Cable Systems
Cable Systems
Cable Systems
Non rigid, flexible matter
shaped in a certain way and secured by fixed ends, an support
itself & span space. The transmit loads only through simple
normal stresses; either tension or through compression.
Two cables with different points of suspension tied
together form a suspension system. A cable subject to external
loads will deform in a way depending upon the magnitude and
location of the external forces. The form acquired by the cable
is called the FUNICULAR SHAPE of the cable.
# Form Active Structure Systems redirect external
forces by simple normal stresses : the arch by compression,
the suspension cable by tension. The bearing mechanism of
form active systems vests essentially on the material form.
# The natural stress line of the form active tension
system in the funicular tension line.
# Any change of loading or support conditions
changes the form of the funicular curve.
Form active systems because of their dependence on
loading conditions are strictly governed by the natural ‘flow of
forces’ and hence cannot become subject to arbitrary free
form design.
# The high tensile strength of steel, combined with the
efficiency of simple tension, makes a steel cable the ideal
structural element to span large distances.
# Cables are flexible because o their large shall lateral
dimensions in relation to their lengths. As uneven stresses true
to bending are prevented by flexibility the tensile load is evenly
divided among the cable strands.
In order to understand the mechanism by means of
which a cable supports vertical loads, one may first consider a
cable suspended between two fixed points, located at the
same level and carrying a single load at mid span. Under the
action of the load the cable assumes a symmetrical triangular
shape and half the load is carried to each support by simple
tension along he two halves of the cable.
The triangular shape acquired by the cable is
characterized by the SAG : the vertical distance between the
supports and the lowest point in the cable. Without the sag the
cable cannot carry the load, since the tensile forces in if would
be horizontal and horizontal forces cannot balance the vertical
load. The undivided pull of the sagging cable on each support
may be split into two components :
If the equal loads are distributed evenly along the length
of the cable, rather than horizontally, the funicular curve differs
from a parabola, through it has the same general configuration.
It is a catenary.
A cable carrying its own weight ad a loads evenly
distributed horizontally, acquires a shape that is intermediate
between a parabola & catenary. This is the shape of cables in
the central span of suspension bridges.
(And Corrective Measures)
Yale University-
skating rink
Structures using suspended cables have a
functional advantage for arenas, because the
shape is better suited to an array of banked seats
than that of a dome. A suspension roof requires a
smaller volume of air than a dome. This can
produce imp. economics in air-conditioning &
Roof over sports arena, Munich by Fvei Offo.
Approximate span of the structure is 130 m. (430 ft.).
The tentlike simplicity of this prestressed cable
structure is deceptive. The roof-over the entire sports
arena cost about $48 million. The design required
a great deal of theory as well as model analysis.
Memorial Auditorium in
Litica, New York. Span – 73 m
(240 ft.). Two sets of cables, are
separated by struts that cause
them to act in conjunction. The
amount of prestress for upper and
lower cables varied. Vibrations in
one set of cables are different or
out of phase with the other and the
opposing forces damp the
vibration of the structure.
A double layer of cables covered with pre-cast concrete
slabs. These were loaded temporarily with a large weight of
building. Materials to prestress the cables, and the joints
between concerete slabs were then filled with cement mortar
to auction the prestress. Rainwater was pumped off the roof.