Tumor Mata: Dr. H. Ibrahim, SPM (K)
Tumor Mata: Dr. H. Ibrahim, SPM (K)
Tumor Mata: Dr. H. Ibrahim, SPM (K)
Myogenic ptosis
• Congenital myogenic ptosis results from dysgenesis of
the levator muscle.
• Acquired myogenic ptosis is uncommon and results
from localized or diffuse muscular disease such as
muscular dystrophy, chronic progressive external
ophthalmoplegia, MG, or oculopharyngeal dystrophy
Aponeurotic ptosis
The levator aponeurosis transmits levator force to the
eyelid. Thus, any disruption in its anatomy or function can
lead to ptosis.
Neurogenic ptosis
• Congenital conditions Congenital neurogenic
ptosis is caused by innervational defects that
occur during embryonic development.
• Acquired conditions Acquired neurogenic ptosis
results from interruption of normally de- veloped
innervation and is most often secondary to an
acquired CN III palsy, to an ac- quired Horner
syndrome, or MG.
Mechanical ptosis
• Mechanical ptosis usually refers to the condition
in which an eyelid or orbital mass weighs or pulls
down the upper eyelid, resulting in
Traumatic ptosis
• Trauma to the levator aponeurosis or the levator
muscle may also cause ptosis through myogenic,
aponeurotic, neurogenic, or mechanical defects
• apparent eyelid drooping-should be
differentiated from true ptosis.
• An eyelid may appear to be abnormally low in
various conditions, including hypertropia, en-
ophthalmos, microphthalmia, anophthalmia,
phthisis bulbi, or a superior sulcus defect
secondary to trauma or other causes
3 categories of surgical procedures most
commonly used in ptosis repair:
• external (transcutaneous) levator
• internal (transconjunctival)
levator/tarsus/Muller muscle resection
• frontalis muscle suspensions
• Epicanthus is a medial canthal fold that may
result from immature midfacial bones or a fold
of skin and subcutaneous tissue
• The condition is usually bilateral
• An affected child may appear esotropic
because of decreased scleral exposure nasally
4 types of epicanthus :
• epicanthus tarsalis if the fold is most
prominent in the upper eyelid
• epicanthus inversus if the fold is most
prominent in the lower eyelid
• epicanthus supraciliaris if the fold arises from
the eyebrow region running to the lacrimal sac
• Epicanthus tarsalis can be a normal variation of the
Asian eyelid, whereas epicanthus in- versus is
frequently associated with blepharophimosis syndrome
Treatment :
• Most forms of epicanthus resolve with normal growth
of the facial bones
• If no associated eyelid anomalies are present,
observation is recommended until the face achieves
• linear revisions such as Z-plasty or Y-V-plasty
• Seborrheic Blepharitis
• CLINICAL PRESENTATION may occur alone or
in combination with staphylococcal blepharitis
or MGD
• Inflammation occurs primarily at the anterior
eyelid margin a variable amount of crusting,
typically of an oily or greasy consistency, may
be found on the eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows,
and scalp.
• Signs and symptoms include chronic eyelid
redness, burning, and, occasionally, foreign-body
sensation. A small percentage of patients
• Eyelid hygiene is the primary treatment for
seborrheic blepharitis
• Treatment that associated MGD or staphylococcal
• selenium sulfide shampoos is recommended
• Staphylococcal Blepharitis
• Caused usually by Staphylococcus aureus but
occasionally by other species refers to cases in
which bacterial infection of the eyelids (and
frequently the conjunctiva) is predominant.
MGD and seborrheic blepharitis, in contrast,
are primarily inflammatory.
• Burning, itching, foreign-body sensation, and
crusting, particularly upon awakening.
• Symptoms of irritation and burning tend to
peak in the morning and improve as the day
progresses, presumably as the crusted
material that accumulates on the eyelid
margin overnight.
• Eyelid hygiene, with either commercially
available eyelid scrub kits or warm water with
diluted baby shampoo
• antibiotic solution.
• Anti- inflammatory