Pemicu 2 - Irvandi
Pemicu 2 - Irvandi
Pemicu 2 - Irvandi
Acute and transient psychotic disorders
Acute onset is defined as a change from a state without
psychotic features to a clearly abnormal psychotic state,
within a period of 2 weeks or less.
The order of priority used here is:
an acute onset (within 2 weeks) as the defining feature of the
whole group;
the presence of typical syndromes;
the presence of associated acute stress
the absence of organic causation, such as states of concussion,
delirium, or dementia.
typical syndromes
the rapidly changing and variable state, called here
"polymorphic", that has been given prominence in acute
psychotic states in several countries, and second, the
presence of typical schizophrenic symptoms
Associated acute stress
Typical events would be bereavement, unexpected loss of
partner or job, marriage, or the psychological trauma of
combat, terrorism, and torture.
Complete recovery usually occurs within 2 to 3 months,
often within a few weeks or even days, and only a small
proportion of patients with these disorders develop
persistent and disabling states
Schizophrenia is a severe, persistent, debilitating, and poorly
understood psychiatric disorder that probably comprises
several separate illnesses.
Schizophrenia is a clinical diagnosis
People with schizophrenia have lower rates of employment,
marriage, and independent living than other people do.
Hallmark symptoms of schizophrenia are psychotic ones,
such as auditory hallucinations (voices) and delusions (fixed
false beliefs). Impaired cognition or a disturbance in
information processing is a less vivid symptom that is highly