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Eid e Mawlid Milad Final Vvi

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In the name of Allah,

the most merciful, the most beneficent

Light of Qur'an, Hadith

& Sources of Sharia
Faki r Muni r uz z aman Ummi

1. Mawlid/Milad: its Origin

• Arabic root word ‫وﻟد‬, meaning to give birth, bear a
child or descendant ALSO significance of birth+events
• Mawlid/Milad refers to recaping/remembering the
blessed birth of Prophet (S) and events taken place
during his birth & lifetime
• ‫وِم ِ ﻟا دِ ِﻟﻧ ِﺑﻲ‬Mawlid-an-Nabi (in recent context)
□ contains:
Recitation from Holy Quran;
□ Narration from the Seerat of the Prophet (SAW)
□ Supplication (Durood/Dua) for the Holy Prophet; &
□ Sending Salam to Prophet (S) & make Dua after that

Let’s critically Examine whether Mawlid is acceptable in

the light of our Scriptures*, Ijma and Qiyas


2. History of observing
traditional Mawlid/Milad
• Why Traditional? Current VS Prehistoric Form
(rather celebration): Egypt Celebrated nationally in 358H
• Mawlid books/scriptures/Poems: 1st 289H (Marion p9)
• Mawlid/Milad is to recap/remember/describe the
events which took place during the birth & lifetime of
the Holy Prophet (SAW) & recite Durood+Salam
• Ummah is divided on Mawlid:
□ Rullings: Bid'a Sayyia/Haram; Bid'a Hasana
□ Claim: Supporters of Mawlid ignore Fard & stress on it
□ Some consider Mawlid to be Shirk & act of Christians
□ Others claim, only najdis reject Mawlid
Is there ANYTHING in books called Milad/Mawlid or Eid-
e-Miladunnabi (Saw)?

NB. Eid-ul-adha/fitr NOT

mentioned in Qur'an!

Al-Ma’idah (114): Said ‘Isa, the son of Maryam, "O Allah, our
Lord, send down to us a table [spread with food] from the
heaven/ to be for us a festival/ (‘eeid) for the first of us/ and the
last of us/ and a signfromYou. And provide for us;/ and You are
the best of providers.“
However, Allah mentions a similar word REJOICE (yafrahoo;
farihin, yubasshiru, etc.) in many places; e.g.
Ar-Rum (Ayat 4): Within 3 to 9 years; To Allah belongs the
command before and after; And that day the believers will
rejoice (Yafr’hoo)


NB. Eid-ul-adha/fitr NOT

mentioned in Qur'an! cntd.

Yunus (A-58): Say, "In the bounty of Allah and in Hismercy -

in that let them rejoice; it is better than what they accumulate."

*Establishes a basic principle about bounty & mercy


Anbya (A-107): And We have not sent you, [O Prophet], except as

the mercy to the worlds.
Let’s see if Qur’an DIRECTLY describes Mawlid; as Allah says:
“And this is a book which We have revealed as a blessing, so follow it
and be righteous, that you may receive mercy (An'am:155);
ALSO: “It is a blessed Book which We have revealed, so follow
it,” (Isra:9)
IF Qur'an mentions Mawlid, no doubt it's permissible; if not..

Quick Q: Many stories in Qur'an; Are they important or useless?


We relate to you O Prophet (S), the best of stories in what We've revealed to
you of this Qur'an; ToaHa-100: Whoever turns away from what has preceded,
then indeed, he will bear a huge burden (‘ijra) [TAFSIR-part 14, pp280]
Quran refers BIRTH/Mawlid/Milad Wilida/Beladat 20+
Times: Baqara 233; Imran 36, 39*; Hud 71*, Al Hijr 53*; An-Nahl
58*; Al-Isra 76, Maryam 7*, 23; Al-’Ankabut 31*; Luqman 33;
Saffat 112*, Fussilat 47; Az-Zukhruf 17*; Al-Ahqaf 15; Az-Zariyat
28*; Al- Mujadilah 2; Nuh 27; At-Takwir 4
Imran (3:39) Thereupon, as he stood praying in the sanctuary, the angels
called out unto him: God sends you the glad tiding (yubasshiruka) of
the birth of Yahia, who shall confirm the truth of a word from God, and
[shall be] outstanding among men, and utterly chaste, and a prophet from
among the righteous.

Hud (11:71) And his wife, standing nearby, laughed with happiness;
whereupon We gave her the glad tiding (fabassharu) of the birth of
Ishaq and, after Ishaq, of his son Yaqoob.

• Hijr (15:53) Said they: "Fear not! Behold, we bring thee

the glad tiding of the birth of a son who will be
endowed with deep knowledge.“
• Nahl (16:58) for, whenever any of them is given the glad
tiding of the birth of a girl, his face darkens, and he is
filled with suppressed anger,
• Maryam (19:7) Thereupon the angels called out unto
him: O Zachariah! We bring thee the glad tiding of the
birth of a son whose name shall be Yahya. & God
says, Never have We given this name to anyone before
• Ankabut (29:31) And so, when Our heavenly messengers
came to Abraham with the glad tiding of the birth of
Isaac, they also said, Behold, we are about to destroy
the people of that land, for its people are truly evildoers!


