Working Capital Management: Dr. Ajay Kumar Chauhan
Working Capital Management: Dr. Ajay Kumar Chauhan
Working Capital Management: Dr. Ajay Kumar Chauhan
• But increased use of long term sources of Higher the GWC, better
financing increases the firm’s cost of the liquidity position of
financing as long term funds are normally the firm but lesser
costlier than short term financing profitability
What is Working Capital Management?
Basic Definitions of Working Capital Terminology
CA are cash and other assets that the firm expects to convert into
cash in a year or less.
Operating Cycle
OC is managed by different departments such as
Finance, Marketing and Production
Operating Cycle
Inventory RM Conversion Period +
Conversion = WIP Conversion Period +
Period FG Conversion Period
Conversion = Credit Sales Cash
OC can be subdivided into
Gross OC = ICP + RCP
Methods of cutting down the OC
Outsourcing (production, distribution or collection etc)
Technology Upgradation
Operating and Cash Conversion
Cash conversion cycle
The cash conversion cycle begins when the firm
invests cash to purchase the raw materials that
would be used to produce the goods that the firm
manufactures. It ends not with the finished goods
being sold to customers and the cash collected on
the sales; but when you take into account the time
taken by the firm to pay for its purchases.
Exhibit 14.2 shows the graphical representation
of the cash conversion cycle.
Exhibit: The Cash Conversion Cycle
When managing working capital accounts, financial
managers want to do the following:
Working capital financing Policies
Matching Approach
Conservative Approach
Aggressive Approach
Computation of Operating Cycle
Example: Following information has been extracted from
the financial statement of a manufacturing firm:
In Rs Crore
Average credit period allowed by suppliers (in days) 60
Average debtors outstanding 6
Raw material consumed 60
Cost of Production 145
Cost of Goods Sold 157.5
Sales 200
Inventory of RM 5.75
WIP 6.75
Finished Goods 4.80