Chief Complaint: History Taking: No. Name: Mr. H Sex: Male Age: 19 Years No. Reg: 653012
Chief Complaint: History Taking: No. Name: Mr. H Sex: Male Age: 19 Years No. Reg: 653012
Chief Complaint: History Taking: No. Name: Mr. H Sex: Male Age: 19 Years No. Reg: 653012
History taking : This condition has been apparent for 8 days before
admitted to the hospital due to head injury, he’s been
awake in the last 4 days, History loss of consciousness
(+) nausea (+) vomiting (-).
Mechanism of : He was riding motorcycle in high speed, then he loose
injury his balance and fall down with his head and face facing
the ground.
E: T (ax) : 37,1 oC
Secondary Survey
Right zygoma region :
I : Seen excoriated wound size 4x3 cm, edema(+), hematoma(+),
active bleeding(-), deformity (-)
P : Tenderness (+), Crepitation (-)
Laboratory Result
WBC : 15,5 x 103 / μL
HCT : 37 %
CT / BT : 78‘00” / 2 ’ 00”
Ureum : 28 mg/dl
• Medicaments
• Report to senior neurosurgeon
advice : Elective craniectomy