• Saffat (37:112) And We gave him glad tidings of

Ishaq, a prophet from among the righteous.
• Zukruf (43:17) … when any of them is given glad
tidings of the birth of a female child, the like of
which he assigns to the Merciful One, his face
darkens and he is choked with grief.
• Az-Zariyat (51:28) And when he saw that the guests
would not eat, he became apprehensive of them; but
they said, Fear not - and gave him the glad tiding of
the birth of a son who would be endowed with deep
Therefore; BIRTHS of Prophets (A) [even Maryam A]
are Glad tidings; matter of Rejoice as per Qur’an!

Yes, details of at least 6 Prophets (A)

1. Yahya (A) (Maryam 1-15/38-41): Birth in detail
2. ‘Isa (A): Birth-Childhood in detail (Maryam 16-26; Imran 45-46)
3. Musa (A): Birth-Childhood, Suckling, Youth, Marriage
Salam after their death!

Prophet-hood (Qasas 3-45) [Wahabi: prophethood in 40!)

Bid’ah, Haram, Shirk..

4. Ismail (A): Birth, Childhood (Saffat 100-102)

5. Ishaq (A): Birth (Hud 71-74; Saffat 117)
6. Yousuf (A): Yusuf 3-101: Childhood, Youth, prophethood..
& Maryam (A) (Imran 35-36): Birth, Childhood, Giving birth
Allah gives Salam to All Prophets/at least 7 by name:
Maryam: (15) Yahya (A) (33) ‘Isa (A) As-Saffat:
(109) Ibrahim (A); (37) Elias (A); (79)Nuh (A); (120) Musa
& Harun (A) (181) All prophets (‘Alal mursalin)


Has Aalla orders//did Sahaba (R) ever

describe mawlid or supplicate Prophet (S)
Ahzab-56: Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings on the
Prophet. O believers, call for Allah's blessings on him and salute
him with all respect. (Tafsir: Kathir 15/845)
Inshirah-4: & we raised high of your remembrance/Zikr
(Kathir-18) Ahzab-21: You have indeed, in the life of Prophet, the 'Best
Model' (S needs discussion)//Yunus-58 (Qul bi)//
Hadith: It was narrated from Abu Qataadah al-Ansaari that the
Messenger of Allaah (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was asked
about fasting on Mondays. He said: “On that day I was born,
and on it the Revelation came to me.” Muslim, 1162.
“I am the supplication of my father Ibraheem and the glad
tidings brought forth by Jesus the son of Mary.” Al-
Daraqutni; Al-Dulabi; Al-Bayhaqi, Tabarani All through sound
chains going back to Nafi`/Ibn `Umar

• Al-Tirmidhi 5757 Al-Abbas narrates: I came to the

Prophet (peace be upon him) who seemed to have heard
something. So he mounted the pulpit & asked, "Who am I?"
On being told that he was Allah's Messenger (SAW) he
said, "I am Muhammad, son of Abdullah, son of Abdul
Muttalib. Allah created all creatures and placed me among
the best of them, then put them in two sections and placed
me in the better section, then made them into tribes and
placed me in the best tribe, then made them into families
and placed me in the best family, and I am inherently the
best of them & come of the best family.“

• Prophet (SAW) Sates, “O people, Fear Allah and do not be

tricked by Satan. I am Muhammad the son of `Abdullah. I
am the servant of Allah and His Messenger. I do not like
that you raise me above the position that Allah the Exalted
has given me”. (Ahmad)


• Narrated Aws ibn Aws: The Prophet (S) said: Among

the most excellent of your days is Friday; on it
Adam was created, on it he died, on it the last
trumpet will be blown, and on it the shout will be
made, so invoke more blessings (durood) on me
that day, for your blessings will be submitted to me.
The people asked, O Apostle of Allah, how can it be
that our blessings will be submitted to you while your
body is decayed? Hereplied:Allah,theExalted,
bodiesofProphets. (Abu Dawud; Kitab Al-Salat,
Dadith 1042)
• Prove 3 things: Durood on Birth/Death/Danger (critical)
• VVI: Durood Ibhimi-only durood; “may my parents
be scarified for me”/Sallalahu Alaihu wa Sallam

YES, on many occasions; orderded by

Prophet (S); Notably, Zibrail (A) helps
the person who speak of Rasuluaalh (S)
Sahih al-Bukhari Book 8 Hadith 444 Narrated
Hassan bin Thabit Al-Ansari (R): I asked Abu Huraira
(R) "By Allah! Tell me the truth whether you heard the
Prophet saying, 'O Hassan! Reply on behalf of Allah's
Apostle. O Allah! Help him with the Holy Spirit." Abu
Huraira said, "Yes . ".

Examples – P.T.O.


The Poets praised

Prophet (saw) in his
Al Asha’l Akbar also known as Maymun b.
Abu Talib
Hassan b.
Thabit Al-Ansari
Qa' b b. Zuhair
b. Abu Sulma **
Abdullah B.

