Defeasible Logic: Based On Slides From
Defeasible Logic: Based On Slides From
Defeasible Logic: Based On Slides From
Based on slides from Dr. Nadeem
An obvious usage for Ontologies is as a tool for visualising (and therefore
understanding) how systems and processes work and how their
components function together.
With the advent of the Semantic Web, formal ontologies (those that can be
represented by a set of logical statements about the domain) started to
look like an attractive means for developing a semantically enriched World
Wide Web. The Web Ontology Language (OWL) was developed and the
latest specification OWL 2 became a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
recommended standard in 2009 for representing SemanticWeb ontologies.
The OWL family of languages are precise, logic-based formalisms.
Because of their precise syntax, ontologies expressed using these
languages are machine-readable. Moreover, because of the logical basis
of the language, it becomes possible to build automated reasoning
systems to extract implicit information (knowledge) from these ontologies
which is not explicitly stated. A typical reasoning task in such systems is
logical inference. For example, if we are given the two statements: “all birds
fly" and “tweety is a bird" then a reasoner could infer that “tweety flies".
Description Logics (DLs) are another widely accepted and appropriate
class of knowledge representation languages to represent and reason
about ontologies. Although they are distinct from the OWL family of
languages (also called fragments), from a purely logical perspective they
actually form the basis of most OWL fragments.
Description Logics as a family of ontology languages provide a good
balance between expressive power (the type of knowledge you can
represent in the language) and computational complexity of reasoning.
Since these languages have a precise syntax and semantics (like OWL),
they allow one to represent an ontology purely as a set of logical
statements about the domain.
Such a view of an ontology is called a knowledge base (KB). Again it is
possible to build inference engines (DL reasoners) for inferring implicit
information from these KBs.
The broad approach to reasoning with KBs that contain defeasible
information is known as defeasible reasoning and is a popular way to
introduce nonmonotonic reasoning behaviour into knowledge
representation and reasoning systems.
It would also be useful to have a robust system in the DL setting that uses
a purely logical approach but is also capable of catering for exceptions as
demonstrated above. Lehmann and Magidor [19] provided such an
approach in the propositional logic context and Britz et al. provided an
extension thereof for DLs.
The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate a preliminary version of a
Protégé plug-in which demonstrates our algorithms and approach for
defeasible reasoning with OWL ontologies.
The plug-in is called RaMP. Most of the theoretical notions presented in
this paper are extensions of the techniques adopted by Lehmann and
Magidor [19] who developed their approach for an extension of
propositional logic. We use the semantic foundation by Britz et al. [8] as a
basis for our approach.
Description Logic and defeasible reasoning
We begin and focus on giving the syntax and semantics of the popular DL
known as ALC. because it has a good trade-off between expressivity and
computational complexity and is therefore appropriate for most application
The Description Logic ALC:
• DLs are decidable fragments of first-order logic with interesting properties
and a variety of applications, notably the formalization of ontologies. There
is a whole family of description logics, an example of which is ALC.
Description Logic and defeasible reasoning
We let L denote the set of all ALC concepts. For example, in a medical
domain if we are interested in viral diseases and bacterial infections we
can use concept names such as Meningitis, BacterialMeningitis,
ViralDisease and FatalInfection.
التهاب السحايا
Description Logic and defeasible reasoning
Description Logic and defeasible reasoning
For example, MeningitisI can denote the set of all instances of the meningitis
infection in the domain. Intuitively, this may represent all the strains of
meningitis that we know of. Similarly, (Meningitis u ViralDisease)I denotes
the set of all objects in our domain which belong to both MeningitisI and
Intuitively this may represent all those strains of meningitis that are also viral
diseases. We can give the intuitive meanings for the other ALC concepts in
a similar way.
ALC axiom syntax:
Given C, D ϵ L, C D is a subsumption statement, and it is read “C is
subsumed by D”.
C ≡ D (called an equivalence statement) is an abbreviation for both C D
and D C .
An ALC TBox T is a finite set of subsumption statements. An example of an
ALC subsumption is BacterialMeningitis Meningitis.
