaranya:

 Conventions on the Protection of

the Marine Environment of the
Baltic Sea Area, 1974 replaced in
1992 –under the auspice of UNEP
(United Nations Environment
 Convention for the Protection of
the Mediterranean Sea Against
Pollution 1976, amende in 1995
bersama dengan Protokolnya ttg
dumping (1976), co-operation in
emergencies (1976), land-based
sources (1980), speciallt
protected areas (1982-1995),
sea-bed activities (1994), dan
transboundary movement of
hazardous waste (1996)
 Etc.
Treaty dalam kategory
bilateral, diantaranya:

 Canada dan USA: An Agreement

relating to the Establishment of
Joint Pollution Contingency Plans
for Spills of Oil and other
Noxious Substances (1974)
 Canada dan Denmark: An
Agreement for Co-operation
relating to the Marine
Environment (1983)
 Netherlands dan Venezuela: An
Agreement establishing a
Bilateral Oil Spill Contingency
Plan to Protect the Coastal and
Marine Environment
 Etc.

Pokok Bahasannya:
 Standard u/ mengurangi polusi
akibat operasional kapal
 Penegakan standard yg
disebutkan pada point 1
 Tolok ukur u/ menghindari
accidental pollution
 Tindakan yang dilakukan negara
pantai terhadap kerugian yang
disebabkan oleh polusi di laut
 Kerjasama berhubungan dengan
 Liability for pollution damage
Standard u/ mengurangi
polusi akibat operasional

 1954 Oil Pollution Convention—

adanya tanker ships
menggunakan air laut u/ballast
 MARPOL Convention
(Internatioanl Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships)
 Other Treaties—SOLAS 1974
dengan protokol2nya, IMDG
Code (IMO’s International
Dangerous Goods Code)
The 1954 Oil Pollution

 Karena kondisi penggunaan air laut

sbg ballast water tanker ships
menyebabkan air laut tercemar, pada
tahun 1960 dikembangkan alternatif
u/ mencuci tank-nya yaitu dengan
cara air yg berminyak dipompa ke
sebuah slop tank, dimana minyak yg
lebih ringan dr air akan mengapung
dan pisah dr air – the almost oil free
di kembalikan ke laut
 Dgn adanya MARPOL, konvensi ini
menjadi tdk berlaku bagi anggota
MARPOL. Hanya 20 negara peserta
konvensi 1954 yg belum mnjdi
peserta MARPOL—shg mrk tetap
bound by the convention

 Under the auspice of the IMO

pada tahun 1973
 Mengatur semua bentuk
pencemaran internasional di
laut yang timbul akibat
aktivitas kapal selain dumping
 Effektifitas MARPOL dibuktikan
dengan adanya penurunan
angka pencemaran pada tahun
1989—hampi 75%
 Negara2 peserta tdk pernah
membuat annual reports ke
IMO seperti yg diwajibkan o/
Other Treaties

 IMDG Code
 The Basel Convention on the Control
of Transboundary Movement of
Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
 The Bamako convention on the Ban
of the Import into Africa and the
Control of Transboundary Movement
and Management of Hazardous
Wastes within Africa 1991
Penegakan standard yg
disebutkan pada point 1

Yang harus diingat:

1. Harus dibedakan antara
legislative jurisdiction (u/
presribe legislation) dan
enforcement jurisdiction (u/
enforce legislation). u/
enforcement jurisdiction
dibedakan lagi menjadi arrest
jurisdiction dan judicial
2. Legislative dan enforcement
jurisdiction tergantung pada
apakah dia negara bendera,
ngr pentai atau ngr pelabuhan
3. Harus dibedakan sebelum
LOSC dan customary &
convention ) dan sesudah
Sebelum LOSC

 Legal jurisdiction: flag: dpt
prescribe legislation di
kapalnya dimanapun kapal
itu berada; coastal: di TS;
port: di pelabuhan dgn
port’s condition of entry
 Enforcement jurisdiction:
flag: u/ kekerasan diatas
kapal dimnpun kpl berada—
arrest di HS, TS,ports;
coastal: di TS dgn
penangkapan dan
pemrosesan scr hukum;
port: di port atau TS
Sesudah LOSC

 Legal jurisdiction:flag:
customary+kwjban u/ adopt
int.poll.regulations u/ kpl2nya;
coastal: dikurangi dalam hal mcm2
regulasi polusi yg bisa diadopt tp
ditambah geographical area
(innocent passage, EEZ); port: tdk
berubah+publicity u/ inform IMO

 Enforcment jurisdiction: flag: adanya

keharusan u/ enforce regulasi
dimanapun kapal berada; coastal: di
TS; port: dapat melakukan inspeksi
fisik pada kapal, menangkap dan
memroses hukum.
Tolok ukur u/ menghindari
accidental pollution

 Polusi paling banyak krn

ketidaksengajaan – hull
failure, collisions, standings
 MARPOL: Limtation on the
size of tanks in an oil
tanker and requirement for
double hulls or equivalent
 Memperbaiki
seaworthiness of ships,
qualification of crew and
regulating marine traffic in
crowded waters
Tindakan yang dilakukan negara
pantai terhadap kerugian yang
disebabkan oleh polusi di laut

 Intervention convention
 Custom
Tindakan yang dilakukan negara
pantai terhadap kerugian yang
disebabkan oleh polusi di laut