• Once during the childhood of the Prophet (SAW) on the

occasion of a scarcity of rains, Abu Talib took him (SAW) to
the Holy Kaaba and standing with his back touching the wall
of the sanctuary lifted up the Prophet (SAW) in his lap and
sought medium in his prayers to the Almighty for the rains.
The Prophet (SAW) also joined him in his prayers with his
face upturned. The prayers were not even finished when the
clouds began to appear and the rain fell in torrents. This
incident is alluded in the following verses composed by Abu
Talib: "Don't you see that we have found Mohammed a
prophet like Moses; he is already predicted in the previous
Scriptures. He is the illumined face which is the medium for
the rains; he is the spring for the orphan and a protector for
the widow.“ [Ar-rahiqul Makhtum 109-10 &
• Ref: Sharahe Bukhari by Qastalani, v 2 p 227 (Irshad al-
Sari fi sharh Sahih al-Bukhari);
also Al Seerah Al Halebeyah, v 1 p 125


• Tawba-128: Certainly a mighty Messenger has come to you

from among yourselves. Grievous to him is your distress. He
is very concerned over you and to the believers is kind and
• Ma’idah 15: O People of the Scripture, there has come to
you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you
used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There
has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.
• Anbya 107: And We have sent you, not except as a mercy
for all the worlds.
• Ahzab 46: O Prophet, truly We have sent you as a Witness,
and a Bearer of glad tidings, and a Warner
• Qalam – 5: & you, surely possess sublime moral excellences.
• Inshirah – 4: And raised high for you your repute. (TAFSIR
confirms, after salah/ibada, we need to zikr of Prophet (S)
Kathir (18) pp.224; Prophet’s name Kalima-ikama-salat-EVEN death

• `Umar (R) reports: The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬says: When Adam made an

inferior choice, he said: O my Lord, I am asking you to forgive me
for the sake of Muhammad. Allah said: O Adam, how do you know
about Muhammad whom I have not yet created (as a human)?
Adam replied, O my Lord, after You created me with your hand and
breathed into me of Your Spirit, I raised my head and saw written on
the heights of the Throne: "la ilaha illallahu muhammadur
rasulullah" I understood that You would not place next to Your
Name but the Most Beloved One of Your creation. Allah said: O
Adam, I have forgiven you, and were it not for Muhammad I would
not have created you.“ ► Al-Hakim narrated it in al-Mustadrak al
Sahihayn (Volume No. 2, Page No. 651, Hadith No. 4228)
• Narrated Jubair bin Mut'im ('R): Allah swt's Messenger 'SAW'
said, "I have five names: I am Muhammad and Ahmad; I am Al-Mahi
through whom Allah swt will eliminate Al-kufr (infidelity); I am Al-
Hashir who will be the first to be Resurrected, the people being
resurrected thereafter; and I am also Al-Aqib (i.e. there will be no
prophet after me)." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, Hadith 732).


• When Adam was still mud, I was assigned by Allah

as hatamu'n-nabiyyin (the last of the Prophets). I will show
you my first signs now. They are my father's prayer, good
news of Jesus and the dream my mother had when she
was pregnant. In that dream, my mother saw a light
emitting from her that illuminated the castles of Damascus.
(Ahmed ibn Hanbal, Musnad, IV-127; Bayhaqi, Delail, I, 83)
• Ibn 'Abbas narrates that the Prophet said: "I was Prophet
when Adam was between soul & body (i.e. when Adam's
creation was in its preliminary stages)" (at-Tabarani, Al-
Mu'jjam al-Kabir; Al Khasa'is al-Kubra, vol.1, p.4).
• “I was a prophet while Adam was between the spirit and
body” (a) at-Hakim (b) Thirmidi (c) ‘Silisilah as-
Saheehah’, al-Albani no. 1756 (d) Bukhari: Tarikh 7:374
Hadith: 14 Chapters (as per my knowledge);
ি তিিিিজঃ বাবু িা জা’য়া ি ফ ি িলাি দn াি ব (সঃ);
দালাে লয়n াবয়তঃ ু ু 6 ি ট আধয্ ায় –
বাবু ি জিিি িo ি িলদল িs াফা ু (সঃ)

• Aisha (RA) reports, Sayyiduna Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam would place a mimbar in the Masjid for Hassan ibn
Thaabit, so that he stands upon it and recites poetry on the
praises of, and on behalf of Prophet SAW, or said that he
used to defend Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Rasoolullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa sallam would say, “May
Allah assist Hassaan with Ruhul Qudus till he defends, or
praises, me”. Tirmidhi - Chapter 36, Hadith 09
• After the OFAT of Prophet (S): Sa'id bin Al-Musaiyab (RA)
reports: 'Umar came to the Mosque while Hassan (Ra) was
reciting a poem. ('Umar disapproved of that). On that Hassan
said, "I used to recite poetry in this very Mosque in the
presence of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬who was better than you." Then
he turned towards Abu Huraira and said (to him), "I ask you
by Allah, did you hear Allah's Apostle saying (to me), "Retort
on my behalf. O Allah! Support him (i.e. Hassan) with the
Holy Spirit?" Abu Huraira said, "Yes."
Sahih Bukhary; Book 54; Number 434


• None of the scholars ofTabi‘in/Tabi-al-Tabi‘inrejects Mawlid

• Some of them raised questions on the way some
people used to celebrate mawlid; e.g. music, instrument,
baseless storytelling
• Only recent scholars of Wahabi/Salafi/Ahle-hadith school
of thought, e.g. Taimiyyah, Ibn Bazz, Albani and so on
spoke against;
• Recent fatwas: USE, Al-Azhar, Al Ifta (Egypt), Deobong,
Islamic Supreme Council (Canada, USA), Darulfatwa
(Australia), [Except Saudi]
• Taimiyyah in "Al-Iqtida'" states: "Indeed, this, namely
making the birthday of the Prophet (peace be upon him) a
festival, was not practiced by the Salaf, although the
reason existed and there was nothing to prevent them from
doing it." (KSA, www.alifta.net) (more on next page)


