Tugas Kimia Bahan Alam - Squalene

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Kimia Bahan Alam

Extraction and Purification from Amaranthus sp.
Oleh : Claudia Natalica (1400810067)
Latar Belakang
Grain amaranth (plant) has been
suggested as an alternative to marine
animals as a natural source of squalene

At the beginning of 1950s it was discovered that squalene is an important

component of human sebum, a fact that justifies its role in the physiology of
skin: its action in skin hydration, repairing of the damaged skin, and
rejuvenating the ageing skin was demonstrated. The emollient and hydration
properties of squalene and also its biocompatibility with skin make squalene an
important component in cosmetics formulations (moisturizing creams, makeup,
lipstick, and nail and hair products)

Squalene was also used as an adjuvant in vaccines, stimulating the immune

response and increasing the patient’s response to vaccine. It is added to lipid
emulsions as drug carrier in vaccine applications. The oil in water emulsions
containing squalene facilitates solubilization and modifies the release and cell
uptake of drugs, adjuvants, and vaccines.

Amaranthus cruentus
Natural triterpene


Mevalonic Acid
Triterpenes are not formed by an
extension of the now
familiar process of adding IPP to the
growing chain. Instead,
two molecules of FPP are joined tail-to-
tail to yield squalene

Ekstraksi dengan Vakum

Saponifikasi Fraksinasi
heksana Evaporasi
Ekstraksi minyak dari Menggunakan larutan Fraksi heksana Fraksi yang tidak
biji Amarathus lebih KOH 25% di dalam dikeringkan dengan tersabunkan kemudian
sering dilakukan etanol 96%, pada suhu menggunakan dimurnikan dengan
karena dimensinya 50ºC sampai dengan evaporasi vakum pada kromatografi kolom
yang kecil (luas 55ºC selama 30 menit. suhu 50ºC dengan fase gerak
permukaan besar) dan Campuran reaksi heksana dan fase diam
kulit biji tidak tebal kemudian diekstrak silika gel 60 (size 60Å,
sehingga biji cukup menggunakan heksana 70-230 mesh, 63-200 μm)
dihancurkan/digiling dan dicuci dengan
Metode Analisa Hasil green extraction technology

Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE)  inertness,

nontoxicity, high volatility, and low cost.

FTIR HPLC + the high purity of the end product

+ short processing time due to the fact that
extraction and concentration are carried out in
Fourier Transform Infra Digunakan untuk one step.
Red (FTIR) digunakan mengukur kandungan + yields high quality squalene without use of toxic
untuk menganalisis squalene berdasarkan unallowable solvents.
kandungan gugus standar yang sudah
fungsi pada hasil ada. - not economically effective to use SFE for direct
pemisahan extraction of squalene from seeds; it is suitable
only for the extraction of squalene from the plant
- expensive cost of the equipment

[1] Nuryanto et al. 2016. Isolasi Squalen dari Asam Lemak Sawit Distilat (ALSD). J.
Kimia dan Kemasan. Vol 38. No 2. 55-60

[2] He, H. et al. 2002. Extraction and Purification of Squalene from Amaranthus Gran. J.
Agric. Food Chem. 50 (2). 368-372

[3] Ovidiu Popa, Narcisa Elena Băbeanu, Ioana Popa, Sultana Niță, and Cristina Elena
Dinu-Pârvu, “Methods for Obtaining and Determination of Squalene from Natural
Sources,” BioMed Research International, vol. 2015, Article ID 367202, 16 pages,
2015. doi:10.1155/2015/367202

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