Chapter Sixteen: Analysis of Variance and Covariance
Chapter Sixteen: Analysis of Variance and Covariance
Chapter Sixteen: Analysis of Variance and Covariance
One Independent
Variable One or More
Independent Variables
Categorical: Categorical
Binary Interval
Factorial and Interval
Analysis of Analysis of
t Test Variance Covariance Regression
More than
One Factor One Factor
Completely Randomised Design in a One-Way ANOVA (Single
Randomized Block Design (Single Blocking Factor)
Factorial Design with 2 or more Factors.
One-way Analysis of Variance
Application in MR
H0: 1 = 2 = 3 = ........... = c
Under the null hypothesis, SSx and SSerror come from the same source of
variation. In other words, the estimate of the population variance of Y,
S y = SSx/(c - 1)
= Mean square due to X
= MSx
S y
= SSerror/(N - c)
= Mean square due to error
= MSerror
Conducting One-way Analysis of
Test Significance
The null hypothesis may be tested by the F statistic
based on the ratio between these two estimates:
SS x /(c - 1) MS x
F= =
SS error/(N - c) MS error
Cell means
SS y = SS x 1 + SS x 2 + SS x 1x 2 + SS error
The strength of the joint effect of two factors, called the overall effect, or
multiple 2, is measured as follows:
Multiple 2 = (SS x 1 + SS x 2 + SS x 1x 2)/ SS y
N-way Analysis of Variance
The significance of the overall effect may be tested by an F test, as
(SS x 1 + SS x 2 + SS x 1x 2)/dfn
SS error/dfd
SS x 1,x 2,x 1x 2/ dfn
SS error/dfd
MS x 1,x 2,x 1x 2
MS error
dfn = c1 - 1
dfd = N - c 1c 2
Table 16.4
Analysis of Variance
Source of Sum of Mean Sig. of
Variation squares df square F F 2
Main Effects
Promotion 106.067 2 53.033 54.862 0.000 0.557
Coupon 53.333 1 53.333 55.172 0.000 0.280
Combined 159.400 3 53.133 54.966 0.000
Two-way 3.267 2 1.633 1.690 0.226
Model 162.667 5 32.533 33.655 0.000
Residual (error) 23.200 24 0.967
TOTAL 185.867 29 6.409
Table 16.4 cont.
Analysis of Variance
Cell Means
Promotion Coupon Count Mean
High Yes 5 9.200
High No 5 7.400
Medium Yes 5 7.600
Medium No 5 4.800
Low Yes 5 5.400
Low No 5 2.000
Factor Level
Promotion Coupon Count Mean
High 10 8.300
Medium 10 6.200
Low 10 3.700
Yes 15 7.400
No 15 4.733
Grand Mean 30 6.067
This particular design is used when there is only one categorical independent
variable, and one dependent (metric) variable.
Each category of an independent variable is called a level. The independent
variable may be different levels of prices, or different pack sizes, or different
product colours, and the effect (dependent variable) could be sales, preferences or
attitudes towards the brand.
In the example that follows, we will look at advertising copy alternatives as the
independent variable, and preference rating for the advertising copy as the
dependent variable.
Worked Example Problem:
In this example, we assume that three different versions of advertising copy have
been created by an advertising agency for a campaign. Let us call these versions of
copy ADCOPY 1, 2 and 3. Now, the ad agency wants to test which of these three
versions of the advertising copy is preferred by its target population, before they
launch the campaign.
Input Data
Fig. 1.
Sr. Ad rating
No. copy
1 1 6.00
2 1 7.00
3 1 5.00
4 1 8.00
5 1 8.00
6 1 8.00
7 2 4.00
8 2 4.00
9 2 5.00
10 2 7.00
Slide 5 contd...
Fig. 1. Contd
Sr. Ad rating
No. copy
11 2 7.00
12 2 6.00
13 3 5.00
14 3 5.00
15 3 4.00
16 3 7.00
17 3 8.00
18 3 7.00
The first column is titled Source of Variation. Under this, labeled Main
Effects, is the single independent variable called ADCOPY.
We then go to the last column, where the significance of the F test is given. It
is .203 in this case, for the factor ADCOPY. This indicates that at the
confidence level of 95 percent, (corresponding to significance level of 0.05),
the F-test proves the model is not significant. In other words, the Ratings
given to the three ad copy versions are not significantly different from each
Slide 7
The ANOVA has thus told us what we may not have been able to gauge if we had
simply looked at the mean ratings for each ad copy by computing these.
For example, the ratings for the ad copy version 1 are 6,7,5,8,8,8 and the mean
rating is (6+7+5+8+8+8) / 6, or 42/6 = 7. Similarly, the mean rating of ad copy
version 2 is (4+4+5+7+7+6) / 6, or 33/6 = 5.5. The mean rating for ad copy
version 3 is (5+5+4+7+8+7) / 6, or 36/6 = 6.
At a glance, the three mean ratings appear to be different 7, 5.5 and 6. But the
ANOVA tells us that this difference is not statistically significant at the 95 percent
confidence level.
It does this by performing an F-test. The null hypothesis for this F-test is that there
is no significant difference in the mean ratings for the three ad copy versions. (H0:
M1 = M2 = M3 where M1, M2 and M3 are the mean ratings for the three versions of
ad copy). Thus, in this case, we have accepted the null hypothesis (or failed to
reject the null hypothesis), at the 95 percent confidence level.
