Lone Star College The New Science of Learning
Lone Star College The New Science of Learning
Lone Star College The New Science of Learning
Our Students Data Filled World
• 2.5 billion gigabytes of data • While I was reading this slide
produced each day. there were 530,000 google
searches and 1,184,000 you tube
videos viewed
• 4 billion google searches daily.
• Now using a 3D printer you can design it, send it to the printer and the part
appears before your very eyes—you can immediately test it as many times as
you want in one day making changes and getting a new printed part and with in
a week you have the new part.
Learning is essentially a
process of neurological
change; as we absorb new
skills and information, neurons
form new connections and
prune back others, and the
brain as a whole recalibrates its
networks and activity patterns.
(NY Academy of Sciences)
www.virtualgalen.com/.../ neurons-small.jpg
Teachers’ Definition of Learning
(Medina, 2008)
Moving to Learn
Rhodes, 2013
Movement and Learning
Ratey, 2013
Attention Drives Learning
Type of task
new vs. automatic
(LeDoux, 2003)
Dopamine is the Reward for Learning
Dopamine is there to reward your
brain for learning new information,
or engaging in new experiences.
(Postal, 2015)
Exercise Boost the Brain’s
Ability to Learn
(Ratey, 2013)
Exercise Increases Production of BDNF
(Brain-derived neurotrophic factor )
• Adults need 7 to 9
hours of sleep each
night .
•Poor attention
• If you routinely get less than 6-7 hours of sleep here is what happens
• (Diering,2017)
The Brain when Your Asleep
• 1. The hippocampus sends all
important information to the
neocortex for memory storage.
Learning and Memory are Enhanced when Multiple
Senses are Engaged
• By using a multisensory
approach to instruction you
increase the chances of
making connections to
students’ background
optimizing leaning
Our Brains Seek Patterns
( J. Ratey, 2001)
Patterns in Learning
• When we don’t recognize the
patterns we can get lost,
stressed, anxious or fearful.
• Reading your first research
• Traveling to a foreign country for
the first time.
Which of the following
slides is easier to
remember and WHY?
Slide Two
(491) 580-2979
What is the pattern in the next
Raise your hand when you find it.
Slide One
Slide Two
• Lunch and Dinner—categorizing the food by familiar areas like lunch and dinner
gives it more meaning and makes it much easier to recall.
• Lunch a salad including lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, olives, carrots, spinach, broccoli,
onions, turkey, ham.
• Dinner a fruit salad with plums, strawberries, mangos, grapes and cherries.
• Example:
• Misdiagnosis of patients
Actions that Improve Memory
Formation and Recall
1. Attention
2. Prior knowledge
3. Spaced learning
4. Naps and wakeful rest
5. Sleep
6. Wanting to remember
7. Distributive practice
8. Elaboration
9. Interest
Factors Impacting Recall
1. Number of memory pathways
Three Rules
2.Elaboration of material
3. Wanting to remember
How to Strengthen Memories
• To strengthen our memories it is
vital to recall from memory what
we have learned rather than just
looking/reading it over.
putting in the effort won’t make
any difference in the outcome.
Growth Mindset
• In fact, it is helpful to
look for these behaviors
as a way to identify a
student with a fixed
Technology and Learning
Serious Games
• http://www.adobe.com/resources/elearning/pdfs/serious_games_wp.p
Virtual Textbooks
The Future is Here--Almost
Click on any bar in the timeline,
and that bar expands to a list of
images, which in turn are linked
to video about that artist.
• Professor Guy Goodwin, President
of the European College of
Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP)
• “This overview suggests that, on
current evidence, modafinil
enhances cognition independent of
its known effects in sleep
disordered populations”.
• However, they can have worrying
side-effects — including
headaches, irritableness, vomiting,
irrational behavior, tremors,
palpitations and broken sleeping
• http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3204567/Smart-drugs-really-work-Pills-taken-
Cognitive Load and Student Learning
3 Parts
1. Intrinsic load
This is the effort required for a
student to understand a concept–
(Sweller, 1988)
Cognitive Load and Student Learning
2. Germane mental load
• (Sweller, 1988)
Cognitive Load and Student Learning
3. Extraneous Mental load
• Distractions, poor
communication, poor humor.
(Sweller, 1988)
Cognitive Load and Student Learning
Information overload is not just a
metaphor it is a physical state.