Note: Scholars and their books on Mawlid

• Suyuti: Husn al-Maqsas Fi Amal al-Mawlid
• Ibn Kathir: Dhikra Mawlid Rasul
• Ashraf Ali Thanvi: Milad un Nabi (SAW)
Nashar Ul Teeb Fi Zikar Al Nabi Al Habeeb (s)
Tazkirah al Habib [SAW] Tas'heel of Nashrut Teeb
• Shah Abdul Haq Dehlvi: Madarij an-Nabuwwah (s)
• Imam Qastalani: Mawahib al-Ladunniyah
• Ibne Jauzi: Mawlid al-Uroos
WRONG; KSA, UAE, Egypt, Africa, UK, Malaysia,

• Often claimed that Muslims started

observing Mawlid after Christmas (copycat)
• Common threads (Christianity & Judaism):
Salat, Fasting, Charity
• Christmas: (a) Send cards to say happy
Christmas (b) Put up Christmas tree (c) Lit
advent candles (d) Put up crib and replicas of
mother and child (e) Discuss the birth of ‘Isa (a)
(f) Offer presents (g) Nativity play & Carols
• Mawlid: Recite Qur’an, Discuss Siraa of
Prophet (S), Supplicate and send Salam (Qiam)


The first principle is that all that God has created and the benefits
derived from them are for humanity's use are permissible. Nothing
is haram except what is forbidden by a sound and explicit nass
(i.e., either a Qur'anic verse or a clear, authentic, and explicit
sunna [practice or saying] of the Prophet (SAW). Hadith states:
What Allah has made lawful in His Book is halal and what He
has forbidden is haram, & that concerning which He is silent
is allowed as His favor. So accept from Allah His favor, for
Allah is not forgetful of anything. He (S) then recited, “And thy
Lord is not forgetful(19:64)” (Mustadrak Al-Hakam; Grade Sahih)
Compilation of Qur’an (serial); Hadith Books (3 generations?)
Introducing Harkat; Tablig Jamat; Ahle-Hadith; Salafi; Halaqa;
Khatme Quran/Kiam-ul-lile; Du’a; Title: Mufti/Sheikh/Alim/Kamil/Fazil
Irony: Want to follow Salaf, but refer Saudi/Taimiyyah/ISIS

Claimed: (a) Forbidden to stand up in honor (Do not

stand up as foreigners do to aggrandize one
another; Abu Dawud 5230)
Sahih Muslim (1768): The people of Quraiza surrendered
accepting the decision of Sa'd b. Mu'adh about them. Accordingly,
the Messenger of Allah ( (‫ﷺ‬sent for Sa'd who came to him riding a
donkey. When he approached the mosque, the Messenger of Allah
( (‫ﷺ‬said to the Ansar: Stand up to receive your chieftain.
(b) Standing for a “dead man” is Haram!!
Sahih Bukhari (1250): A funeral passed by the Messenger of
Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and he, (SAW) stood
up. It was said to him, “It is a Jew.” The Prophet (SAW) said:
Was he not a soul?
My Q: Are Prophets (a) DEAD?


Anas b. Malik reports: Allah's Messenger (SAW) says: The

Ref: (a) Al-Albani, Silsilat al-ahadith al-sahihah Vol 02, Page
No. 187, Hadith Number 621 (b)
Aisha (R) says, “Whenever I entered the house in which
Prophet (SAW) and my father are buried, I used to take off
my sheet (from head) thinking that it’s only my father and
husband I am visiting, however By Allah! When Umar (R)
got buried with them, I never went inside without being fully
covered, this is because of being ashamed of Umar (R)
[Musnad Ahmed, Vol 6, Hadith # 25701]
Tawba 9:94: It is your actions that Allah and His
Messenger will observe: in the end will ye be brought
back to Him Who knows what is hidden and what is open:
then will He show you the truth of all that ye did.”

Tawba 9:105 And say: “Work (righteousness): Soon will

Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the
Believers: Soon will ye be brought back to the knower
of what is hidden and what is open: then will He show
you the truth of all that ye did.”
Al-Bayhaqi relates with a sahih chain: It is related from
Malik al-Dar, `Umar's treasurer, that the people suffered a
drought during the successorship of `Umar, whereupon a
man came to the grave of the Prophet and said: "O
Messenger of Allah, ask for rain for your Community, for
verily they have but perished," after which the Prophet
appeared to him in a dream and told him: "Go to `Umar and
give him my greeting, then tell him that they will be watered.
Tell him: You must be clever, you must be clever!“ The man
went and told `Umar. The latter said: "O my Lord, I spare no
effort except in what escapes my power!"


