Microsoft Excel For Finance Professionals
Microsoft Excel For Finance Professionals
Microsoft Excel For Finance Professionals
Who Written as training guide for finance professionals with low to medium
proficiency; as reference guide for all Excel users
Comment This presentation is intended to serve as a training guide and basic reference
manual. There are numerous Excel operations and techniques that are not
addressed here. You are encouraged to take as much as you can from this,
but to also explore Excel beyond what is discussed here to learn how it can
make your job (and life) easier and more efficient.
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List of Excel Topics
Topic Page Topic Topic Page Topic
Keyboard Shortcuts 4 “Name” Range of Cells 35
Functions – Summary 8 Goal Seek 37
IF 9 Input Validation 38
ISNA 10 Protect Worksheets 40
ISERROR 11 Hide Worksheets 42
AND 12 Paste Special 43
OR 13 Conditional Formatting 47
SUM 14 Insert Hyperlink 48
SUMIF 15 “Replace” Operation 49
SUMPRODUCT 16 Work in Multiple Wkshts Simultaneously 50
AVERAGE 17 Pivot Tables 51
COUNT 18 Freeze Panes 54
COUNTA 19 “Sort” Data Set 55
COUNTIF 20 “Filter” Data Set 56
PV (Investment Family) 21 Auditing Features 57
ROUND (Family) 22 Split Windows 58
CONCATENATE 23 Restrict File Access/Modification 59
LEFT & RIGHT 24 Customize Toolbars 60
YEAR (Date & Time Family) 25 Takeaways 61
Quick Formula Copy Down Column 30 Appendix - MATCH 62
Text to Columns 32 Appendix - INDEX 63
Group/Ungroup Data 34
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Keyboard Shortcuts
Key Strokes Action
F1 Help Function
F2 Enter directly into cell selected
F4 Toggle through “$” reference locking options in formulas (i.e. $B$12)
F7 Spell check
F12 Save as
Ctrl + A Select all cells in worksheet
Ctrl + B Set font as Bold
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + D Copy formula/data from cell directly above current cell selected
Ctrl + F Find
Ctrl + G Go to
Ctrl + H Replace
Ctrl + I Set font as italics
Ctrl + K Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl + N Directly opens new excel workbook
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Keyboard Shortcuts (cont)
Key Strokes Action
Ctrl + O Opens the “open new file” prompt from “File” heading menu
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + R Copy formula/data from cell directly to the left current cell selected
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + U Set font as underline
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + W Close current file
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + 1 Brings up “Format Cells” box
Ctrl + 9 Hide row
Ctrl + Shift + 9 Unhide row
Ctrl + 0 Hide column
Ctrl + Shift + 0 Unhide column
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Keyboard Shortcuts (cont)
Key Strokes Action
Ctrl + - Delete
Ctrl + ; Insert today’s date
Ctrl + ‘ Copy EXACT formula/data from cell above (formulas don’t move)
Ctrl + Home Go to first cell of current worksheet (top left)
Ctrl + End Go to last cell of current worksheet with data (bottom right)
Ctrl + Page Up Move to previous worksheet in current workbook
Ctrl + Page Down Move to next worksheet in current workbook
Ctrl + (arrow) Move to next blank cell in direction of arrow selected
Ctrl + Shift + (arrow) Select all cells between current and next blank in arrow direction
Ctrl + Space bar Select entire current column
Shift + Space bar Select entire current row
Ctrl + shift + ~ Set current format to general number
Ctrl + shift + $ Set current format to currency
Ctrl + shift + % Set current format to percentage
Ctrl + shift + ! Set current format to comma format
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Keyboard Shortcuts (cont)
Key Strokes Action
Ctrl + tab Switch between open Excel workbooks
Alt + tab Switch between all open applications on computer
Alt + F4 Close entire Excel (or most any other) application
Alt + F8 Open Macro box
Alt + = Auto sum
Shift + (arrow) Highlight current cell & next cell in arrow selected
Shift + Tab Moves to the cell to the left (or previous in order)
Tab Moves to the cell to the right (or next in order)
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Functions - Summary
Why Need to make a comparison, calculation, reference, or almost any other manipulation of data.
