Tugas Kimia Bahan Alam - Squalene
Tugas Kimia Bahan Alam - Squalene
Tugas Kimia Bahan Alam - Squalene
Extraction and Purification from Amaranthus sp.
Oleh : Claudia Natalica (1400810067)
Latar Belakang
Grain amaranth (plant) has been
suggested as an alternative to marine
animals as a natural source of squalene
Amaranthus cruentus
Natural triterpene
Mevalonic Acid
Triterpenes are not formed by an
extension of the now
familiar process of adding IPP to the
growing chain. Instead,
two molecules of FPP are joined tail-to-
tail to yield squalene
[1] Nuryanto et al. 2016. Isolasi Squalen dari Asam Lemak Sawit Distilat (ALSD). J.
Kimia dan Kemasan. Vol 38. No 2. 55-60
[2] He, H. et al. 2002. Extraction and Purification of Squalene from Amaranthus Gran. J.
Agric. Food Chem. 50 (2). 368-372
[3] Ovidiu Popa, Narcisa Elena Băbeanu, Ioana Popa, Sultana Niță, and Cristina Elena
Dinu-Pârvu, “Methods for Obtaining and Determination of Squalene from Natural
Sources,” BioMed Research International, vol. 2015, Article ID 367202, 16 pages,
2015. doi:10.1155/2015/367202