Ancient History of Psy

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ca.1550 BCE -The E Wee tatiana letra ol clinical dep: sion. ca. 600 BCE - Many cities had temples to Asklepios that pega ee Ret eck elas Caleta sates 460 BC - 370 BCE - Hippocrates introduced principles of scientific medicine based upon observation and logic, and denied the influence of spirits and demons in oltre 387 BCE - Plato suggested that the brain is the seat of mental processes. Plato's view of the "soul" (self) is that the body exists to serve the soul: "God created the soul before the body and gave it precedence both in time and value, and made it the dominating and controlling partner." from Timaecus * ca.50- Aulus Cornelius Celsus died, leaving De Medicina, a medical encyclopedia; Book 3 covers mental Ieee oat LT RRA en oS ane The methods of treatment included bleeding, a aaa pear er-1 ala) em -leal-1e(eWetal lant eol c-Rel Gn 1a) decoctions of poppy or henbane, and pleasant ones such as aan * ca.100 - Rufus of Ephesus believed that the nervous Osea REMI TecUun Tale LA od Og Lp ana) Cotte alae) sensation. He discovered the optic chiasma by anatomical studies of the brain. He stressed taking a history of both physical and mental disorders. He gave a detailed account of melancholia, and was quoted by Galen.[2] * 93-138 - Soranus of Ephesus advised kind treatment in healthy and comfortable conditions, including light, warm rooms.[2] Cree = © Ca. 130-200 - Galen "was schooled in all the psychological systems of the day: Platonic, Aristotelian, Stoic, and Epicurean"[3] = © ca. 150-200 - Aretaeus of Cappadocia [3] THIRD CENTURY ¢ 205-270. Plotinus wrote Enneads a systematic account of Neoplatonist philosophy, also nature of visual perception and how memory might work PUL RT Ee NMOL Od 5TH CENTURY - CAELIUS AURELIANUS OPPOSED HARSH METHODS OF HANDLING THE INSANE, AND ADVOCATED HUMANE gt a ee CA. 423-529 - THEOD CENOBIARCH FOUNDED A MONASTERY AT KATHISMUS, NEAR BETHLEHEM. THREE HOSPITALS WERE BUILT BY THE SIDE OF THE MONASTERY: ONE FOR THE SICK, ONE FOR THE AGED, AND ONE FOR THE pa Ty |e MTL NEEM W MELO = 625-690 - Paul of Aegina suggested that hysteria should be treated by ligature of the limbs, and mania by tying the patient to a mattress placed inside a wicker basket and suspended from the ceiling. He also recommended baths, wine, special diets, and sedatives for the mentally ill. He described the following mental disorders: phrenitis, delirium, lethargus, melancholia, mania, incubus, lycanthropy, and epilepsy. Cree EIGHT CENTURY = © 705-The first psychiatric hospital was built by Muslims in Baghdad, followed by Cairo in 800, and Damascus in 1270 NINTH CENTURY . ca. 850— Ali ibn Sahl Re developed the idea of using clinical psychiatry to treat mentally ill patients. "©—The concept of mental health (mental hygiene) was introduced by Ahmed ibn Sahl al-Balkhi. He also recognized that illnesses can have both psychological and/or physiological causes.[7] * ca.900 —al-Razi (Rhazes) recognized the concept of "psychotherapy" and referred to it as al-‘ilaj al-nafs.[8] ELEVENTH CENTURY Creer) Cer] e ca. 1400 - Renaissance Humanism caused a reawakening of ancient knowledge of science and medicine. * 1433-1499 Marsilio Ficino was a renowned figure of the Italian Renaissance, a Neoplatonist humanist, a translator of Greek philosophical writing, and the most influential exponent of Platonism in Italy in the fifteenth century.[3] * ca. 1450 - The pendulum in Europe swings, bringing Witch Mania, causing thousands of women to be executed for witchcraft until the late 17th CaSaleelaVy Cree rer] Seventeenth century EIGHTEENTH CENTURY =e 1701 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz published the Law of Continuity, which he applied to psychology, becoming the first to postulate an unconscious mind; he also introduced the concept of threshold.