In other words, if you are doing something manually, there is probably an Excel function that
will automate what you’re doing.
How 1. Select the cells you want to insert the function into
2. Go to Insert\Function or the icon on your toolbars
3. Choose the function you would like to insert
4. Follow the input prompts
5. Check if your inputs make sense by viewing the preview function result
6. Select OK.
7. Drag your function across multiple cells as desired, keeping in mind cell referencing
($B12 vs B12)
Examples See following slides for examples. Every assignment will be able to use functions in
different ways. If you are doing something manually… STOP. Let Excel do the work for
you… making you faster and more accurate.
Tips Excel functions can save you HOURS of time. Learn how to maximize this operation to do
basic analysis for you. Become confident with using functions and be able to eventually write
complicated formulas. Once you become familiar with functions, you will no longer have to
use the insert function and you will be able to create them straight inside cells!
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Functions: “IF”
Why Need to make comparison with automated outcome based on answer
Operation: “IF” function within the [Value if test is FALSE] of an “IF” function
Formula: =IF(X44<E$2,X44*2,IF(X44=Q3,”Total”,”Manual”))
Operation: “ISERROR” function within [Logical Test] of an “IF” function
Formula: =IF(ISERROR(J55),0,J55)
Operation: “VLookup” function within [Logical Test] and [Value if test is FALSE] of an “IF” function
Formula: =IF(Vlookup(“HFS”,$B$9:$K$17,3,false)=W99,0,Vlookup(“HFS”,$B$9:$K$17,3,false))
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Functions: “ISNA”
Why Need to distinguish if formula in cell results in error “#N/A”
Formula =ISNA([Cell])
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Functions: “ISERROR”
Why Need to distinguish if formula in cell results in any error (“#N/A”.”#DIV/0”,”#REF!”, etc)
Formula =ISERROR([Cell])
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Functions: “AND”
Why Need to distinguish if all multiple [Logical Tests] are true
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Functions: “OR”
Why Need to distinguish any multiple [Logical Tests] are true
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Functions: “SUM”
Why Need to sum a [Range] of consecutive cells
Warning! Be careful of hidden rows and columns when summing a string of cells! Cells that are
hidden from view are included in calculations like this.
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Functions: “SUMIF”
Why Need to sum cells within a [SUM Range] that pass a [Logical Test] associated with a [Test
Range] containing cells in either the same rows or columns as the [SUM Range]
Output Sum of cells in [SUM Range] that had corresponding cell in the [Test Range] that was
“TRUE” in the [Logical Test]
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Functions: “SUMPRODUCT”
Why Need to sum the product of numerous multiplications between two or more [Ranges] of
identical shape
Formula =SUMPRODUCT([Range1],[Range2],…)
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Functions: “AVERAGE”
Why Need to find the average of a [Range]
Formula =AVERAGE([Range])
Warning! Be careful of hidden rows and columns when summing a string of cells! Cells that are
hidden from view are included in calculations like this.
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Functions: “COUNT”
Why Need to count the number of cells within of a [Range] that contain numbers
Formula =COUNT([Range])
Warning! Be careful of hidden rows and columns when summing a string of cells! Cells that are
hidden from view are included in calculations like this.
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Functions: “COUNTA”
Why Need to count the number of cells within of a [Range] that contain any value (are not blank)
Formula =COUNTA([Range])
Tips If a cell contains a formula but displays nothing (to the eye is blank), it is counted by the
Warning! Be careful of hidden rows and columns when summing a string of cells! Cells that are
hidden from view are included in calculations like this.
