Nature of Business Role of Business
Nature of Business Role of Business
Nature of Business Role of Business
The focus of this topic is the role and nature of business in a changing business environment.
Use your existing knowledge: you may know more than you think!
The student:
P1 discusses the nature of business, its role in society and types of business structure
P2 explains the internal and external influences on businesses
P6 analyses the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders
P7 plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business issues
P8 evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations
Students learn to:
examine contemporary business issues to:
discuss the global expansion of one Australian business
discuss the expansion into Australia of one global business
explain how changes in external influences have contributed to the growth of the tertiary,
quaternary and quinary industries in Australia
identify problems that arise for stakeholders when companies go into liquidation
investigate aspects of business using hypothetical situations and actual business case studies to:
distinguish between the different types of businesses
identify actual businesses at different stages in the business life cycle
outline possible business strategies appropriate for different stages in the business life cycle
The nature of business:
Sole trader
Private company
Public company
Government enterprise
Name how many a micro, small, medium and Large Company can