 Jk terjadi kecelakaan mk ukuran

apa yg dpt diambil o/ suatu
negara u/ mencegah atau
mengurangi polusi?
 Jk terjadi di TS, Coastal State
dapat mengambil tindakan yg
dianggap appropriate
 Beyond TS – berbeda, kttn apa
yg dimiliki coastal state dlm
situasi spt ini? – Liberian
registered Torrey Canyon, di
High Seas, dibom o/ UK u/
reduce polusi, UK bring its action
to IMO – Result: Adoption in
1969 of the International
Ocnvention relating to
intervention on the High Seas in
cases of Oil Pollution Casualties.
Intervention Convention
1969, art.1

States Parties may take such

measures on the high seas as
may be necessary to prevent,
mitigate or eliminate grave and
imminent danger to their
coastline or related interests
from pollution or threat of
pollution of the sea by oil,
following upon a maritime
casualty or acts related to such a
casualty, which may reasonably
be expected to result in major
harmful consequences. –
maritime casualties: collisions,
stranding and other incident.
Kerjasama berhubungan
dengan emergency

 Global Convention
- General: MARPOL, LOSC
-International Convention on Oil
Pollution Preparedness,
Response and Co-operate, 1990
-Internatioanl Convention on
Salvage, 1989
 Regional Convention
-Agreement for Cooperation in
dealing with Pollution of the
North Sea by Oil and other
harmful substance, 1983 –North
Sea dan English channel,
melaporkan ke flag state adanya
ancaman polusi
Bilateral treaties

 USA x Canada: Agreement

relating to the establishment of
Joint Pollution Contingency Plans
for Spiils os Oil and other
Noxious Substances, 1974
 USA x Mexico: Agreement of
Cooperation regarding Pollution
of the Marine Environment by
Discharges of Hydrocarbons and
other Hazardous substances,
 Canada x Denmark: Agreement
for cooperation relating to the
Marine Environment, 1983.
Liability for pollution

Negara ynag dirugikan sbg

akibat marine pollution biasanya
sulit u/ mengupayakan
kompensasi, includes:
(i) sulit u/ membuktikan
kesalahan shipowner – require
liability based on fault
(ii) sulit u/ memproses scr
hukum krn perbedaan sistem
hukum antara shipowner dan
negara yg dirugikan
(iii) kompensasi yang diberikan
pada negara yg dirugikan
mungkin melebihi financial
resources of shipowner
Liability for pollution damage

 The Civil Liability and Fund

 Industry Liability Schemes
 Liability for radioactive
The International Convention on
Civil Liability for Oil Pollution
Damaga 1969 dan the International
Convention on the Establishment of
an international fund for
compensation for oil pollution
damaga 1971

Jika ada tumpahan minyak dr kapal

dan menyebabkan kerugian pada
wilayah/ TS negara pantai, shipowner
is strictly liable, dengan 3
perkecualian: (i) akibat perang/act of
God; (ii) disebabkan o/ perbuatan
pihak ketiga dengan tujuan u/
merugikan; (iii) disebabkan krn
kesalahan pemerintah yg
bertanggungjawab u/ maintenance
navigational aids.
Industry Liability Scheme

 The tanker Owners’ Voluntary

Agreement concerning Liability
for Oil Pollution (TOVALOP – in
force since October 1969)

 The Contract regarding an

Interim Supplement to Tanker
Liability for Oil Pollution
(CRISTAL – in force since April
Liability for Hazardous and
Noxious substances

Ship owner is strictly liable

Liability for Radioactive

 Incident – yg bertanggung jawab

a/ operator instalasi nuklir –
shipownwer tdk liable u/ kapal
yang memuat radioactive matter.

 The London Convention

 Regional Treaties- the
Convention for the
Prevention of Marine
Pollution by dumping from
Ships and Aircraft, 1972
(Oslo Convention)
Convention on the Prevention
of Marine Pollution by
Dumping of Wastes and other
matter, 1972

 Defines dumping as the

deliberate disposal from ships
and aircraft, but excluding the
disposal of wastes incidental to
the normal operation fo ships
and aircraft
 Membedakan wastes menjadi 3
kategory: (i) black list, (ii) grey
list dan (iii) not on the black or
grey list. u/ kategory (ii) dan (iii)
memerlukan prior permitt.
 Peserta convensi hrs
memberlakukan peraturan
konvensi pada: (i) kapal dan
aircarft yg didaftarkan dingrnya
dan yg mengibarkan
benderanya; (ii) kapal yg loading
di TSnya material yg akan
dibuang dan (iii) kapal dan
aircarft under its jurisdiction
LOSC -- dumping

 LOSC does not elaborate

standards to governs dumping
but it lays down a jurisdictional
framework within which such
standards developed in other
 States must have rules to
prevent, reduce or control
 Dumping di TS dan ZEE dan CS
tidak boleh dilakukan tanpa
adanya express prior approval of
coastal state.

A. Within National
B. From Mining in the
international sea-bed

A. Land Based Source of Pollution—

Paris Convention 1998, Baltic
Convention, UNEP Regional Seas

B. Atmospheric Source of Pollution,

essentially a form of a land-based
pollution – art. 212, 222 LOSC: all
states prescribe and enforce
legislation to prevent marine
pollution from the athmosphere,
applicable to the air space under
their sovereignty and to their
vessels and aircraft; art. 212 (3)
calls for global and regional ruleas

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