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Functions: “COUNTIF”
Why Need to sum cells within a [Range] that pass a [Logical Test]
Output Count of cells in [Range] that were “TRUE” in the [Logical Test]
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Functions: “PV” (Investment Family)
Why Need to calculate the present value of an investment
Tips 1. Rate used must be in line with PMT frequency (i.e. divide annual rate by 12 for monthly)
2. PMT Type: “1” if PMTs in advance, “0” or leave blank if in arrears
3. Excel will calculate all the pieces of an investment formula: PV, Rate, PMT & FV
4. Excel will also calculate the NPV of a series of cash flows
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Functions: “ROUND” (Family)
Why Need to round a cell value:
1. To a specific decimal
2. Up or down
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Functions: “CONCATENATE”
Why Need to group values from multiple cells and/or hard inputs in one cell
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Functions: “LEFT” & “RIGHT”
Why Need to pull out a set amount of characters in a cell from either side
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Functions: “YEAR” (Date & Time Family)
Why Need to separate out just the year, month, or day from a date
Tips 1. The format of the output cell MUST be in a number format, NOT a date format
2. Other useful related functions:
1. =WEEKDAY([Cell]) Pull what day of the week a date is on. This
output must be formatted as a date.
2. =NOW() Displays current date and time. Format as desired
3. Many other date & time functions
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Functions: “VLOOKUP” & “HLOOKUP”
Why Need to reference cell(s) from a different data set
3 Col # 1 2 3 4 5
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Functions: “VLOOKUP” & “HLOOKUP”
Formula =HLOOKUP([Lookup Value],[Data Set],[Column Number],[Type])
[Lookup Value] = Value in top row of data set that you base your lookup off of
2 [Data Set] = Location of data set you are referencing cell(s) from
3 [Row Number] = Number of rows down from the [Lookup Value] in the [Data Set]
where your desired reference is
[Type] = Input “FALSE” to make operation look for an exact match of your
[Lookup Value] and display “#N/A” if it does not find it. Input “TRUE” or omit input
to make operation look for next smaller [Lookup Value] if exact is not found.
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Functions: “VLOOKUP” & “HLOOKUP”
Tips 1. Lookup functions are very dynamic tools for finance professionals. Become very familiar
with them and they will make you MUCH faster and accurate.
2. Learn how to utilize lookups in other functions, and other functions in lookups.
3. Learn how to create lookup formulas that you can create once, and then replicate across an
entire worksheet or even across multiple worksheets. This is where an advance user gains
significant productivity in Excel. Note: this often requires the use of absolute cell
referencing in formulas (i.e. $B12 vs. B12). This is VERY important to get right 100% of
the time. If your reference locks are not correct, your formula will not do what you are
expecting it to do and you might not know until it is too late and your manager is already
reviewing the data. Take your time when writing formulas, be accurate, and always spot
check multiple areas across your file!
4. In the [Lookup Value] prompt, don’t be afraid to reference cells instead of always using
hard inputs. You can hide reference columns or rows outside of the viewable area. This is
especially useful if want to write one formula and then drag it down/across an entire page.
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Functions: “VLOOKUP” & “HLOOKUP”
Tips 5. Learn to use “Named Ranges” in the [Data Set]. This will help you and future users of
your file easily know what data set your formulas are referencing to.
=VLOOKUP("EFS",$B$7:$I$23,5,FALSE) vs. =VLOOKUP("EFS",actuals2003,5,FALSE)
6. In the [Column Number] or [Row Number] prompts, don’t be afraid to reference cells
instead of always using hard inputs. This is especially useful if you need to change the
reference column/row every month (i.e. update links in monthly report where each month
you need to adjust all of your links to the next column/row down in the base data set.
Reference all of your lookups in the same row/column to the same row/column [Number]
cell, and you will only need to change one cell every month for that entire row. Eventually,
you can build in additional functionality where all [Number] cells are linked off of one cell
in cover page of worksheet indicating the month, and then you can update your entire
report by updating one cell using lookups!)
