Noise Pollution

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P resented By

The increasing ambient noise level has adverse
effect on human health and psychological well
being of the people.

So it is necessary to maintain the ambient air

quality standards by regulating and controlling
the noise producing and generating sources.
Draft published on 28 June99 by The Government of
India under Ministry Of Environment and Forests.

Objections and suggestions are invited till 60 days

from 1st July 1999.

Rules comes under Environmental Protection Act


The Noise Pollution Rules born on 14th February 2000.

I. Short title and commencement

II. Definitions

III. Ambient air quality standards in respect of noise for different


IV. Responsibility as to enforcement of noise pollution control measures

V. Restrictions on the use of loud speakers/public address system

VI. Consequences of any violation in silence zone/area

VII. Complaints to be made to the authority

VIII. Power to prohibit etc. continuance of music sound or noise

These rules may be called The Noise Pollution
(Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000.

They shall come into force on the date of their

publication in the Official Gazette.
Act, Area/Zone, Authority, Court, Educational Institution,
Hospital, Public Place, State Government are defined.

The different Zones/Areas are

I. Industrial area
II. Commercial area
III. Residential area
IV. Silence Zone

Night Time 10.00pm to 06.00 am

Day Time 6.00am to 10.00pm
The State Government shall categorize areas into
industrial commercial , residential ,silent areas/zone

The State Government shall take measures and ensure

that the existing noise levels do not exceed the
ambient air quality standards specified in the rules.

Noise level measured in dB(A) Leq

The State Government shall take Noise Pollution
as a parameter while planning for development

100m area around hospitals , educational

institutions, courts , may be declared as silent

Mixed areas may be declared as one of the four

categories by a competent authority.
The authority shall be responsible for the
enforcement of noise pollution control measures and
the due compliance of the ambient air quality
standards in respect of noise.

Authority means any officer authorized by Central

Government not below the rank of DSP.
Written permission should be obtained from
authority prior usage of loudspeaker / PAS

During festival days not greater than 15days a year

permit to use loud speaker between 10.00PM-12.00AM

The boundary of the public place where loud speakers

are used shall not exceed 10dB above the prescribed
level or above 75dB and in case of privately owned
system shall not exceed 5dB at the boundary.
No horn, bursting of fire crackers are allowed to
use in silence area and during night time

No sound emitting construction equipments are

allowed during night time in residential
area/silence zone.
Offences in silence zone / area
playing any music or using any sound amplifiers
beating a drum or tom-tom or blows a horn either,
musical or pressure, or trumpet or beats or sounds
exhibiting any mimetic, musical or other performances
of a nature to attract crowds.
Whoever bursts sound emitting fire crackers
Whoever uses a public address system.

Whoever commits the above offence are liable for

penalty under the provisions of Act
A person may complain the authority if the
ambient noise exceeds the standards by 10 dB or

The authority shall act on complaint and take

action against violator as per rules
If the authority is satisfied with the report of the officer in-
charge of the police station , written order will be issued to
the person directing prevention , prohibiting controlling

(a) the occurrence or extension in or upon premises of

- Any vocal or instrumental music
- Sounds caused by playing, beating, clashing, blowing ,loud speakers and
(b)The carrying on in or upon, any premises of any trade,
a vocation or operation or process resulting in or
attended with noise.

The authority shall afford the person(applicant) offer for

hearing or show cause against the order and reject partly or
wholly and record reasons for such rejection.
The Noise Pollution Survey Conducted by CPCB in
2016 reveals
Mumbai as the noisiest city followed by Lucknow,
Hyderabad, Delhi
Chennai is at the 5th position.
Bengaluru is the quietest city reveals the survey.

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