“Do not travel for the purpose of worship except to

three Mosques: Al-Haram (in Makkah), the Mosque
of the Prophet (SAW) (in Medina) and Al-Aqsa
Mosque (in Palestine)”. Bukhari and Muslim

An-Nisa – 64
If after having sinned against themselves, they would but come
round to you, O Prophet, and ask Allah to forgive them, with the
Apostle, too, praying that they be forgiven, they would certainly
find that God is an acceptor of repentance, and merciful.
Hadith: Whoever visits my grave, my intercession will be
guaranteed for him” (Man zâra qabrî wajabat lahu shafâ‘atî)
[Daraqutni, in his Sunan (2:278 #194); + 6 other books]

Hadith: It is attributed to Dawud bin Abu Salih. He says: one
day Marwan came and he saw that a man was lying down
with his mouth turned close to the Prophet’s grave. Then he
(Marwan) shouted at him, “Do you know what you are
doing?” When Marwan moved towards him, he saw that it
was Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (R). (In reply) he said, “Yes (I
know) I have come to the Messenger of Allah ( (‫ )ﷺ‬and not to
a stone. I have heard it from the Messenger of God
( (‫ )ﷺ‬not to cry over religion when its guardian is
competent. Yes, shed tears over religion when its guardian
is incompetent. ► Hakim Al-Mustadrak 4:520, Hadith # 8571
(Imam Hakim declared it "Sahih" while Imam Dhahabi
"AGREED" with him
Hadith: Whoever recites Durood at my grave, I hear it myself.
And whoesoever recites it from a distance, Angels present
them to me." (BAIHAQI);


Hadith: "On Fridays, send Durood abundantly on me, as

it is presented before me. " (ABU DAWUD)

The best of your days is Friday. Increase the Blessings

you send on me on Fridays, for I will be told about your
Prayers. Allah has forbidden the earth to consume the
bodies of the Prophets." [Abu Da'ud, Al Nisai, Ibn Majah]

Abu Dawd (Kitab-as-Salat) 1042: Narrated Aws ibn Aws:

The Prophet (SAW) said: Among the most excellent of your
days is Friday; on it Adam was created, on it he died, on it
the last trumpet will be blown, and on it the shout will be
made, so invoke more blessings on me that day, for your
blessings will be submitted to me. The people asked:
Apostle of Allah, how can it be that our blessings will be
submitted to you while your body is decayed? He replied:
Allah, the Exalted, has prohibited the earth from

Ahzab-56: Allah and His angels send blessings on the

Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him,
and salute him with all respect.
Order of Allah: recite durood and salam
When Payer in congregation gives 70 times more
swab, how come Durood in cogregation haram?

If anything is Halal, that can be performed alone or in

congregation. (Salafi’s: Kiam-ul-lile?; Khatme-
bukhari; Halaqa)

Q: No Durood in Hadith except Durood Ibrahim

a. durood means Dua b. (SaW); Parents kurban


Hadith: Abu Nu’aym

related to us who said
that Sufyan related to
us from Abu Ishaq from
Abdar Rahman ibn
Sa’d, who said: Ibn
Umar had numbness in
his leg, whereupon a
man said to him:
“Remember the most
beloved of people to
you”, so he said: “Ya
Bukhari; Adab al-
Mufrad; Hadith 964

Tirmidhi relates with Sahih chain: From 'Uthman ibn Hunayf, that a
blind man came to the Prophet (SAW) & says, "I've been afflicted in
my eyesight, so please pray to Allah for me." Prophet (SAW) says:
"Go make ablution (wudu), perform two rak'as of prayer, & then say:
"Oh Allah, I ask You & turn to You through my Prophet, the
Prophet of mercy; O Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I seek your
intercession with my Lord for the return of my eyesight
[another version: "for my need, that it may be fulfilled. O Allah, grant
him intercession for me". The Prophet (SAW) added, "And if there
is some need, do the same.“
From Abu Hurayra (R): I heard the Prophet (s) say: "By the
one in Whose hand is Abu-al-Qasim's soul, ’Isa ibn Maryam
shall descend as a just & wise ruler. He shall destroy the
cross, slay the swine, eradicate discord & grudges; money
shall be offered to him but he will not accept it. Then he shall
stand at my graveside & say: Ya Muhammad! and I will
answer him.“ (for Arabic Text and Sources, PTO)


Arabic Text:
‫رﻟﯾﺻﻠﺣن‬، ‫بﯾﻘﺗﻠا نﻟﺧﻧزﯾو‬، ‫ًالدعًً ﻓﻠﯾﻛﺳا نرﻟﺻﻠﯾو‬،‫هد ﻟﯾﻧزﻟن ﻋﯾﺳﻰ ﺑن ﻣرﯾإ مﻣﺎﻣﺎ ًً ﻣﻘﺳطﺎو ًً ﺣﻛﻣﺎ‬،‫ﻧﻔأ سﺑﻲا ﻟﻘﺎﺳم ﺑﯾ‬
‫دﺟﺑﺗﮫاو ﻟيذ‬، ‫ ﯾﺎﻣﺣﻣأل‬:‫"ﻓﻘﺎل‬. ‫د ﺛم ﻟﺋن ﻗﺎم ﻋﻠﻰ ﻗﺑير‬،‫نﻟﯾهذﺑا نﻟﺷﺣﻧﺎو ءﻟﯾﻌرﺿا نﻟﻣﺎالفل ﯾﻘﺑﻠﮫأ ﺣ‬، ‫ا تاذﻟﺑﯾو‬
.‫وه ﻓﻲا ﻟﺻﺣﯾﺢ ﺑﺎﺧﺗﺻﺎر‬:‫ﻗﻠت‬
.‫أ هاورﺑو ﯾﻌﻠﻰرو ﺟﺎﻟﮫر ﺟﺎا لﻟﺻﺣﯾﺢ‬
Abu Ya`la relates it with a sound chain in his Musnad (Dar al-Ma'mun ed. 1407/1987)
11:462; Ibn Hajar cites it in al-matalib al-`aliya (Kuwait, 1393/1973) 4:23, chapter entitled:
"The Prophet's life in his grave" and #4574; Haythami says in Majma` al-zawa'id (8:5),
chapter entitled: "`Isa ibn Maryam's Descent": "Its sub-narrators are all sound/sahih“

