Product To Stock Group
Product To Stock Group
Product To Stock Group
Customers don’t buy products; they buy
• Sales data by SKU for every store over a recent six-month period
• Start by adding up the shares of total sales enjoyed by each of the combinations offered in a
particular size
Example: F (7.7% + 2.6%+ 19.2% + 57.5% = 87%). This tells us the share of total demand or
size F that the retailer is currently capturing (87%).
• Next, we calculate total demand for size F, divide total sales for size F by the share of demand
1,204 ÷ 87% = 1,384.
• Once we know the total demand for size F, we can estimate demand for any SKU in that size, by
multiplying the total demand for the size by the share of sales enjoyed by the brandwarranty
• It can be observed that the estimated forecast and the actual forecast differ
One reason for the discrepancy is that sales shares are influenced by the assortment
• Adjust share values to make forecasts closer, and repeat until it arrives at the share
values that minimize the sum of all discrepancies over the SKUs offered.