Status Epilepticus
Status Epilepticus
Status Epilepticus
dr. Rivan
dr. Riane
dr. Bill
dr. Hendy
dr. Ronald
dr. Chenny
Seizure > 6x
- pre iktal : Headache ( + )
- iktal : Each seizure 3-4 minutes, during seizure his arms and legs were
jerking and then extended, left ward glancing of the eyes(+),
foaming mouth (+), wet his panties (+). He was unconscious during
-Post iktal : unconsiousness (+)
Seizure interval : 15 minutes 20 minutes after the previous seizure with same
Febris (-)
Slurred speech (-). Mouth deviation (-)
Dizziness (-), dispneu (-)
Vomit (-), nausea (-)
History of Past Illness
History of Trauma (+) year 2004 with operating
Seizure (+) since 2006
Febrile convulsion (-)
Stroke, DM, kidney disease, Uric Acid, Lung disease ,
Cholestrol , Heart Disease were all denied.
Physical Examination
General status:
General condition: severe. unconsciousness: Coma(after
diazepam injection)
BP: 150/100 mmHg HR: 110 x/m reg, RR: 26 x/m , T: 36,7
C ,SO2 : 98%
Conjungtiva : anemis (-/-), sclera ikteric (-/-)
JVP ; normal
Thorax : Rh -/-, Wh -/-, heart sound I/II normal, gallop -
, murmur
Abdomen : soepel, normal turgor, normal peristaltic
Extremitas : warm acral
Neurologic examination
GCS E2M5V3 (10) PERRL, +/+ 3 mm/3 mm;
Meningeal Sign: Nuchal Rigidity (-) laseque (-/-) kernig (-)
Cranial Nerves: paresis impression(-)
Funduscopy: color orange, border of papil clear, cupping (+),
A:V 1:3
Motoric State : Hemiparesis impression(-)
MT : N N FR : ++/++/++ ++/++/++ PR : - -
N N ++ ++ ++ ++ - -
Sensoric State : not evaluated
Autonomic State : incontinentia urine et alvi (-)
Status Epilepticus
Head neck back elevation 30
O2 nasal 6-8 lt/mnts
IVFD NaCl 0,9% 500 cc 14 gtt/mnts
Diazepam inj 5 mg (IV) repeated 2 times and continue with
status epilepticus management : NaCl 0,9 % 100 cc + 10 amp
fenitoin (20 minute)
Paracetamol 500 mg 3x1 (IV)
Inj Ranitidin 2x1 amp (iv)
Fenitoin cap 3x100 mg
Folic Acid tab 2x1
NGT and catheter (approval from fam)
Obs VS/GCS/ pupil per hour
EKG + Expertise
Brain CT Scan
X Foto Thorax
Sinus Rythm with Left Atrial Abnormality
Laboratory Examination
Hb : 12.2
Ht : 35.4
WBC : 15.500
PLT : 409.000
RBC : 4,06x106
SGOT : 30
SGPT : 29
GDS : 147
Kreatinin : 1,1
Ureum : 26
Na : 147
K : 4,70
Cl : 106,0
Chest X-RAy
Brain CT-Scan