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India Case Study Analysis of National Strategies For Sustainable Development

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Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi Faculty of Chemical Engineering and

Environmental Protection

India Case Study

Analysis of National Strategies for
Sustainable Development

Indrumator: Student:
Asist. Dr. Ing. Petronela Cozma Iftime Ionela


1. Introduction: Country Description

2. Approaches to a National Sustainable Development
3. Targets of the Tenth Five Year Plan
4. Institutional and Procedural Aspects of a National
Sustainable Development Strategy
5. Implementation Aspects and Specific Initiatives
Introduction: Country Description

• Traditionally, India's economy is characterized by village farming, modern

agriculture, handicrafts, a wide range of modern industries and a large
number of support services. Apart from agriculture (rice, wheat, oilseed,
cotton, jute, tea etc.), the main branches of economy are electricity
production, consumer goods, cement, steel production and general
infrastructure including telecommunications as well as insurance, banking,
IT and software.
• Current environmental issues are deforestation, soil erosion, overgrazing,
desertification, air pollution from industrial effluents and vehicle emissions,
water pollution from raw sewage and runoff of agricultural pesticides. Tap
water is not potable in some parts of the country. The huge and growing
population is overstraining natural resources.
Approaches to a National Sustainable Development
 India presented its perspective on sustainable development before the
World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002 as detailed
study “Empowering People for Sustainable Development” (EPSD).
 EPSD – four main Objectives
- Combating poverty
- Empowering people
- Using core competence in science and technology
- Setting environmental standards: Conservation of Natural Resources,
Improving Core Sectors of Economy
Targets of the Tenth Five Year Plan

Targets for Sustainable Development:

- Reduction of poverty ratio by 5 percentage points by 2007 and by 15 percentage points by 2012
- All children in school by 2003; all children to complete 5 Years in school by 2007
- Reduction in gender gaps in literacy and wage rates by at least 50 % by 2007
- Reduction in population growth between 2001 and 2011 to 16.2 %
- Increase in literacy rate to 75 % by 2007
- Reduction of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) to 45 per 1000 live births by 2007 and to 28 by 2012
- Reduction of Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) to 2 per 1000 live births by 2007 and to 1 by 2012
- Increase in forest cover to 25 % by 2007 and 33 % by 2012
- All villages to have sustained access to potable drinking water by 2007
- Cleaning of major polluted rivers by 2007 and other notified stretches by 2012
Institutional and Procedural Aspects of a
National Sustainable Development Strategy

 Development and Institutional Aspects

The National Council for Environmental Policy and Planning within the
Department of Science and Technology was set up in the same year and
developed into a full-fledged Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) in
1985. Today, it is the central administrative body in the country for regulating
and guaranteeing environmental protection.
The Planning Commission, the central instance to put principles for
sustainable development into reliable plans (FYP etc.), consists of a
Chairman, the Minister of State, 4 personalities, 92 senior officials of the
divisions and 3 grievance officers. (PCI 2004)
 Participation Aspects

A number of initiatives were taken such as a review of policies in relation to

Agenda 21 and a view towards a national strategy for sustainable development,
multi-stakeholder consultations, a media campaign and websites to give
information about India’s preparations towards the Summit as well as a
nationwide children’s competition.
These discussions were condensed into a draft document “Sustainable
Development - Learning’s and Perspectives from India”. (MoEF 2002b, CSD
Generally, there has been an increasing trend to make extra information
available and to demonstrate transparency in the functioning of Government.
This governmental trend allows people to participate in decision making at all
levels. Important issues are debated and discussed before a decision is taken.
Consultations are held on important issues, both by Government and by
Parliament. They are often hosted on the governmental homepages. (2002a)
 Monitoring Aspects
The commitment to principles of sustainable development is already reflected in the monitorable
targets of human development and conservation of natural resources that were set up in the Tenth
Five Year Plan (FYP) .
India's Human Development Indicators
• Infant mortality - 72 per thousand live births
• Literacy rates - 65.2%
• Households with access to safe drinking water - 62.3%
• Households with access to proper sanitation facilities - 49.32%
• Households with electricity connection - 42.37%
• Households with electricity, safe drinking water and proper sanitation facilities - 16.1%
• Households with permanent houses - 41.61%
• Households with semi-permanent houses - 30.95%
• Households with temporary shelters - 27.44%
Implementation Aspects and Specific Initiatives
 Principles of sustainable development passed the first bottleneck by being accepted in the
Tenth FYP. New approaches and instruments like measurable national indicators improved
the planning towards sustainable development even further.
 The concept of sustainable development was cast into a law, the Biological Diversity Act,
for the first time in 2002. According to the act, the central government shall integrate the
conservation, promotion and sustainable use of biological diversity into relevant sectoral or
cross-sectoral plans, programs and policies.
 India has an ambitious development program that reflects the importance of sustainable
growth of the economy. But many projects and further steps will be successful only if
financial support is given and international co-operation and transfer of knowledge
strengthen. And of course there has to be an effective national monitoring. The Planning
Division (assistance to the Planning Commission) participated in a seminar on Sustainable
Development Indicators organized by TERI, as can be read in the last annual report 2002-
2003 by the Planning Commission. Thus, there might be further improvement in the
monitoring of sustainable development.
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