Developed by .. 1) Rakesh Raghavani (11Cl083) 2) Rahul Raghavani (11CL084) 3) Jayadeep Rana (11CL084)

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Developed by…..

1) Rakesh Raghavani(11Cl083)
2) Rahul Raghavani(11CL084)
3) Jayadeep Rana(11CL084)
Water Bond macadam
 Macadam's road building technology was applied to roads by other

 One of these engineers was Richard Edge worth, who filled the gaps
between the surface stones with a mixture of stone dust and water,
providing a smoother surface for the increased traffic using the

 This basic method of construction is sometimes known as water-

bound macadam.

 Although this method required a great deal of manual labor, it

resulted in a strong and free-draining pavement.

 Roads constructed in this manner were described as "macadamized."

What is water bond macadam
 The Water bond macadam consists of clean crushed course
aggregates which are mechanically interlocked by rolling and the
voids in the aggregates are filled with screening and binding material
with the help of water.

 This is laid on a prepared subgrade, sub base or base or on an

existing pavement.

 It can be used as a sub base, base course or surfacing course.

 Where rainfall is not heavy, a camber of 1 in 48 is given at the

formation level of the subgrade as well as the finished surface and
when rainfall is heavy a camber of 1 in 36 is suggested.

 The thickness of each layer of water bond macadam is about 7.5 cm

to 10 cm.
Material used for Water Bond
1. Coarse aggregates
2. Screening
3. Binding materials
1. Coarse aggregate:
 Crushed aggregates
 Crushed slag
 Broken stones
 Over burnt bricks
 Kankar
 Laterite

IRC recommendation for size and grading requirement

of coarse aggregates are shown in table.
Grading Aggregate Size Sieve Size, mm % Passing by
No. Range, mm weight

1. 90 to 40 100 100
80 65 - 85
63 25 - 60
40 0 – 15
20 0 -5

2. 63 to 40 80 100
63 90 – 100
50 30 – 70
40 0 – 15
20 0–5

3. 50 to 20 63 100
50 95 – 100
40 35 – 70
20 0 – 10
10 0-5
2. Screenings :
 The screenings are used to fill up the voids in the
compacted layer of coarse aggregate.
 The screening consists of aggregates of smaller size,
generally of the same material as the coarse
 The grading requirements of screenings for WBM
construction are given in table.
Grading Size of screening Sieve size % by weight passing

A 12.5 mm 12.5 mm 100

10 mm 90 – 100
4.75 mm 10 – 30
150 micron 0–8

B 10 mm 10 mm 100
4.75 mm 85 – 100
150 micron 10 – 30
3. Binding Materials :
 Binding material consisting of fine grained material is
used in WBM construction to prevent revelling of the
 Kanker nodules or lime stone dust may also be used.
 Binding material should have plasticity index between
4 to 9 when WBM is used as surfacing coarse.
 Binding material need not be used where crushable
type material like moorum or soft gravel is used as
Construction method :
1. Preparation of foundation for receiving the WBM
coarse :
 The foundation receiving the new layer of WBM may be
either the subgrade or sub-base coarse.
 This foundation layer is prepared to the required grade and
 It is also cleaned of all dust and loose materials.
 Any ruts or soft spots should be corrected and rolled.
 The foundation should be well dried.
 When the existing road is black topped.
 Furrows are cut at 1 m intervals at 45 degrees to the centre
line of the carriage way.
2. Lateral confinement of aggregates :
 If the aggregates are placed on the subgrade, they are
likely to be loosened and come out under the load of the
 Hence, the aggregates have to be confined.
 This is done by constructing the shoulders first to the
thickness of the WBM(7.5 mm).
 The inside edges are trimmed and the included area is
cleaned of all spilled materials.

3. Spreading coarse aggregate :

 The coarse aggregate should spread uniformly and evenly
upon the prepared base in the required quantities from
the stacks placed along the side of the road.
The aggregate may be spread manually or mechanically
and profile checked using templates placed across the road
about 6 m apart.
The WBM should be constructed in layer 75 mm in
compacted thickness.

4. Rolling :
 After spreading the coarse aggregates compaction is done
by a three wheeled power roller of capacity 6 to 10 tonnes.
 The rolling should begin from edges with the roller
running forward and backward until the edges have been
 The roller should overlap each preceding wheel track by
one half width.
 Rolling is stopped when the aggregate are partially
compacted to permit application of screenings.

5. Application of screening :
 After the coarse aggregate are compacted adequately, the
dry screening are applied over the surface to fill the
interstices in three or more application.
 Dry rolling is continued as the screening are being spread
and brooming carried out.

6. Sprinkling and grouting :

 After the application of screening, the surface is sprinkled
with water, swept and rolled.
 Wet screening are swept into the voids using hand
 Additional screenings are applied where necessary and
rolled till the coarse aggregate are well bonded.

7. Application of binding material :

 After the application of screening and rolling, binding
material is applied at a uniform rate at two or more
successive thin layers.
 After each application of binding material the surface is
copiously sprinkled with water and wet slurry swept with
brooms to fill the voids .
 This is followed by rolling with 6 to 10 tonnes roller and
water is applied that sticks to the roller.
8. Setting and drying :
 After final compaction, the WBM course is allowed to set
 On the next day the ‘hungry’ spots are located and are
filled with screening or binding material, lightly sprinkled
with water and rolled.
 The approximate loose quantities of materials required in
m^3 for 7.5 m compacted thickness of WBM for 10 m^2
area are :
(a)Coarse aggregate (63 to 40 mm) – 0.91 to 1.07 m^3
(b)Screening (type A) 12.5 mm size – 0.18 to 0.21 m^3
(c)Binding material for base coarse – 0.06 to 0.09 m^3
Advantages of WBM Roads :
I. Initial cost is low.
II. They make use of locally available material and
III. No skilled labours are required.
IV. If in good condition it can take a composite traffic of
about 900 tonnes per lane per day
Disadvantages of WBM Roads :
I. Their maintenance lost is high.
II. If WBM surface is poorly maintained, it cause
inconvenience and danger to the traffic.
III. They are permeable to rainwater and it leads to the
softening and yielding of subsoil.
IV. Its life is also less.

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