=VLOOKUP("EFS",$B$7:$I$23,5,FALSE) vs. =VLOOKUP("EFS",$B$7:$I$23,C$1,FALSE)
7. Lookups search for an exact match of the [Lookup Value] in the [Data Set], all the way
down to the format of the cell. You might have a [Lookup Value] that on screen looks
exactly like a value in the [Data Set] that you are trying to reference off of, but the function
will not recognize it if they are of different formats (text vs. number, etc). Go to
Format\Cells or Ctrl + 1 to view/change the format of the cell(s) in your data set.
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Quick Formula Copy Down Column
Why Need to apply formula, constant value, or list (i.e. “action”) down (lengthy) column
How 1. Input desired action in new column at the first row of column. Action column location
needs to be adjacent to a column containing values down the complete length you wish to
quickly apply the action. Operation does not work when action column is isolated.
2. Double click on the little square on the bottom right hand corner of the currently selected
cell that contains the action you want to copy down.
Before After
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Quick Formula Copy Down Column (cont)
Warning! 1. Check your formulas and absolute (i.e. $B12) referencing down the entire column to
ensure that formula did want you wanted it to!
2. Check that your formula covered the exact length you need it to. If the column adjacent
to your formula column contains a blank cell, your quick formula copy will stop at that
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Text to Columns
Why Need to split cell data into multiple columns
Note the destination cell and data to the right of it. Excel will OVERWRITE existing
data when the operation is completed.
Tip Choose destination cell that is right of your entire data set. That way you remove the
possibility of accidentally overwriting existing data in your file, and can copy & paste the
output columns you need anywhere you want them.
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Text to Columns (cont)
Example Three steps for “delimited” split of data set
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Group/Ungroup Data
Why Need to hide data, but reference it frequently/easily
Examples 1. Need to show subtotals and higher level details, but reference the sub-components
that make up the subtotals easily
2. Need to show variance dollars, but want variance percent hidden and easily accessible
3. Any reason user has to hide data but make it easy to view
Tips 1. Use groupings to breakup large data sets and make them easier to manage/find what
you’re looking for
2. Use groupings to easily alter what data you want to print. Excel will only print data that
is not hidden/grouped.
3. Insert Group & Ungroup shortcut icons to toolbar for easy & quick reference
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“Name” Range of Cells
Why Need identify a range of cells by a certain name for accurate/easy reference
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“Name” Range of Cells (cont)
Examples 1. Give each data set that is referenced in file a unique name:
1. data2004, data2003
2. jandata, febdata, mardata
3. op2004, si2004, sii2004, actual2004
4. original data, pivotdata, sorteddata, calculateddata
2. Give each lookup reference table a unique name:
1. fiscalweeklookup
2. monthlookup
3. oplookup
3. Give each formula variable a unique name:
1. Price
2. Sales
3. Net Income
Warning! Check your formulas after applying the goal seek to be sure that you solved for the correct
Examples 1. Target unit sales (with fixed price) needed to make net income target
2. Target price (with fixed sales) needed to make net income target
3. Target volume needed to achieve $100k in VIC
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Input Validation
Why Need to restrict cell input to a unique format or dropdown list; need automatic message to
appear when cell selected (i.e. for input directions)
How 1. Select the cell(s) you want to have the same cell input restriction (validation)
2. Go to Data\Validation
3. Choose validation criteria (whole number, date, decimal, list, text length etc) and/or write
input message
4. If setting dropdown list, set reference to list of dropdown options or manually list them at
5. If setting formatting restrictions, set personalized error message
Warnings! 1. Consider all the inputs the end user of the file might need each cell for. Setting
validation rules can be a great tool to standardize input data, but is harmful if it
restricts the ability to capture all the correct data.
2. If you setup a dropdown list with the options referencing a list of cells:
1. Protect your worksheet so that list can not be manipulated
2. Be aware of where that list is when you are preparing the file, especially when
you are adding/deleting rows. Be careful to not accidentally delete some of
your options, or move them outside of the reference area!