Bukhari 23 (Funeral):333 Abu Bakr came riding his horse from his
dwelling place in As-Sunh. He got down from it, entered the Mosque & did
not speak with anybody till he came to me, and went direct to the
Prophet, who was covered with a marked blanket. Abu Bakr uncovered
his face; knelt down & kissed him; then started weeping and said, "My
father and my mother be sacrificed for you, O Allah's Prophet! Allah will
not combine two deaths on you. You have died the death which was
written for you."

Tashahud: as-salāmu ʿalayka ʾayyuha-n-nabiyyu (Peace be upon you, O Prophet SAW)

[SYNONYMS for 'O':

NARRATION OF MALIK AL-DAR (Imam al-Bayhaqi relates with a sound

(sahih) chain): It is related from Malik al-Dar, `Umar's treasurer, that the
people suffered a drought during the successorship of `Umar,
whereupon a man came to the grave of the Prophet and said: "O
Messenger of Allah, ask for rain for your Community, for verily they
have but perished," after which the Prophet appeared to him in a dream
and told him: "Go to `Umar and give him my greeting, then tell him that
they will be watered. Tell him: You must be clever, you must be clever!"
The man went and told `Umar. The latter said: "O my Lord, I spare no
effort except in what escapes my power!"

Ibn Kathir cites it from Bayhaqi in al-Bidaya wa al-nihaya and says:

isnaduhu sahih; Ibn Abi Shayba cites it in his Musannaf with a sound
(sahih) chain as confirmed by Ibn Hajar who says: rawa Ibn Abi Shayba bi
isnadin sahih and cites the hadith in Fath al-bari


Sayyindina lbn Abbas narrated that Allah’s Messenger — passed

by some graves of Madinah. He turned his face towards them,
and said: Peace be on you, O people of the grave![ [ ‫ًﯾ ًﻛمً ِﯾ ِﺎ‬
‫ا ِلھِ ِأ ﻟﻘ ِ ِﺑرو‬May Allah forgive us and you. You have gone before
‫ل ًﻋ ًﻠ‬us
and towefollow. Sunan tirmidhi; Bab 59; Hadith # 1055 ‫اﻟس‬

• Quran (wrong?): YA Maryam, Ya Imran, Ya

Zhakariya, Ya Yahya, Ya Ukhta Haruna, etc.

When Allah sent these, these prophets were dead; Again,

those prophets (A) are not present, so can we read those
verse now? Batil Aqeeda: Allah is away, then why Allah
call them with YA)

Narrated from Ibn Mas`ud (R); The Prophet (SAW) says: My life is a
great good for you, you will relate about me and it will be related to
you, and my death is a great good for you, your actions will be
exhibited to me, and if I see goodness I will praise Allah, & if I see
evil I will ask forgiveness of Him for you.
Al-Bazzar in his Musnad (1:397) with a sound chain; Al-Suyuti in
Manahil al-Safa (p.31 #8) and al-Khasa'is al-Kubra (2:281), al-
Haythami (9:24 #91), and al-`Iraqi in Tarh al-Tathrib (3:297).

O Najdis, it is Ajajil who cry for prophet’s biladat! Ibn Kathir states:
“Iblis cried loudly four times, first when Allah declared him as cursed,
second when he was thrown out, Third when Prophet (SalAllaho Alaihi
wa Sallam) was born and fourth when Sura-tul Fatiha was revealed.”
1. al-Bidayah wa al-Nihaayah, Vol. 2, Page 166
2. Shawaahid an-Nubuwwah by Mawlana Jaami, Page 51


Mi’raj: Musa (A); Ja’ma at Baituk Mukaddas; Met Prophet

(SAW) at different skies
Prophet (Saw) can hear our Salam
Burial of Abu Bakr (Ra): Abu Bakr (r) expressed his will that his
funeral should be taken to Rawda of Rasulullah (S) and then it should
asked, “Assalatu was-salamu alayka ya RasulAllah, Abu Bakr is present
at your door.” The companions followed his advice. The doors of the
blessed tomb opened on their own, and a voice was heard: “Udkhulul
Habib ila Habib [Bring the beloved to his beloved].” Imam Fakhr uddin
Razi - Tafsir al-Kabir v.5, p.475

During lifetime, Mi’raj: Amma Ayesha (R) did not notice

that Prophet (S) left bed
Karbala Hadith; Umar R (Drought);
Attempts to Body of Rasulullah (S): 6 attempts; in each case,
Prophet (s) informed people in dream