Description Logic and defeasible reasoning
The remainder of the section is concerned with our contributions of algorithms (based
on the semantic adaptations that were required to move to DLs) for computing or
performing defeasible reasoning for DLs.
To understand what is Defeasible logic is let us give
an example:
Instead it seeks to resolve differences. In cases
where there is some support for concluding A but
also support for concluding not A, the logic does not
conclude either of them (thus the name “sceptical”).
If the support for A has priority over the support for
not A then A would be concluded. Sceptical
reasoning is appropriate for the study of regulations.
Users of regulations are mostly interested in getting
correct advice without being confronted with
conflicting views. Drafters of regulations can detect
an anomaly of the regulations from a conflict that
Semantic Web and Logic
Defeasible logic is a sceptical formalism, meaning
that it does not support contradictory conclusions.
Instead it seeks to resolve differences. In cases
where there is some support for concluding A but
also support for concluding not A, the logic does not
conclude either of them (thus the name “sceptical”).
If the support for A has priority over the support for
not A then A would be concluded. Sceptical
reasoning is appropriate for the study of regulations.
Users of regulations are mostly interested in getting
correct advice without being confronted with
conflicting views. Drafters of regulations can detect
an anomaly of the regulations from a conflict that
Semantic Web and Logic
High Expressiveness
of the domain
LP and classical logic overlap
and most ‘logic’-oriented rule
languages use horn clause logic
– Cf. UCLA mathematician Alfred Horn
Hornclauses are a subset of FOL where
every sentence is a disjunction of literals
(atoms) where at most one is positive
~P V ~Q V ~R V S
~P V ~Q V ~R
An alternate formulation
Horn clauses can be re-written using the
implication operator
– ~P V Q = PQ
– ~P V ~Q V R = P ∧ Q R
– ~P V ~Q = P ∧ Q
What we end up with is ~ “pure prolog”
– Single positive atom as the rule conclusion
– Conjunction of positive atoms as the rule
antecedents (conditions)
– No not operator
– Atoms can be predicates (e.g., mother(X,Y))
Where are the quantifiers?
Combination of “simple” DLs and Horn Logic are
undecidable. (Levy & Rousset, 1998)
Rules + Ontologies
Ontologies Rules
Hybrid Approach
Integration with strict semantic separation between the
two layers.
Ontology is used as a conceptualization of the domain.
Rules cannot define classes and properties of the
ontology, but some application-specific relations.
Communication via a “safe interface”.
Example: Answer Set Programming (ASP)
The Essence of DLP
Statement(a,P,b) P(a,b)
type(a,C) C(a)
C subClassOf D C(X) D(X)
P subPorpertyOf Q P(X,Y) Q(X,Y)
domain(P,C) P(X,Y) C(X)
range(P,C) P(X,Y) C(Y)
OWL in Horn Logic
C subClassOf AllValuesFrom(P,D)
C(X), P(X,Y) D(Y)
AllValuesFrom(P,D) subClassOf C
Translation not possible!
OWL in Horn Logic (6)
C subClassOf SomeValuesFrom(P,D)
Translation not possible!
SomeValuesFrom(P,D) subClassOf C
D(X), P(X,Y) C(Y)
OWL in Horn Logic (7)
B1, . . . , Bn A1, . . . , Am
Rule Inference
4 3
Existing solution:
Solve these possible conflicts manually.
Ideal solution:
Have a single module for both ontology classification
and rule inference.
What if we want to combine non-monotonic features with
classical logic?
– Partial Solutions:
Answer set programming
Externally (through the use of appropriate rule
The rule inference support not integrated with OWL
New assertions by rules may violate existing restrictions
in ontology. New inferred knowledge from classification
may in turn produce knowledge useful for rules.
1 2
Rule Inference
4 3
Horn logic is a subset of predicate logic that
allows efficient reasoning, orthogonal to
description logics
Horn logic is the basis of monotonic rules
DLP and SWRL are two important ways of
combining OWL with Horn rules.
– DLP is essentially the intersection of OWL and
Horn logic
– SWRL is a much richer language
Summary (2)