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Input Validation (cont)
Examples For a data gathering file you are sending out to others and will get back:
1. Restrict input of income estimates to whole numbers so you can easily sum the inputs.
Do not allow users to input “25k” for 25,000.
**Set personalized error message providing specific instructions if their original
input does not pass your validation restrictions. Otherwise, they might not figure
out what to do with your file, get frustrated, and not fill it out. Input restrictions
aren’t going to do you any good then!
2. Restrict date input between desired range
3. Set dropdown list of expense lines, cost centers, businesses, payments in advance or
arrears, product type, user name, etc.
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Protect Worksheets
Why Need to restrict the following in a worksheet:
1. Cells that can be inputted/changed
2. Access to hidden rows/columns
3. Formatting changes
How 1. You have to “unlock” cell(s) you will allow changes to. Select only these cells, then go to
Format\Cells or Ctrl + 1. On the “Protection” tab, uncheck “Locked”
2. Once you have “unlocked” the desired cells (if any), you can protect the worksheet. Go to
Tools\Protection\Protect Sheet.
3. Good idea to use a password if sending file out to others you do not want to have the ability
to make changes.
1 2
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Protect Worksheets (cont)
Warnings! 1. Be VERY VERY careful with passwords. There is no way in Excel to retrieve your
password on a file if you forget it!
2. Be sure to check all of the cells you have “unlocked” before sending out a file for
others to fill out. If you forget to “unlock” a necessary cell, it is very embarrassing and
time consuming to resend a new file and explain the mistake!
Examples 1. Need to lock a data gathering template you are sending out to others to fill out and
return back to you.
2. Need to lock worksheet in file containing formulas that are necessary to view, but can
only be changed by those who know password.
Tips 1. Minimize the number of passwords you use. There is no restriction on what type of
password you choose (number or types of characters), so make them simple and very
easy to remember.
2. Suggest that your entire team ALWAYS uses the same password for files that might be
shared among each other, or used by someone else in the future. That way if someone is
out of the office or moves to a new job, you can always change any file.
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Hide Worksheets
Why Need worksheet in workbook, but do not want it visible
Warning! Only hide worksheets if you are sure that others will not be using your file (now or later on)
and need to find that data/calculation on the worksheet you hid. Other users of your file will
most likely not think to check the list of hidden worksheets to find something they expect to
be in your file.
Example Need to have worksheet for links or lookup references, but do not want it visible to end
Tip Separate input data, processing/calculations, and final output into different worksheets. Use
minimum number of worksheets to gather input data and serve as reference hub. The smaller
the number of data sources, the better!
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Paste Special – Part One
Why Need to do any of the following:
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Paste Special – Part One (cont)
Examples 1. If you have desired formatting already setup, paste just formulas or values (as
applicable) to paste desired data but keep formatting
2. Paste values to remove formulas and links.
3. Paste formats to apply desired formatting easily to different cell(s)
Warning! Minimize the amount of “hard codes” you use in Excel files:
1. In the world of Finance, things are always changing. ALWAYS prepare your files to
be flexible and adaptable. Create one data source, and build all links and formulas
from it. Therefore if a data point changes, all the parts of your file will automatically
update and you can rerun you analysis quickly and accurately.
2. If your file output file has hard coded values, no one will be able to go back in and
trace your steps. This is especially important for FMPs as they move every six
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Paste Special – Part Two
Why Need to apply a mathematical operation to a group of cells
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Paste Special – Part Three
Why Need to transpose row(s) of data into column(s) or vice versa
Warning! When you are transposing formulas, carefully check whether the formulas moved as you
desired. Formulas will move relative to their new position in the worksheet, so its
generally a good idea to have absolute references in your formulas (i.e. $B$12 vs B12)
before you transpose them.
