Power Amplifiers and Classes
Power Amplifiers and Classes
Power Amplifiers and Classes
Classification Of Amplifiers
1. According to frequency capabilities.
Amplifiers are classified as audio amplifiers , radio frequency amplifiers
AF Amplifier are used to amplify the signals lying in the audio range ( i.e. 20
Hz to 20 kHz )
RF amplifiers are used to amplify signals having very high frequency.
Classification Of Amplifiers
3. According to use.
a. Voltage amplifiers
Amplify the input voltage, if possible with minimal current at the output.
The power gain of the voltage amplifier is low.
The main application is to strengthen the signal to make it less affected by noise
and attenuation.
Ideal voltage amp. have infinite input impedance & zero output impedance.
a. Power amplifiers
Amplify the input power, if possible with minimal change in the output voltage
Power amp. are used in devices which require a large power across the loads.
In multi stage amplifiers, power amplification is made in the final stages
Audio amplifiers and RF amplifiers use it to deliver sufficient power the load.
Servo motor controllers use power it to drive the motors.
Classification Of Amplifiers
(Mode of operation)
Class B amplifier: When an amplifier is biased at cutoff so that it operates in the
linear region for 180o of the input cycle and is in cutoff for 180o
Class AB amplifiers: are biased to conduct for slightly more than 180o
Both are more efficient than a class A amplifier;
The class B amplifier is biased at the cutoff point so that
It is brought out of cutoff and operates in its linear region when the input
signal drives the transistor into conduction.
emitter-follower circuit
To amplify the entire cycle, it is necessary to add a second class B amplifier
that operates on the negative half of the cycle.
The combination of two class B amplifiers working together is called push-pull
There are two common approaches for using push-pull amplifiers to
reproduce the entire waveform.
1. Transformer Coupling
2. Complementary Symmetry Transistors
The figure shows one of the most popular types of push-pull class B amplifiers
using two emitter-followers and both positive and negative power supplies.
This is a complementary amplifier because one emitter-follower uses an npn
transistor and the other a pnp, which conduct on opposite alternations of the
input cycle.
Crossover Distortion
When the dc base voltage is zero, both transistors are off and the input signal
voltage must exceed VBE before a transistor conducts.
Because of this, there is a time interval between the positive and negative
alternations of the input when neither transistor is conducting, as shown in
The resulting distortion in the output waveform is called crossover distortion.
Biasing the Push-Pull Amplifier for Class AB Operation
To overcome crossover distortion, the biasing is adjusted to just overcome the
VBE of the transistors
In class AB operation, the push-pull stages are biased into slight conduction,
even when no input signal is present.
This can be done with a voltage-divider and diode arrangement, as shown
Biasing the Push-Pull Amplifier for Class AB Operation 15
AC Operation
The Q-point is slightly above cutoff.
(In a true class B amplifier, the Q-
point is at cutoff.)
The ac cutoff voltage is at VCC
The ac saturation current is:
In class A , the Q-point is near the middle and there is significant current in the
transistors even with no signal.
In class B , when there is no signal, the transistors have only a very small current
and therefore dissipate very little power.
Thus, the efficiency of a class B amplifier can be much higher than a class A
The circuit operation is the same as
that described previously, except the
bias is set to force the output emitter
voltage to be
Maximum Output Power
DC Input Power
Class C amplifiers
Class C amplifiers are biased so that conduction occurs for much less than 180o
Class C amplifiers are more efficient than either class A , B, or AB
The short pulse of collector current on each cycle of the input initiates and
sustains the oscillation of the tank circuit so that an output sinusoidal voltage is