Implementation of Mobility Model For V2V Communication On LTE Using SUMO and NS3
Implementation of Mobility Model For V2V Communication On LTE Using SUMO and NS3
Implementation of Mobility Model For V2V Communication On LTE Using SUMO and NS3
Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) is open source highly portable,
microscopic and continues road traffic simulation package designed to
handle large road networks.
This simulator is used for making mobility models of vehicles.
NS3 is discrete event simulator for internet system. Targeted primarily for
research and education purpose.
On this tool we will apply LTE-V2V on node generated by SUMO.
And our aim is to find the affective throughputs of SUMO generated
mobility models by using NS3.
Why we select V2V
Answer is,
Invention of vehicles made our life easy
at the second side
we need some control system to control traffic
because of
to make it safe and avoid any unwanted conditions
(like traffic jams, or wasting time on finding parking areas.)
Accidents have been taking thousands of lives each year
Study shows - “About 60% roadway collisions could be
avoided if the operator of the vehicle was provided warning at
least one-half second prior to a collision”
(- US. Patent No. 5,613,039)
What’s behind
What’s in front of the bend ?
that bus ?
On rainy days
Vehicular Communications
Our journey start from,
1. Sustainable build environment. Vol II. Intelligence transport system (william) see
V2V communication
Our main aim is to simulate V2V communication so our discussion is based on
V2V communication.
At 10th ITS world congress in Madrid Spain in 1999. DOT announced the
initiative of VII(vehicle infrastructure integration) and FCC(U.S Federal
communication commission) allocating 75MHz of spectrum at 5.9GHz for
improving transportation safety and mobility.[2].
This spectrum is allocated for V2V communication and the technology named
DSRC is working on it.
2. See!-
Dedicated Short Range Communication
DSRC is wireless technology used for V2V communication.
In 1999 the U.S. Federal Communication Commission allocated 75MHz of
spectrum in 5.9GHz to be used by ITS[1].
In 2008 the European Telecommunication Standard Institute allocated 30MHz
of spectrum in 5.9GHz for ITS[2].
DSRC used in Japan, Europe and U.S. are not compatible and include some
very significant variation( 5.9GHz, 5.8GHz or even infrared, different baud
rates and different protocols.)
For creating mobility models we use SUMO on which we are going to make
map(roads + obstacles) vehicles and its mobility(trips).
SUMO uses XML language and could be installed in Linux OS(UBUNTU, Fedora).
Now we translate this mobility models source code by using SUMO to C++
Because of NS3 uses C++ language.