Imam Dārimī relates from Abū al-Jawzā’ Aws bin

‘Abdullāh: The people of Medina were in the grip of a
severe famine. They complained to ‘Ā’ishah (R) about
their terrible condition. She told them to go towards
the Prophet’s Rawda and open a window in the
direction of the sky so that there is no curtain
between the sky and the grave. The narrator says
they did so. Then it started raining heavily; even the
lush green grass sprang up (everywhere) and the
camels had grown so fat (it seemed) they would burst
out due to the over piling of blubber. So the year was
named as the year of greenery and plenty. Dārimī
related it in his Sunan (1:43#93); Ibn-ul-Jawzī in al-Wafā’ bi-
ahwāl-il-mustafā (2:801); Subkī in Shifā’-us-siqām f
ī ziyārat khayr-il-anām (p.128); Qastallānī in al-Mawāhib-
ul- laduniyyah (4:276); and Zurqānī in his Commentary


NONE of us is made of clay (but nutfa): Allah says:

He created man from a sperm-drop; then at once, he is a

clear adversary. (Adam A: Khalaqa al-insana min salsalin
kaalfakhkhar: He created man from sounding clay)
Adam (A); made of clay, no parents
Hawa (A): Made of Bone, no parents
‘Isa (A) made of holy spirit, no father
Prophet (S) is NOOR; sent like a man for a certain time
There hath come to you from Allah a (new) light and a perspicuous Book
Ajajil: made of fire; but could misguide people in a human form
Jibrail: came as a human/Ajrail came as a Bedwin
Amina Adil: 84-85
Noor during Birth: Ar-rahiqul Makhtum 101
Let's examine references on the creation of Prophet (S)

Creation & Nobuyyat of Prophet (S)

“I was a prophet while Adam was between the spirit and body" Mustadrak
Hakim//Thirmidi//Silisilah as-Saheehah-Albani 1756//Bukhari-Tarikh 7:374
Narrated `Umar (R): The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬says: When Adam made an inferior
choice, he said: O my Lord, I am asking you to forgive me for the sake of
Muhammad. Allah said: O Adam, and how do you know about Muhammad
whom I have not yet created? Adam replied, O my Lord, after You created me
with your hand and breathed into me of Your Spirit, I raised my head and saw
written on the heights of the Throne:
You would not place next to Your Name but the Most Beloved One of Your
creation. Allah said: O Adam, I have forgiven you, and were it not for
Muhammad I would not have created you.“ ► Al-Hakim; in al-Mustadrak al
Sahihayn (Vol. 2, Pp 651, Hadith 4228)
Bi ashabil fil/(sura fajr) rabbuka bi ad? Did you not see how your Lord dealt with
Ad? (before or after blessed birth?) LET'S NOTmisinterpret: Qul inna ma ana
basharukum mislukum (‫ = ﻣﺛل‬like/example; Qur'an is a book, but not the same as
Arabian Nights! Hadith: Abu Hurraira (r): When Allah created Adam (A), He
informed him of his descendants, at this Adam (a) saw superiority of some over
others, then he saw me towards the end in form of an ‘ILLUMINATING NUR‘; he
asked: “O my Lord! who is that? Allah replied: This is your son Ahmed, the first
and the last and he will be first to do intercession. (Bayhaqi-Dalail al Nabuwwah:
Volume 5 page 483)

Prophet (S) CANNOT travel or
be Omnipresent
Refuting Mi’raj; Baitul Mukaddas & Skies; and
praying in their graves
Ahzab-15: shahidao: a witness/bringer of good tidings/warner
+ Ar-rahiqul Makhtum 371-372 & + 381 Kathir15/823
Abdullah Ibn Abbas narrated, "One day at midday I saw
in a dream the Prophet dishevelled and dusty, with a bottle
containing blood in his hand. I asked, 'You for whom I
would give my father and my mother as ransom, what is
this?' The Prophet of Allah replied, 'This is the blood of al-
Hussain and his companions which I have been collecting
today.' Ibn Abbas said he had been reckoning at that
time and discovered that it was then that Hussain had
been killed.'" (Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal; Mishkat ul
Masabih, hadith no. 6172)

Prophet (S) CANNOT travel

or be Omnipresent cntd.

Salmaa (Ra) reports that she went to Umm Salamah
(RA) found her weeping. She asked her what made her
weep. She said: I saw Allah’s Messenger (S) in my
dream. There was dust on his head & beard. I asked
him, What is wrong with you, O Messenger of Allah? He
said: I have just witnessed Husayn’s shahadat [Tirimdhi
• 3796] WHO IS LYING then?
Questions in Grave: Q-3: Man nabiyyuka? OR Ma
kunta taqulu fi hazar ruzul (What would you say about
this person)?//What is your opinion about the man who
• was sent on a mission among you?
Ahzab-45: O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a
witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner.