[14] ¢ 1710 - George Berkeley published Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, which claims that the outside world is composed solely of ideas. ¢ 1732 - Christian Wolff published Psychologia Empirica, followed in 1734 by Psychologia Rationalis, popularizing the term “psychology”. rere rere) © 1812 - Benjamin Rush became one of the earliest advocates of humane treatment for the mentally ill with the publication of Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon Diseases of the Mind,[15] the first American textbook on psychiatry. [16] ee ese laa Ul eer etal pu blished Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind ¢ 1840 - Frederick Augustus Rauch (1806-1841) published Psychology, or a View of the Human Soul, including Anthropology ¢ 1844 - Seren Kierkegaard published The Concept of Anxiety, the first exposition on anxiety. ¢ 1848 - Vermont railroad worker Phineas Gage had a 3-foot rod driven through his brain and jaw in an explosives accident, permanently changing his personality, revolutionizing scientific opinion about brain functions being localizable. ¢ 1849 —Soren Kierkegaard published The Sickness Unto Death e 1852 - Hermann Lotze published Medical Psychology or Physiology of the Soul. e 1855 - William James published Principles of Psychology. e 1856 - Hermann Lotze began publishing his 3- volume magnum opus Mikrokosmos (1856-64), arguing that natural laws of inanimate objects apply to human minds and bodies but have the function of enabling us to aim for the values set by the deity, thus making room for aesthetics. © 1859 - Josef Breuer published Traite Clinique Clem at=tee-] oX-Leha le OTM (Mm Vint gt 1860'S ee Loe ele eal ee eet Re nec eld) aOR In (ime alee -om eae Lae go ee Cae 1 CoP oleh arose ual) ENE RCE aac Psychophysics. Cie tL ea deol Melted (eee ae meee alam ole aa) production, now known as Broca's Area, founding Neuropsychology. * 2869 - Francis Galton published Hereditary Genius, arguing for Eugenics. He went on to found Psychometrics, Differential Psy chology, and the Lexical a skelaa\-Ft Molt creer ti A == ¢ 1870 - William James published Principles of Psychology (2 vols.). ¢ 1872 - Douglas Spalding published his discovery of psychological Imprinting. ¢ 1874 —Wilhelm Wundt published Grundziige der physiologischen Psychologie (Principles of Physiological Psychology), the first textbook of experimental psychology. * ca.1875 —William James opened the first experimental psychology laboratory in the United States; it was intended for classroom demonstration rather than original research. Cree / roto O ga ¢ 1882 -The Society for Psychical Research was founded in England. e 1883-—G. Stanley Hall opened the first American experimental psychology research laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. ¢ 1883 - Emil Kraepelin published Compendium der ew raal thats e 1884 - lvan Pavlov began studying the digestive Tolga ela el mela gate e 1884 -Tourette's Syndrome was first described. e 1885—Hermann Ebbinghaus published Uber das Gedachtnis (On Memory), a Cimento em [ols am -ANC-ym eLe] ea Lem Mie age 1h) textbook on psychology, titled Psychology. Cee stol en -lellatl atone eo) laboratory of experimental psychology in Russia at Kazan Oriel aa * 1886 - Sigmund Freud began private practice in Vienna. * 1887-Georg Elias Muller opened the 2nd German experimental psychology research laboratory in Gottingen. * 1887-George Trumbull Ladd (Yale) published Elements of Physiological Psychology, the first American textbook to include a substantial amount of information on the new experimental form of the discipline. * 1887—James McKeen Cattell founded an experimental psychology laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania, the 3rd in the United States. Crerey 1e United S Beets) era ea EST ee = ¢ 1890 - Christian von Ehrenfels published On the Qualities of Form, founding Gestalt Psychology. * 1890- William James published Principles of Psychology. * 1890- James Hayden Tufts founded the United States" gth experimental psychology laboratory at the University of Michigan. ¢ 1890-G.T.W. Patrick founded the United States' 10th experimental psychology laboratory at the University of lowa. CET ¢ 1892-1893 - Charles A. Strong