Krajewski Om9 PPT SuppJ
Krajewski Om9 PPT SuppJ
Krajewski Om9 PPT SuppJ
Shipping Department
Raw Materials
Batch of parts
Figure J.1 – Diagram of a Manufacturing Job Shop Process
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. J–7
Priority Sequencing Rules
Single-dimension rules
A job’s priority assignment based only on
information waiting for processing at the
individual workstation (e.g., FCFS, EDD,
and SPT)
Ranger 12 8 10
Explorer 10 6 12
Bronco 1 15 20
Econoline 150 3 3 18
Thunderbird 0 12 22
Explorer 10 8 + 6 = 14 24 12 13 — 2
Econoline 150 3 14 + 15 = 17 20 18 18 1 —
Bronco 1 17 + 3 = 32 33 20 32 — 12
Thunderbird 0 32 + 12 = 44 44 22 44 — 22
20 + 24 + 20 + 33 + 44
Average flow time = = 28.2 hrs
Average hours early = = 0.6 hrs
0 + 2 + 0 + 12 + 22
Average hours past due = = 7.2 hrs
Hours Actual
Since Finish Flow Scheduled Customer Hours
Engine Block Order Begin Processing Time Time Customer Pickup Hours Past
Sequence Arrived Work Time, (hr) (hr) (hr) Pickup Time Time Early Due
Econoline 150 3 0 + 3 = 3 6 19 18 15 —
Explorer 10 3 + 6 = 9 19 12 12 3 —
Ranger 12 9 + 8 = 17 29 10 17 — 7
Thunderbird 0 17 + 12 = 29 29 22 29 — 7
Bronco 1 29 + 15 = 44 45 20 44 — 24
6 + 19 + 29 + 29 + 45
Average flow time = = 25.6 hrs
15 + 3 + 0 + 0 + 0
Average hours early = = 3.6 hrs
0 + 0 + 7 + 7 + 24
Average hours past due = = 7.6 hrs
Standard Time,
Including Due Date
Order Setup (hr) (hrs from now)
AZ135 14 14
DM246 8 20
SX435 10 6
PC088 3 18
Hours Finish Scheduled Actual Hours
Order Begin Time Hours
Since Order Time Customer Pickup Past
Sequence Work (hr) Early
Arrived (hr) Pickup Time Time Due
1. PC088 2 0 3 5 18 18 15
2. DM246 4 3 11 15 20 20 9
3. SX435 1 11 21 22 6 21 15
4. AZ135 5 21 35 40 14 35 25
Total 82 94 24 40
AA 4 5 3 4
BB 8 11 4 6
CC 13 16 10 9
DD 6 18 3 12
EE 2 7 5 3
Create the sequences for two schedules, one using the Critical
Ratio rule and one using the S/RO rule.
AA 4 5 3 4
BB 8 11 4 6
CC 13 16 10 9
DD 6 18 3 12
EE 2 7 5 3
Time (hr)
Motor Workstation 1 Workstation 2
M1 12 22
M2 4 5
M3 6 3
M4 15 16
M5 10 8
1 M2 M1 M4 M5 M3 Idle—available
(4) (12) (15) (10) (5) for further work
2 Idle M2 Idle M1 M4 M5 M3
(5) (22) (16) (8) (3)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Figure J.2 – Gantt Chart for the Morris Machine Company Repair Schedule
Time (hr)
Job Workstation 1 Workstation 2
A 4 3
B 10 20
C 2 15
D 8 7
E 14 13
Sequence: C B E D A
Workstation 1 Workstation 2
C 0 2 2 17
B 2 12 17 37
E 12 26 37 50
D 26 34 50 57
A 34 38 57 60
Processing Time,
Time Since Order Including Setup Promise Date
Engine Arrived (days) (days) (days from now)
50-hp Evinrude 4 5 8
7-hp Johnson 6 4 15
100-hp Mercury 8 10 12
50-hp Honda 1 1 20
75-hp Nautique 15 3 10
Since Actual Days
Repair Order Processing Finish Flow Promise Pickup Days Past
Sequence Arrived Time Time Time Date Date Early Due
50-hp Honda 1 1 1 2 20 20 19 —
75-hp Nautique 15 3 4 19 10 10 6 —
7-hp Johnson 6 4 8 14 15 15 7 —
50-hp Evinrude 4 5 13 17 8 13 — 5
100-hp Mercury 8 10 23 31 12 23 — 11
Total 83
Since Actual Days
Repair Order Processing Finish Flow Promise Pickup Days Past
Sequence Arrived Time Time Time Date Date Early Due
50-hp Evinrude 4 5 5 9 8 8 3 —
75-hp Nautique 15 3 8 23 10 10 2 —
100-hp Mercury 8 10 18 26 12 18 — 6
7-hp Johnson 6 4 22 28 15 22 — 7
50-hp Honda 1 1 23 24 20 23 — 3
Total 110
B272 7 158 9 6
C106 15 152 1 1
D707 4 170 8 18
E555 8 154 5 8
154 150
E555 : CR 0.501
170 150
D707 : CR 1.112
158 150
B272 : CR 1.333
162 150
A101: CR 1.334
152 150
C105 : CR 2.005
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Solved Problem 2
b. We are sequencing a set of jobs at a single machine, so each
job’s finish time equals the finish time of the job just prior to
it in sequence plus its own processing time. Further, all jobs
were available for processing at the same time, so each job’s
finish time equals its flow time. Consequently, the average
flow times at this single machine are
8 15 19 29 44
S/RO : 23.30 hours
8 12 19 29 44
CR : 22.4 hours
In this example, the average flow time per job is lower for the
CR rule, which is not always the case. For example, the
critical ratios for B272 and A101 are tied at 1.33. If we
arbitrarily assigned A101 before B272, the average flow time
would increase to (8 + 12 + 22 + 29 + 44)/5 = 23.0 hours.
Storage Basin
Dredge 3 4 3 6 1 3 2 1 8 4
Incinerate 1 4 2 1 2 6 4 1 2 8
We can use Johnson’s rule to find the schedule that minimizes
the total makespan. Four jobs are tied for the shortest process
time: A, D, E, and H. E and H are tied for first place, while A and
D are tied for last place. We arbitrarily choose to start with basin
E, the first on the list for the drain and dredge operation. The 10
steps used to arrive at a sequence are as follows:
Operation 1 Operation 2
Basin Start Finish Start Finish
E 0 1 1 3
H 1 2 3 4
G 2 4 4 8
F 4 7 8 14
B 7 11 14 18
J 11 15 18 26
I 15 23 26 28
C 23 26 28 32
D 26 32 32 35
A 32 35 35 36
Total 200
Storage Basin
Dredge E H G F B J I C D A
Incinerate E H G F B J I C D A
Figure J.3