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Circulatory system

Dr. Faisal Iqbal MBBS, FCPS-I

Circulatory System of the Body

Vascular system
Circulation of CSF
Lymphatic System
Circulation of serous fluid in peritoneal,
pleural & pericardial cavities
Vascular System

Blood Vascular System

Lymphatic System

o High Resistance
o High pressure

o Low Resistance
o Low pressure
Coronary Circulation
Coronary Arteries
Coronary Circulation

oCoronary sinus
oAnterior cardiac veins
oVenae cordis minimae
Portal Circulation

blood collected
Arrangement of vessels where
from one set of capillaries passes via
a larger vessel through a second set of
capillaries before it returns to
systemic circulation
Types of Portal Circulation

Venous Portal System

Arterial Portal System
Portal Circulation

Hepatic Portal Circulation

Portal Circulation
Renal Portal Circulation
Portal Circulation

First set of capillaries is situated in

hypothalamus, these drain into
hypothalamo-hypophysial veins,
which again ramify into
hypophysial capillaries in the
pituitary gland. Then the new
veins( hypophysial veins) arise to
pass into systemic veins.
Renal Portal
Components of CVS


oBlood Vessels

Structure of Blood Vessels

Three layers (Tunics)

Adventitia - outer
Media - middle
Intima - inner
 Thick walled.
 Do not have valves.
 The smallest arteries are arterioles.
 Thin walled.
 Many of them possess valves.
 The smallest veins are venules.
Classification of Blood Vessels

o Arteries
o Arterioles
o Capillaries
o Venules
o Veins

They transport blood

from the heart and
distribute it to the various
tissues of the body
through their branches

Large sized arteries (Elastic arteries)

Medium sized arteries (Muscular arteries)
Small sized arteries/Arterioles
Elastic Artery

Large size arteries

Aorta and pulmonary trunk
Muscular Artery

Medium size arteries

Axillary, radial,brachial and ulnar
Small Arteries/Arterioles

Terminal arterioles
 Having one layer of smooth muscle

 Having discontinuous layer of smooth
 these branch into capillaries
Pre-Capillary Sphincter

there is a simple ring of smooth

muscle cells at the point where
capillaries originate from
metarteriole. this smooth muscle
muscle ring is known as
precapillary sphincter

 Single cell thick walls

Fenestrated (porous)
 Kidneys
Small Intestine
Area Prostema

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