opened the experimental psychology laboratory at the University of Chicago, the 2oth in the United States, at which James Rowland Angell conducted the first experiments of functionalism in 1896. * 1894 —James McKeen Cattell and James Mark Baldwin founded the Psychological Review to compete with Hall's American Journal of Psychology. ¢ 1895 - Gustave Le Bon published The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. e 1896 - John Dewey published the paper The Reflex Arc Conceptin Psychology,[18] founding Social Behaviorism. * 1896 -The first psychological clinic was opened at the Ueda nIEM ARE natia area Ly Prec ar haet tire eeee i ech erage Rarer hia eean ene neces CEC ee Ce Menuet Cus aM Teh PICU eemat tees te ame iT Drath enue t ence uke nad ea * 1897 - Havelock Ellis published Sexual Inversion See Cee SS ery et RU Te) od SEC ee ore sehen cto ete nt hewetecis Peet LC ETOMN CI ees unr actrees Ras eciaetna teat eM) Mun ntekgry Peet ed oc eeuel Gentes cao cin the Oedipal complex. Cree 1goo’s ¢ 1901 - Sigmund Freud published The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. * 1903 - John B. Watson graduated from the University of Chicago; his dissertation on rat behavior has been described as a "classic of developmental psychobiology" by historian of psychology Donald Dewsbury. ¢ 1903 -— Helen Thompson Woolley published the first dissertation on sex differences, The NVLInNe= IMEC Tio mst -od Cree Creer * 1911 - The American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) was founded. ¢ 1921 - William McDougall, founder of Hormic Psychology published Body and Mind: A History and Defence of Animism, claiming that there is an animating principle in Nature and that the mind guides evolution. * 1912 — Max Wertheimer published i=>4e\-1alaa(laleo] shat rel SNe) Malco) Lee) golf Movement, helping found Gestalt Psychology * 1913 —Citing Freud's inability to acknowledge religion and spirituality, Carl Jung split and developed his own theories, which became known as Analytical Psychology. Creer * 1920-John B. Watson and his assistant Rosalie Rayner conducted the Little Albert experiment, using classical conditioning to make a young boy afraid of white rats. ¢ 1921 - Sigmund Freud published Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. ¢ 1921-Jacob L. Moreno conducted the first large scale public psychodrama session at the Komedienhaus in Vienna; he moved to New York Take Pn * 1921- Melanie Klein began to develop her technique of analyzing children.[22] Cet ¢ 1927 -Ivan Pavlov published Conditioned Reflexes, containing his theory of classical conditioning. ¢ 1928 —Jean Piaget published Judgment and Reasoning in the Child. * 1929 - Edwin Boring published A History of Experimental Psychology, pioneering the history of psychology. ¢ 1929 - Lev Vygotsky founded Cultural- Historical Psychology. ing in f gradie on and inhibition, showing t theory could generate ir empirically tes predictions n Hoc published a classic report in the journal N. the first reco of an action potential rey Oho oe * 1955 -Lee Cronbach published Construct Validity in Psychological Tests, popularizing the concept of construct alidity. ¢ 1956-George Armitage Miller published the paper The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two, in which he showed that there is a limit on the amount of information that can be memorized at one time. © 1957-Leon Festinger published his theory of cognitive dissonance. © 1957 - Stanley Smith Stevens published Stevens' power law. Cree rere * 1968 -DSM-II was published by the American eerie Re Ks ct: al -R ile ePola Colo gy ZegTe) (oleh a) professional degree program in Clinical Psychology was Cece N nan MP) Tecutleon ae ated ley aa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. * 1969 - Joseph Wolpe published the Subjective Units of Distress (Disturbance) Scale (SUDS). * 196g - Elisabeth Kiibler-Ross published On Death and Dying, presenting the KUbler-Ross model, commonly referred to as the Five Stages of Grief. * 1969 - The Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) was founded, with Joann Evansgardner as the first (temporary) president.