Linear Phased Array Antenna2

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Somagoni Anil
By choosing proper phase taper we are able to point beam in
broadside or endfire directions.
Being able to adjust phase taper will make it possible to scan
the beam between these two extreme point angles.
Difficulty will be in realising this in parasitic array antenna,
where mutual coupling is a major problem.

A linear phased array of K radiators,

equidistantly positioned along a
straight line, where a plane wave is
incident under an angle with
respect to the array normal
In feed network, add a microwave
two-port between every antenna
element and its branch of the feed
The transfer function Hi ( ) , of
microwave two port network
i=1,2,3,,K is

H i ' ai e j i
Si Linear Phased Array of K radiators
This two-port network will change,
Amplitude of every received signal
Change the phase of received signal
This two-ports open up the opportunity to operate a phased
array antenna
Since Si Si' H and From linear broadside array antenna
Si' Se ai e jk K i d sin

Se = Element radiation pattern

Now Radiation pattern is,
S Si Se ai e
j k0 K i d sin i

i 1 i 1
In the above assumed mutual coupling between array antenna
elements are neglected.
By assuming a uniform, normalised distribution: ai 1 for i=1,2,3....,K
Then array factor, K
Sa e
j k0 K i d sin i

i 1

By choosing linear phase taper as,

i k 0 K i d sin 0 where -90 0 90
0 0

jk0 K i d sin sin 0
Sa e
i 1

For 0 0, phase taper is zero which is broadside array

For 0, maximum of array factor occurs
By choosing a desired beam-pointing direction0 and subsequently
, 0
phasing the linear array antenna elements according to i k 0 K i d sin
the array factor will have its maximum at the desired angle 0
Beam Broadening in Phased Array Antenna
As the scan angle increase, it will cause the beam broadening.
Power radiation patterns of a linear 32-element phased array antenna with
elemental distance d , phased for beam pointing at various angles is
given by
Array factor,
j k0 K i d sin sin 0 j k0 K i d u u0
S a e e
i 1 i 1

where u sin and u0 sin 0

If we plot power radiation pattern as a function of u , we can see that
beam width is invariant with u
Beam width of a scanned, narrow beam, linear array antenna, broadens
approximately inversely to the cosine of the scan angle:
For beam directed at broadside u0 sin 0 0 , the 3dB-beamwidth is in
and u coordinates are 2 and 2u.
The halfpower beamwidths u and are related through
u sin ,
arcsin u ,
Now, we scan beam to 0 0 or, along the u axis, u0 sin 0 .
The halfpower beamwidth which is invariant in u -coordinates is now
2u sin 2 sin 1 ,
1 0 '
2 0 '
From above equations,
u cos 0 sin ' ,
So the halfpower beamwidth
2 2 arcsin

cos 0

For narrow beam antennas,
2 '
cos 0
For narrow beam antennas 2u is also approximately equal to the beamwidth
measured in -coordinates,
2 '
cos 0
Hence bandwidth broadens approximately inversely to the cosine of the scan angle.
Grating lobes and visible space

From array factor whenever, k0 d u u0 2n where n is an integer, the

array repeat itself.
The main beam identified by n=0, all other integer values of n identify
grating lobes.
d 1
The first grating lobe(n=1) satisfies
u u0
For 90 90
0 0
, the u-coordinates varies between -1 and 1. So
grating lobe just appears at 90 and the corresponding u-value is

then we can write as u 1

d 1

1 u0max

Where u0max sin 0max and 0max is the maximum scan angle. For the
equality sign maximum of the grating lobe is present at 0 900

For scanning or non-scanning array antenna grating lobe condition should

be applied more restrictively
Upon increasing the elemental distance grating lobes appear at 900
Further increasing the elemental distance, or scanning the beam further to
end fire, these grating lobes moves from end fire direction closer to
broadside direction.
The range 900 900 , corresponding to u sin 1, is
called visible region.
The invisible region, for which sin 1 corresponds to complex
angles .
Hence we use radiation pattern as a function of u for u , thus
displaying visible region, u 1 and invisible region, u 1 is possible

Array factor of a linear 32-element phased array antenna with elemental distance d 30
as a function of u sin and as function of 4

Physically realisable time harmonic signal s( ) is,

s cos t
where cosine phase is 2 fl

From above equation phase shifting possibilities are:

1. Phase shifting by changing frequency,
2. Phase shifting by changing length,
3. Phase shifting by changing permittivity,
4. Phase shifting by changing permeability.
1.Phase shifting by changing frequency
It is accomplished by series feeding array antenna elements,
having the elements equidistantly positioned by the line and
changing the frequency.
Using equation of phase kl which is know as electrical
In this array input signal has to
travel over a physical length
and electrical length to reach
elements of array. SERIES-FED LINEAR ARRAY
Physical lengths of feeding lines are chosen such that at the
centre frequency array beam directed to broad sight, changing
the frequency to values lower and greater than centre
frequency we will get different beam angles, respectively.
2.Phase shifting by changing length
Another way of accomplishing a
desired phase shift is by changing
physical lengths
This type of phase shifting is applied to
series-fed arrays, corporate-fed arrays
In olden days phase shifters based on
changing physical length were realised
by electromechanical means.
Example: Line stretcher


Digitally switched phase shifter:

Nowadays, different lengths of

transmission lines are selected
A schematic view of a cascaded,
four bit ,digitally switched
phase shifter is .
PIN diodes used as switching

Cascaded, four bit, digitally switched phase shifter

Hybrid coupled phase shifter:

A 3dB hybrid device that divides the

power at input port 1, equally over
output ports 2 and 3 and passes no
power to output port 4
Reflection of 2 and 3 ports return into
hybrid and combine at port 4
Diode switching in every segment of the
cascaded hybrid-coupled phase shifter are
either returning the signals leaving ports
2and 3 directly, or after travelling extra
line length twice Cascaded, four-bit, hybrid-coupled phase shifter

Phase shift can be accomplished by changing the permittivity of the

material a signal is propagating through
From phase shift equation, 2 fl by changing dielectric constant
of material we can accomplish phase change.
One way is to use a gaseous discharge or plasma.
Another way is using ferroelectric materials, For these materials
permittivity is a function of the applied electric field over material.

Figure: A structure of ferroelectric

micro strip based phase shifter is
shown in figure

Change in permeability also changes the phase.

Ferrimagnetic materials, or ferrites are materials for
which the permeability changes as function of the
change in an applied magnetic field in which the
material is positioned.

Reggia-spencer phase shifter:

Ferrite-based phase shifters have been in use for a

long time. The Reggia-spencer phase shifter, basically
consists of a rod of ferrimagnetic material, centrally
positioned inside a waveguide, where a solenoid is
wound around the waveguide.
By changing current through the solenoid, the
magnetic field is changed and there by permeability of
the ferrimagnetic rod and thus the phase of a wave
going through the waveguide is changed.
The phase can be changed continuously, making BASIC REGGIA-SPENCER PHASE SHIFTER

Reggia-Spencer phase shifter an analog phase shifter.


In this presentation we discussed about linear phased array

antenna and how the phase shifting works and different phase
shifting techniques were discussed

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