The Nervous System
The Nervous System
The Nervous System
Each cerebral
The cerebral hemispheres are
hemisphere is divided by
involved in logical reasoning,
some fissures and sulci
moral conduct, emotional
into a number of lobes
responses, sensory
which are named for the
interpretation, and the initiation
cranial bones that lie over
of voluntary muscle activity.
Pathways of nerve impulses are crossed
pathways meaning that the Left side of
the brain controls the RIGHT side of the
body, and the Right side of the brain
controls the LEFT side of the body.
The cerebral
hemispheres has
three (3) types of
functional areas
Memory is the storage and retrieval of information.
Stages of Memory
Parasympathetic (inhibits)
Types of Reflexes
Regulate the activity of smooth
muscles, the heart, and glands
(i.e. Secretion of saliva and
changes in the size of the eye Autonomic Reflexes
pupils); autonomic reflexes
regulate such body functions as
digestion, elimination, blood
pressure and sweating.