[41] ei ees: * 1974 — Robert Hinde published Biological Bases of Human Social Behavior, a main text in etological- oriented developmental psychology. * 1974 -Arnold Sameroff published Reproductive Risk and the Continuum of Caretaking Causality, introducing Meese ee omar hacen teint al lala) 1975 - Georgia Babladelis became the first editor of the Psychology of Women Quarterly.[41] * 1975 - George Mandler published Mind and Emotion * 1976 - Stanislav Grof founded the International Transpersonal Association to promote his Transpersonal ete eee * 1976 - Michael Posner published Chronometric Explorations of Mind, using the subtractive method of Franciscus Donders to study attention and memory. ¢ 1976 - The Psychology of Women Quarterly was founded .[42] ¢ 1977- Ernest Hilgard proposed the divided consciousness theory of hypnosis ¢ 1978-Child psychologist Mary Ainsworth published her book Patterns of Attachment about her work on attachment theory and the Strange Situation Experiment (Protocol). rere] cree CMe Ket (oes Pb VEU MUL) ule yma P Uae Lea} allan stele Pare eet a eae Cat age acco iat ran eda toate ae ater te eee ee Eatet na ates a gece it eather Lelong) aetna Sere tae AR EDR UT Tost Ne iekm aerate erecta RENT) was recognized as a representative in the APA assembly, speaking directly on matters of special concern to lesbian Bate aan eva) *® 1983— Howard Gardner published Frames of Mind, Mca hcin aceite ytec Cree * 1986 - David Rumelhart and James McClelland PLN CoM ec) MPL veg Uh e Loh acole eee NLR) the Microstructure of Cognition. SMCS ees aa ad et MaRS Ce Kec tected expanding on Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. * 1987 - Roger Shepard published the Universal Law of Come eeMnaea altieseicued omer ells ete 4d eee Te eRe sensory and motor maps in the cortex can be modified with Seat iteael cette Cte eter vaca] Pee Me Mc trench atime a Ete telels) Cree fa OT EW aw mseR elds lian) Organization (WHO) declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder, [56] launching the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.’ ae) an cmt) oe eR Tela ol how children Sac language in Science, [57] later popularize toile * 1992 - The American Psychoanalytic Association (APA) extended the provisions of its 1991 resolution (see above) to training candidates at its affiliated institutes in the book The enters Cree Cree ® 1995-—Simon Baron-Cohen coined the term mental blindness to reflect the inability of children with autism to properly represent the mental states of others.[63] ¢ 1996-—Giacomo Rizzolatti published his discovery of mirror neurons. [64] * 1996-Amos Tversky defined ambiguity aversion, the idea that people don't like ambiguous choices, relating it to comparative ignorance. ¢ 1997- The American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) became the first U.S. national mental health organization to support same-sex marriage.[65] ¢ 1999 - George Botterill published The Philosophy of Psychology,[66] about how modern cognitive science challenges our common sense self-image. Crrn) ic 2000'S . 2000 — Alan Baddeley updated his model of working memory from 1974 to include the episodic buffer as a third slave system alongside the phonological loop and the visuo- spatial sketchpad[67] . 2000 - Max Velmans published Understanding Consciousness, arguing for reflexive monism. . 2002 — Steven Pinker published The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature, arguing against tabula rasa models of the social sciences. [70][71] G 2007 - George Mandler published A History of Modern Experimental Psychology 2010'S =e 2010 -The draft of DSM-V by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) was thrown open for comment and critique. =e 2013 - OnApril 2 U.S. President Barack Obama announced the 10-year BRAIN Initiative to map the activity of every neuron in the human brain. eee Pav AES See SAG Mr an Psychiat arta )

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