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Conditional Formatting
Why Set automatic cell formatting (color, border and font details) based on cell value
How 1. Select the cell(s) you want to have the same conditional formatting
2. Go to Format\Conditional Formatting
3. Choose condition(s) (cell value, formula output, etc) when conditional formatting applies
4. Choose conditional formatting
Warning! Check your formatting conditions to see if they do exactly what you want before relying on
Tips 1. Create error check based on IF statement that outputs “Error” if the check does not pass.
Then conditionally format the error check cell to be red if the formula outputs “Error”
2. If you need to search large data set for unique characters or values, set conditional format
to let Excel do the work for you
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Insert Hyperlink
Why Need hyperlink to exterior or interior file
Examples 1. Workbook (planning model for example) has multiple worksheets. Insert hyperlinks
in worksheets to the main home page that you have to frequently move back and forth
2. Workbook has links to exterior files. Insert hyperlinks in column/row headings with
exterior data for easy reference.
Warning! Remember to update your hyperlinks if you change your data sources.
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“Replace” Operation
Why Need to find one or more characters in any number of cells and replace them with different
How 1. Select the cell(s) containing the characters you want to replace
2. Go to Edit\Replace or Ctrl + H
3. Input character(s) you want to replace in the “Find what” prompt
4. Input replacement character(s) in the “Replace with” prompt
5. If you only have one cell selected, choose “Replace”
If you have multiple cells selected, choose “Replace” to see output of operation cell by
cell, or “Replace All” to run operation on all cells selected.
Warning! If you only have one cell selected and you choose “Replace All” the operation will run on all
cells in the worksheet (and you won’t know it if you meant to only change characters in that
current cell)
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Work in Multiple Worksheets Simultaneously
Why Need to complete exact same operation in multiple worksheets in the exact same cell(s)
Warning! Make sure the spacing and location of cells you want to work on is EXACTLY the same in
all worksheets selected. Very easy make mistakes in the other worksheets selected but not
visible when making editing.
Tip The ability to work in multiple worksheets simultaneously can save you lots of time and
rework, but needs to be executed very carefully.
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Pivot Tables
Why Need to arrange (sort, sum, average, count, filter, etc) large data set quickly and accurately.
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Pivot Tables (cont)
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Pivot Tables (cont)
Warning! 1. Do not try to pivot an extremely large data set (be careful with anything over 10,000
rows long). Excel is likely to freeze up if you try to have it process too much data! If
you need to manipulate a large data set, save data set in separate location, filter out the
fields that are not mandatory for your analysis in order to decrease the pivot size, and
then pivot the newly sliced data.
2. Remember to manually refresh your pivot table if the underlying data set changes. The
pivot output will NOT update automatically.
Examples 1. Need to sum all T&L expenditures by expense type, vendor, and/or user
2. Need to count number of deals by business unit, region level, and person
3. Need to sum total late fee income from business, but exclude certain office codes.
Tips Strong proficiency with pivot tables is one of the best tools a young finance professional can
have. By allowing Excel to arrange (pivot) the data, you can handle large sets of data quickly
and at a much higher rate of accuracy. Learn how to be creative with pivot tables and work
off of them with other Excel functions and tools.
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Freeze Panes
Why Need to be able to view column and/or row headings at all times in a large worksheet
How 1. Select cell directly under the rows and to the right of the columns you want to freeze (cell
A2 in example below to freeze only the top row)
2. Go to Window\Freeze Panes or the icon in toolbar
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“Sort” Data Set
Why Need to sort data by alphabetic order, size (numerical value), etc
Warning! If you have numerous columns in data set and you select just one column to sort, the
corresponding data in each row of the column sorted by will not move with the new order
resulting from the sort. ALWAYS select entire data set when sorting data.
Tips You can sort data set by up to three columns at once. To analyze the best performing sales
rep in each region, first sort the data set by region, then be deal volume. Use this function to
minimize the time it takes to organize the data and maximize the time you have to analyze it.