Beware of Reforming Islam:

Let’s not reinvent the wheel!
Fitna 1: Dividing Muslims into groups; discord/
disharmony through various groups – Salafi, Wahabi, Ahle
Hadith, ‘Isai, Ahmadia, etc. ISIS Flag!
Fitna 2: Confusing Muslims through fatwa–Shirk in kalima,
praying wrong, most practices are bid’ah/ haram (Madhab
haram/salafism-Taimiyyaism halal)
Hadith: When the black flags come from Khurasan, go to them,
for among them is the khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi. (Hasan)
Fitna 3: Publishing Contradicting Fatwas/Speech & Books to
keep us engaged: Fighting within
Fitna 4: Weakening us through diminishing love for Prophet
(S); refraining from congregation (Ibadat does not make Umar)
Making grave mistake: confused w/ their recitation/outfit
/scholarly speech (Criteria: repect for Rasul S) e.g. Asr salat
Ali; Rub spit, Turn to during Salat [Now: Tend to find out mistakes]

Saudi Arabia, Shaikhs or Books-

Basis of Sharia
Tempted by Saudis/Shaikhs (fooling us):
Often contradicts books & Sunnah
Radicalization/Sex-slavery; Bid’a?: Reading Quran
during prayer; Financial support/facility sharing
No voice for oppressed Muslims
Business-partner of war-weapon producers
They have made a master plan to fool us in the name
of reform Islam (making us salafi)
HADITH: "There will be Dajjals & liars among my Community.
They will tellyousomethingnew,whichneitheryounoryour
forefathers have heard. Be on your guard against them and
do not let them lead you astray." = Haram/Bida – recently
Q: who killed Khalifas, Ahle-e-bayt, burnt ka’ba?
Q: Who is horn of Satan/Abu bakr bagdadi/etc.?---
MUNAFIQS// to escape, let’s increase our study


I.issue: Dha’if/Maudhu/Haram
Fatwa based on Albani/Najdi scholars
Hadith CANNOT be Dh’aif (narrator is weak)
"Sacrifice only a grown up cow unless it is difficult for you, in
which case sacrifice a ram." Muslim 1963 Albani states, DAEEF
in "Daeef al-Jami wa Ziyadatuh, 6/64 No.6222." Although found:
Ahmad/Muslim/Abu Dawood/Nisai & Ibn Majah from Jaabir (R)
Qualification of Albani: Elemetar y education
Who would you believe? Albani /Tabi-al-Tabi‘in?
Islam is Evergreen; Re-invention not needed
Sheikh Adel al-Kalbani, former imam of Mecca, said the Islamic State
and Salafists in Saudi Arabia follow the same thoughts, but apply in
different ways. When asked whether he believes the rise of IS is a
result of Islamist revivalism, he replied with an affirmative. On the
numerous killings of journalists by IS, Kalbani said, "their blood was
shed according to Salafist fatwas; not outside the Salafist framework.
mosque-islamic-state-saudi-arabia/1/582733.html) so it is high time
we reject so-called Bid’a-pundits and modern-shaikhs.

how they
image of

“And successful are the believers who guard their chastity … except
from their wives or those that their right hands possess.” 23:1-6


“Conveniently this is something the extremists ignore, and this

example further enforces the point that Religious Illiteracy is a
root cause of Extremism. Islamophobic extremists as well as
Islamist extremists (like ISIS) who promote and validate sexual
violence through unspecific passages in the Quran - or without
context - do so to justify their own violent mind-sets.”
Islam is abused by Muslims*


Why we are often Misguided

• Learning Islam from CONTEMPORARY SHAIKHS
• Basing on their Opinions, not on books
• Ignoring Tafsirs* and related Hadith*
while interpreting verses (Bid’a Pundits)
• Internet-scholars and translation-muftis:
unable/reluctant to read/learn/follow
• Often giving fatwa for the sake of justifying
their malpractices (Taraweeh; Haram
business/food; lady-imam, Dress-code..)
Time to go back to traditional Islam

Q: Salat/ Basic Principle: Loving Rasul (Sl) is an

Prophet integrated part of our Iman
Ahzab 6:
The prophet is dearer to believers more than their souls, & his
wives are their mothers) +++ Nisa-69: Kathir4/5/6/7 pp403
Prophet PBUH said, None of you will be a true believer until I am more
beloved to you than yourself”. Bukhari V-1, B-2, H-14
Najdi’s Claim: we love rasul (S) but not perform ibada! Ibadat without
love of rasul is that of Munafiq. Ajajil, Ibn Muljim, Ibn Ubai, Jhulkhuai..

Examples of Sahaba (R) Talha (r) in the Battle of

Uhud shielded the Prophet
peace be upon him from
arrows with his own body

Let’s all reject fitna of Batil Firka, who find
bid’a & shirk in our Every religious activity
Tirmidhi 486: Dua is suspended between the heaven
and the earth and none of it is taken up until you send
blessings upon your Prophet (peace and blessings be
upon him).”

Abu Dawood, Bk 2, No 1476: The Apostle of Allah

(sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) heard a person supplicating
during prayer. He did not mention the greatness of Allah, nor
did he invoke blessings on the Prophet (pbuh). The Apostle
of Allah (pbuh) said: He made haste. Then the prophet (S)
called him and said either to him or to any other person: If
any of youprays,heshouldmentiontheexaltationofhis Lord
inthebeginningandpraiseHim;heshouldthen invoke
blessingsontheProphet(PBUH);thereafterhe should

Recognize Najdis: They find Bid’a & Shirk only in

loving & respecting Prophet (S)/but NO Exaggeration
NB: Bid’a is approved by Umar (R) [if not oppose sharia]

So, Let's not be influeced by Bid'a Fatwa; BE UNITED for Prophet

O Allah, the exalted, you know my heart, I am not represen-

ting any sect, but you and your Rasul (S). Accept my effort;
Be a witness on my Dawa and guide us on the right path. 27

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