Chi o Risk Management

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Chi Omega Risk

Management Workshop
Why is important to manage our risk as a
Why is it important to manage our risk?

We want to create a safe environment for our members and our guests
We need to be good stewards of our organization and represent our letters and our
institution well
To ensure that we can keep our insurance premiums low
To avoid conflict or run ins with the law
To ensure that the community is upholding positive representation of our involvement
on campus
Open Parties

Definition: OPEN PARTIES, meaning those with unrestricted

access by non-members of the fraternity, without specific
invitation, where alcohol is present, are forbidden.
Key point: Any event at which alcohol is present must have a
guest list.
Just because an event is on a the weekend update does not mean its a free for all.

FIPG and school policies strictly prohibit the possession, sale, or

use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances while on
chapter premises (such as registered properties) or at a
fraternity event, whether or not that is a registered fraternity
event or merely one that may be associated with a fraternity
FSL Social Policy

Any event that involves alcohol must be registered one week in advance via a Social Event
Registration Form. (Our Social Chair does this)
Thorough guest lists must be submitted and utilized at the event. Guest list must include DOB
and full name.
Themes must be appropriate and fully explained in the event description box on the SERF.
All New Member activities are dry!! This includes (but is not limited to) bid day, big/little
reveal events, new member presentations, meetings, and initiation.
General Guidelines must be followed for all events that have alcohol present. Tailgate
guidelines must be followed for Tailgates.
10% of your guest list must also be listed as sober monitors and must remain sober for the
entirety of your registered event.
Violations will be addressed by FSL Office and Governing Council Officers. Depending on
the severity, they may be referred to the Organizational Conduct Board.
What events can we register?

Chi Omega may only register one wet event per day
Ex. A wet tailgate during the day and a wet function that night is NOT allowed

We can have just Chi Omega events; however, these events

can not be associated with New Member Events
Ex. Bid Day, Initiation, Big/Little, etc.
Guest List

List needs to have name and date of birth (Their legitimate and accurate DOB!)

Figure out how you will keep track of the guest list

If invitations are being used, each invitation should be numbered and that number should
match the number assigned to them on the guest list. No invitation no admittance.

Facebook group invites do not qualify as an invitation!!!

Just because youre invited on Facebook doesnt mean you are on the guest list
Sober Monitors/Transportation

10% of your chapter or submitted guest list should be sober at

an event

Must be at least 2 initiated members and one executive


Only 1/3 of the Sober Monitors can be New Members

3rd Party Vendor

Alcohol is provided and monitored by professional or permitted entity with a

liquor license.
No common sources. A drink is poured by and purchased from the venue and
their assigned worker(s).
Leadership must ensure that the venue is properly and appropriately monitoring
all entrances and exits, checking ids, and maintaining a guest list.
The venue must be closed to the public during the duration of your registered
Pre Games

Pre-gaming and other spontaneous or planned events involving the chapter.

It does not matter where or when the events are heldif members are present, it is a
chapter function, regardless of what members might call the event.
If someone would be likely perceive the event as a chapter event, i.e., if members or new
members/pledged members are present, then it will be considered a chapter event.
Anything that could be considered an extension of a registered event, either pre or post,
would be a violation of our policy.
Registered events can last no more than 5 hours.
Social Policy and FIPG Highlights

Any event that involves alcohol must be registered one FIPG
week in advance via a Social Event Registration Form.
Thorough guest lists must be submitted and utilized at the Perception is reality.
event. Guest list must include DOB and full name.
If you do not follow FIPG, you may lose
Themes must be appropriate and fully explained in the
event description box on the SERF.
coverage if something happens.
All New Member activities are dry!! This includes (but is FIPG violations will be forwarded to your
not limited to) bid day, big/little reveal events, new National Offices and Advisors.
member presentations, meetings, and initiation.
General Guidelines must be followed for all events that
Covers all aspects including Sexual
have alcohol present. Tailgate guidelines must be Assault. Sexual Assault cases will be
followed for Tailgates. handled in the Student Conduct Office.
10% of your guest list must also be listed as sober monitors
and must remain sober for the entirety of your registered
Violations will be addressed by FSL Office and Governing
Council Officers. Depending on the severity, they may
be referred to the Organizational Conduct Board.
Review of Social Event Requirements

Where? A private room at a bar or hotel ballroom

Who? Guest list via personal invitations
Alcohol? Third party vendor
Theme? As long as it is APPROPRIATE
Paperwork? SERF form, national registration if applicable
Sober Monitors? 10% of invited guests with phone numbers and
on guest list
Understanding who is responsible

Group Accountability Individual

Activity or environment is condoned or created Individual member is at an unassociated or
by the organization. unaffiliated event or location when behavior or
Chapter Leadership is participating in or has act is committed.
prior knowledge of the activity and did nothing Individual is not acting on behalf of organization
to stop it. and is not coming from or going to an event
Behavior or act in question was committed by, that is affiliated with organization.
condoned by, or had a significant amount of Act is committed outside of the organization
members (and/or guests) involved. and leadership/organization does not have any
A policy, tradition, or practice of the knowledge of it nor did they condone it.
organization is found responsible for violation.
In a time of crisis

Contact the police if it involves physical assault, sexual assault, fire, vandalism, over consumption
of alcohol, threatening behavior, etc.

If you call the police, the police can notify FSL immediately if you ask.

The police will also notify the Dean of Students On-Call Staff if necessary.
Follow your National Protocol and contact the appropriate individuals. This is to protect you!

Notify FSL Staff of any incidents as soon as you are able.

In Terms of Chi Omega

All chapter events must be approved by the executive board and advisory board
Directors should be ensuring that events being planned have been approved by both boards.

Ensure that the event Planning Guide is used for planning of all Chapter Events - Cardinal

A sister is responsible for the conduct of their guest

If you they are asked to leave, you will also be asked to leave (and vis versa)

Everyone must sign Chi Omegas Social Contract at the beginning of every semester
If this is not the first time signing, initial previously signed form at the beginning of the semester. Social
Chair will keep these on file

Every member should follow the Book of Rules, Chapter Bylaws, and Standing Rules
Federal, State, and local Laws
How can we tie this back to our Symphony?

To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed; to place

scholarship before social obligations and character before
appearances; to be in the best sense, democratic rather than
exclusive, and lovable rather than popular; to work earnestly, to
speak kindly, to act sincerely, to choose thoughtfully that course
which occasion and conscience demand; to be womanly always;
to be discouraged never; in a word, to be loyal under any and all
circumstances to my Fraternity and her highest teachings and to
have her welfare ever at heart that she may be a symphony of high
purpose and helpfulness in which there is no discordant note.
Written by Ethel Switzer Howard, Xi Chapter, 1904

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