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“Filter” Data Set
Why Need to filter data set by selected fields
Warning! If you have applied a filter to a data set, be very careful when deleting rows. The filter
output shows just the rows containing the selected data, and all of the other rows in the data
set are automatically hidden. If you try to delete multiple rows from your filter and then
remove the filter, you run the chance of deleting rows you did not mean to and there is a
good chance that you will not even know that you did it.
Examples 1. Need to filter out all deals in the state column showing Michigan
2. Need to filter out all deals in the city column showing East Lansing
3. Need to filter out all expenses items with “Hilton” as the vendor
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Split Windows
Why Need to work in multiples parts of a large worksheet simultaneously without flipping back
and forth between locations of cells
Q16 4
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Auditing Features
Why Need to trace what cells are linked to a certain cell through formulas by:
1. Precedents – Incoming linked cells
2. Dependents – Outgoing linked cells
3. Error – Incoming linked cell causing an error
Tips 1. The operation captures all cells that are linked, even those on different worksheets and
different workbooks.
2. Very useful tool when trying to figure out a file that someone else created (especially
planning session models!) Very important to check what cells (and other files) are
impacted by changes you make in a current cell when you are unfamiliar with the file you
are working on.
3. Good to place auditing tool icons in your toolbars
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Restrict File Access/Modification
Why Need to restrict file access or modification to only people who know password
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Customize Toolbars
Why Need to create quick shortcut icons to operations you frequently use (doing this can save you
TONS of time!)
Examples Icons for ANYTHING you search in menus for more than once a week! Set print area,
page setup, print preview, paste special, paste as values, sort, filter, pivot tables, insert
comments, delete comments, groupings, auditing features, insert rows, delete columns,
freeze panes, merge cells, outline, underline, no borders, shade gray, etc etc.
Tips 1. After you select “Customize”, you can alter an icon (button) image by right clicking on it,
and selecting from the list of options (including delete)
2. Do this!!
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Let Excel and other data management tools (Access, Oracle, Hyperion, etc) to do as much of the data
crunching as possible. You are providing no value to your team if you are spending time pushing around
Be consistent with file naming, headings, formatting, spacing, etc. In order to maximize the utility of the
previously discussed tools, consistency is VERY important!
Automate processes/file updates/etc whenever possible. This will increase not only your speed, but more
importantly your accuracy!
Take time at the beginning of a new job (rotation) to really learn the data management tools and
forecasting models used by your business. You will not be able to automate or improve a process or file
(i.e. provide big contribution to your team) if you do not know how the tools or files work!
Limit the number of data sources and file versions for the same reporting period. Avoid the chance for
multiple people to have different values for the same number based on “Who didn’t get the last refresh of
the data?”
The finance world changes constantly. Prepare files in a way to be flexible and handle quick last second
changes, and be transferable for use in future time periods.
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Appendix - Functions: “MATCH”
Why Need to find the position of an item in a list
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Appendix - Functions: “INDEX”
Why Need to find the value in a data set by providing a specific row and/or column number(s)
(Note: can be used in single lists, single blocks, or non-continuous blocks of data)
Formula Formula type one (of three) – Using with data set as a single list
=INDEX([List Range],[Lookup Number])
1 [List Range] = Location of data set (must be a congruent, single column or row list)
2 [Lookup Number] = Position number in [List Range] whose value you are trying to
figure out
=INDEX(C6:F6,C11) = Green
1 2
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Appendix - Functions: “INDEX” (cont)
Formula Formula type two (of three) – Using with data set as a single block
=INDEX([Data Set],[Row Number],[Column Number])
1 [Data Set] = Location of data set you are looking up value from
2 [Row Number] = Number of rows down in the [Data Set] you want to reference from
3 [Column Number] = Number of columns down in the [Data Set] you want to
reference from
=INDEX(D20:G22,K18,K19) = 375
1 2 3
Note: See Microsoft Excel Help function for assistance with the third formula type:
INDEX([Data Set],[Row Number],[Column Number],[Area Number])
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