What Should Every EFL Teacher Know

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Wrap up
Provides important information that a teacher of English
as a foreign language should know
Focuses on practical issues
How to teach:
Pronunciation The writer, Paul Nation,
Spelling has been training teachers
Grammar of English for over forty
Vocabulary years, and he has taught
Discourse in Indonesia, Thailand, the United
How to design lessons and courses
States, Finland and Japan.
Gives practical solutions for problems:
Large classes
A wide range of proficiency in a class
He has written numerous books and
Unmotivated students articles about the teaching and
Misbehaving students learning of vocabulary, language
Written in a clear direct style teaching methodology and curriculum
Target market: EFL Teachers, Education Students, design.
Education Professionals
Unit Structure: Introduction, 17 Chapters, & Appendices He is a professor emeritus at Victoria
University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Chapter 1- What Should an English Teacher Do?
Chapter 2- How Do You Teach Listening and Speaking?
Chapter 3- How Do You Make Good Problem-Solving Speaking Activities?
Chapter 4- How Do You Teach Reading?
Chapter 5 - How Do You Teach Writing?
Chapter 6- How Do You Teach Pronunciation and Spelling?
Chapter 7- How Do You Teach Vocabulary?
Chapter 8- How Do You Teach Grammar?
Chapter 9- How Do You Teach Discourse?
Chapter 10- Teaching English for Special Purposes
Chapter 11- Twenty Additional Techniques for Language Learning
Chapter 12- How Do You Test Learners?
Chapter 13- How Do You Plan a Lesson?
Chapter 14- How Do You Plan a Language Course?
Chapter 15- How Do You Deal with Teaching Problems?
Chapter 16- How Do You Control a Class?
Chapter 17- How Do You Become a Better English Teacher?

From the Author:
I wrote What Should Every EFL Teacher Know? because I had recently read several other similar books and drafts
and found that a lot of what I thought was important was not included in them. I have also recently retired,
although the work does not seem to have got less, and I felt that after many years of teaching I should be able to
tell a language teacher what are the most important things to do. Although the book is strongly based on
research, it is not written as an academic text but as a how-to-do-it text. When I finished writing the EFL book, I
went to a conference for ESL teachers in New Zealand and realized that I needed to say somewhat different things
to them than I would say to EFL teachers. So, I wrote an accompanying ESL book, What Should Every ESL Teacher
Know? When I started writing the ESL book I thought I could just copy over a lot of the chapters from the EFL book,
but to my surprise, they turned out to be very different books. Writing the books turned out to be a good example
of how we can learn through writing. I learned a lot by writing the books. Compass Publishing very generously
agreed to make the ESL book available free in electronic form, and I am very grateful for this.
~Paul Nation

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