Monitoring: Simple Network Management Protocol)
Monitoring: Simple Network Management Protocol)
Monitoring: Simple Network Management Protocol)
Frame IP CRC
Packet SNMP Message
SNMP Protocol
Defines format of messages exchanged by management
systems and agents.
Specifies the Get, GetNext, Set, and Trap operations
Extendible Agents
Open, modular design allows for adaptations to new
management data and operational requirements
Monolithic Agents
not extendible
optimized for specific hardware platform and OS
this optimization results in less overhead (memory and system resources)
and quicker execution
SNMP Agents
Retrieves the next value of the next lexical MIB variable
Changes the value of a MIB variable
An unsolicited notification sent by an agent to a management
application (typically a notification of something unexpected, like an error)
Traps are unrequested event reports that are sent to a
management system by an SNMP agent process
When a trappable event occurs, a trap message is generated
by the agent and is sent to a trap destination (a specific,
configured network address)
Many events can be configured to signal a trap, like a
network cable fault, failing NIC or Hard Drive, a General
Protection Fault, or a power supply failure
Traps can also be throttled -- You can limit the number of
traps sent per second from the agent
Traps have a priority associated with them -- Critical, Major,
Minor, Warning, Marginal, Informational, Normal, Unknown
Trap Receivers
Traps are received by a management application.
Management applications can handle the trap in a few ways:
Poll the agent that sent the trap for more information about the event, and
the status of the rest of the machine.
Log the reception of the trap.
Completely ignore the trap.
Management applications can be set up to send off an e-mail,
call a voice mail and leave a message, or send an alpha-
numeric page to the network administrators pager that says:
Your PDC just Blue-Screened at 03:46AM. Have a nice day. :)
Languages of SNMP
Structure of Management Information (SMI)
specifies the format used for defining managed objects that are
accessed via the SNMP protocol
Message Length
Message Version Message Preamble
Community String
PDU Header
SNMP Protocol
Data Unit
PDU Body
SNMP Message Formats Message Length
SNMP Message Version
Message Length
Message Community String
Message Version Preamble
PDU Type
Community String
PDU Length
PDU Type
Enterprises MIB OID
PDU Length
Agent IP Address
Request ID PDU
Standard Trap Type
Error Status Header
Specific Trap Type
Error Index Time Stamp
Length of Variable Bindings Length of Variable Bindings
SNMP 1067
Obsoleted by 1098
Obsoleted by 1157
1156 SNMPv1 MIB May-90 Historic
1157 SNMPv1 May-90 Standard
1158 SNMPv1 MIB-II May-90 Obsoleted by 1213
1212 SNMPv1 MIB definitions Mar-91 Standard
1213 SNMPv1 MIB-II Mar-91 Standard
1215 SNMPv1 traps Mar-91 Informational
1351 Secure SNMP administrative model Jul-92 Proposed Standard
1352 Secure SNMP managed objects Jul-92 Proposed Standard
1353 Secure SNMP security protocols Jul-92 Proposed Standard
1441 Introduction to SNMPv2 Apr-93 Proposed Standard
1442 SMIv2 Apr-93 Obsoleted by 1902
1443 Textual conventions for SNMPv2 Apr-93 Obsoleted by 1903
1444 Conformance statements for SNMPv2 Apr-93 Obsoleted by 1904
1445 SNMPv2 administrative model Apr-93 Historic
1446 SNMPv2 security protocols Apr-93 Historic
1447 SNMPv2 party MIB Apr-93 Historic
1448 SNMPv2 protocol operations Apr-93 Obsoleted by 1905
1449 SNMPv2 transport mapping Apr-93 Obsoleted by 1906
1450 SNMPv2 MIB Apr-93 Obsoleted by 1907
1451 Manger-to-manger MIB Apr-93 Historic
1452 Coexistence of SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 Apr-93 Obsoleted by 1908
1901 Community-Based SNMPv2 Jan-96 Experimental
1902 SMIv2 Jan-96 Draft Standard
1903 Textual conventions for SNMPv2 Jan-96 Draft Standard
1904 Conformance statements for SNMPv2 Jan-96 Draft Standard
1905 Protocol operations for SNMPv2 Jan-96 Draft Standard
1906 Transport mapping for SNMPv2 Jan-96 Draft Standard
1907 SNMPv2 MIB Jan-96 Draft Standard
1908 Coexistence of SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 Jan-96 Draft Standard
1909 Administrative infrastructure for SNMPv2 Feb-96 Experimental
1910 User-based security for SNMPv2 Feb-96 Experimental
Thanks 4 the attentions