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Evaluation of The Knowledge and Attitude Changes of Mothers in Neonatal Care

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Journal Reading

Evaluation of the Knowledge and Attitude Changes of

Mothers in Neonatal Care
Assesor Opponent

To determine the levels of knowledge

on newborn nutrition and care of the
mothers whose infants were born
through normal spontaneous vaginal
delivery or cesarean section at Baclar
Training and Research Hospital, and to
evaluate the change in these
knowledge levels with education.
Information sources and search strategy Eligibility criteria

Between January 2016 and September Before being discharged they were
2016. informed by the doctor and
Mothers, and their infants born at breastfeeding nurse about nutrition,
Baclar Training and Research Hospital, infant care, and the most common
Obstetric Unit mistakes.
These forms were reapplied on the 15th
and 30th days in neonatal polyclinic
controls and the changes were
The correct information was repeated to
the mothers who were detected to have
misinformation and wrong attitudes in
the evaluations in each form application
The frequency and duration of
the breastfeeding, infant
A total of 100 mothers and their infants umbilical care, swaddling,
were included in the study. bathing, sensitivity to pinning
No difference was determined in the jewellery on the infants, and
nutrition rates of infants with food other whether or not mothers
than breast milk on the first day, 15th receive information about
and 30th days infant care from a healthcare
organisation have changed
positively after the education.
Cross-sectional study
Mothers, and their infants born at Baclar Training and Research
Hospital, Obstetric Unit between January 2016 and September
Questionnaire forms designed on the subject of infant nutrition,
infant care, and traditional practices were given to mothers right
after delivery
The mothers information was evaluated by a doctor and
breastfeeding nurse after the questionnaire and the mothers were
informed about nutrition, infant care, and traditional practices
The questionnaire forms were repeated on the 15th and 30th days in
the neonatal policlinic controls and the changes were evaluated.
Mothers who were determined to have wrong information and
attitudes in the evaluations were supplied with the correct forms
after the application.

A sample size, total of 100 mothers and their infants were

included in the study.
The ethical approval of the study was obtained from the
hospital ethics committee (approval number: 2016-12).
Written consent was obtained from the mothers before
the study.

Statistical Analysis
Number Cruncher Statistical System (NCSS) 2007 (Kaysville, Utah, USA)
program was used for statistical analyses.
Descriptive statistical variables were used for quantitative variables in the
study data.
The Friedman test was used for the evaluations and comparisons between the
variables and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and the Spearman correlation test
were used in paired evaluations.
The level of p<0.05 was accepted to be significant.
Results The rates of bathing the infants with and
without a bathtub net were determined to
be high on the 15th and 30th days

The change in the sleeping positions of the

infants, the place of sleep, and the presence
of rails/guards around the crib on the 15th
day and the 30th day was not found to be
significant compared to the first day

Table II
Results The increase in the rates of sleeping in
the dark after receiving the education
was significant as well as the increase in
the umbilical care rates on the 15th and
30th days in comparison to the first day.

The results regarding the form of

nutrition other than breastfeeding, the
first bath, sleeping position, place and
environment of sleep and umbilical care
of the infants are presented in Table II.

Table II
Results No significant change was determined on the 15th and
30th days compared to the first day in the diaper
changing tools for infants, pacifier use and its reasons,
and in the evaluation of covering the face while sleeping
and the reasons for covering the face.

After the education, the increase in washing the clothes

of the infant with soap powder, and the decrease in
swaddling were found to be significant.

No change was determined in the rates of pinning

jewellery to the infants clothes after the education.

Table III
A significant increase was determined in the rates of mothers
receiving infant care information from the healthcare organisation on
the 15th and 30th days compared to the first day (Table III).

The highest correlation between maternal educational levels and

post-education knowledge, and attitude and behaviour change was
seen in uneducated and primary school graduate mothers (r2=0.35).

Strength Limitation
The sample was similiar in demographic but The sample size calculation was not
different in educational level explained properly
Need more participant

The frequency and duration of

the breastfeeding, infant
umbilical care, swaddling, Further research is required
bathing, sensitivity to pinning to determine the initial
knowledge of mothers about
jewellery on the infants, and There were very limited data
neonatal care and evaluate
whether or not mothers on cerclage.
their knowledge, care and
receive information about attitude changes following
infant care from a healthcare individual education.
organisation have changed
positively after the education.
Questions Answers Explanation
Study design, source? cross-sectional study The study was conducted as a cross-sectional study
with mothers, and their infants....

Baclar Training and ... and their infants born at Baclar Training and
Research Hospital, Research Hospital, Obstetric Unit between January
Obstetric Unit between 2016 and September 2016.
January 2016
and September 2016.
Inductive or deductive Inductive reasoning Questionnaire form collecting data analyze
reasoning? conclusion

Questions Answers Explanation

Were the criteria used to No There is no explanation about included and excluded
select articles for inclusion criteria
predetermined, clearly stated,
and appropriate?

Questions Answers Explanation

Type of data, primary, secondary or Primary From patients questionnaire form

tertiary resources?

Group or ungroup data? Group Data .. highest correlation between the maternal education level
and the post-education knowledge and attitude change was
determined in uneducated and primary school graduate
mothers ..
Ad hoc or routine data? Ad Hoc Data was collected for some period of time during study.

Measures of Central Tendency, None We had planned to carry out, data permitting, cross-sectional
Position and Dispersion study.


Questions Answers Explanation

Tables that was used to Descriptive tables Data were presented using tables
present results of this study

Graph used in this paper None

Quality of research data High quality 1. Good operational definition

2. Using assay method and valid measurement


Questions Answers Explanation

Bias Low risk of bias The ethical approval of the study was obtained from the hospital
ethics committee (approval number: 2016-12). Written consent was
obtained from the mothers before the study

Were studies selected and data Yes

extracted by 2 or more individuals?

Were the results similar from study Yes

to study?

Conflict of interest None


Questions Answers Explanation

Sample size calculation for this mothers, and their infants born at Baclar Training and Research
study Hospital, Obstetric Unit between January 2016 and September 2016

Sampling technique Purposive A total of 100 mothers and their infants were included in the study.
No difference was determined in the nutrition rates of infants with
food other than breast milk on the first day, 15th and 30th days.
However, the breastfeeding rates obtained were higher on the 30th
day than on the 15th, with an interval of two hours, and in general
breastfeeding rates were low on the 15th and 30th

Questions Answers Explanation

Statistical analysis Number Cruncher Statistical System (NCSS) 2007 (Kaysville, Utah,
USA) program was used for statistical analyses.
Descriptive statistical variables were used for quantitative variables
in the study data.
The Friedman test was used for the evaluations and comparisons
between the variables and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and the
Spearman correlation test were used in paired evaluations.
The level of p<0.05 was accepted to be significant.
Error to conclude statistical analysis None
How was the presentation of Good Writers clearly explained background, methods and results in this
results in this paper? study.


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