If the significance of F in the last column of fig. 2 had been less than 0.05, we
would have rejected the null hypothesis. In that case, we would have concluded
that significant differences exist between mean ratings given to the three ad copy
Slide 8
1. Randomised Block Design :
Let us continue with the same input data as in fig. 1,
with one more column added to it. This dataset is
shown in fig. 3.
Fig. 3
sr. adcopy rating magazine
1 1 6.00 1
2 1 7.00 2
3 1 5.00 3
4 1 8.00 4
5 1 8.00 5
6 1 8.00 6
7 2 4.00 1
8 2 4.00 2
9 2 5.00 3
10 2 7.00 4
11 2 7.00 5
12 2 6.00 6
13 3 5.00 1
14 3 5.00 2
15 3 4.00 3
16 3 7.00 4
17 3 8.00 5
18 3 7.00 6
Slide 8 contd..
We have made a slightly different assumption in this
case. We assume that the three versions of the adcopy
were each used in 6 different magazines. These six
magazines are coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and appear in the
column titled magazine. Out of the people who saw
these ads, 18 randomly chosen respondents are
picked, one from each magazine who saw a particular
version of ad. Thus, we finally have one respondent
who has seen a given version of the ad in a given
magazine. In other words, we have one respondent
for every combination of magazine and adcopy.
Slide 9
1. The assignment of our sample of 18 in the above manner assumes that the
magazine in which the version of adcopy appears may have an impact on the
ratings. We can test this hypothesis - in fact, two hypotheses - by doing an ANOVA
with a randomised block design.
2. For this purpose, we use the variable Rating as the dependent variable, and
Adcopy as the factor, and Magazine as the block.
3. A block is defined as some variable which could affect the relationship between
the independent factor and the dependent variable under study in an ANOVA. In
our example, the magazine in which the advertisement appears could influence the
Rating given to Adcopy by the respondents. We are trying to remove the effect of
the magazine used, by "blocking" its effect, or treating the block separately.
4. If we do not block on a variable, its effect gets included with the error (residual)
term. This may lead to wrong conclusions about the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables. In that sense, a randomised block design is
more "powerful" than a simple one-way ANOVA, if the block effect is
significantly influencing the relationship.
Slide 10
The computer output for this problem using a randomised block design is shown in
fig. 4.
Fig. 4
Tests of significance for RATING using UNIQUE sums of squares.
Source of SS DF MS F Sig
Variation of F
Residual 3.67 10 .37
Adcopy 7.00 2 3.50 9.55 .005
Magazine 25.83 5 5.17 14.09 .000
(Model) 32.83 7 4.69 12.79 .000
(Total) 36.50 17 2.15
This table is similar to the output table of the one-way ANOVA we got earlier (fig. 2),
except that there is an additional source of variation called Magazine in the first
column of fig. 4. This is the block we have used, to test the null hypotheses
.The first null hypothesis is that mean rating of the ADCOPY is the same for all 3
versions. This is the same as the null hypothesis we had used earlier for the one-way
.The second null hypothesis is that the block used (Magazine in this case) has no effect
on mean ratings given to ADCOPY versions by respondents.
Slide 11
1. To test if the null hypotheses are rejected or not, we turn to the last column of fig.
4, which gives the result of an F-test for any assumed confidence level. We will
assume we wanted to test these hypotheses at the 95 percent confidence level.
2. We know that the significance level of F in the last column should be less than 0.05
for the null hypothesis to be rejected. We see that for both the rows labelled ADCOPY
and MAGAZINE, the significance of F is less than .05. It is .005 for ADCOPY and
.000 for MAGAZINE. This means that both the null hypotheses are rejected.
3. We conclude that the mean ratings given to the 3 versions of ADCOPY are
significantly different, and also that the MAGAZINE in which the ADCOPY appears
has an impact on its rating.
4. Please note that the Blocking Factor being considered separately has now led us to
a different conclusion from that in a completely randomized test of the same basic
data. This makes the randomized block test a better test when we suspect that a
blocking factor affects the relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable.
Slide 12
Factorial Designs
Worked Example
In this example, we assume that we are testing for a toilet soap brand, the effect of
two Factors (independent variables) Pack Design and Price - on Sales
(dependent variable). We would like to know (1) if each of the Factors
independently affects Sales (called the Main Effects), and (2) if there is a
combined effect of Pack Design and Price (called the 2 way Interaction Effect) on
Incidentally, if there are 3 factors in a study, then we could test for all 2-way
interaction effects and the 3-way interaction effect, in addition to the Main Effects
of the individual factors.
Let us first look at Sources of Variation listed in the first column. The last
source of variation listed is the Residual or error term. But we are interested
in the two Main Effects and one Interaction Effect.
The mean level of Sales remains the same for all 3 levels of
Pack Design (Main Effect 1).
The mean level of Sales remains the same for all 3 levels of
Price (Main Effect 2).
The mean level of Sales remains the same for all combinations
of Pack Design and Price (Interaction Effect).
Assuming 0.05 level of significance, we check whether for each of the rows
corresponding to the above hypotheses, the significance of F is below 0.05
in the last column of fig. 6.
Slide 17
Therefore, only the Price effect, one of the two main effects, is significant
statistically, at 95 percent confidence level. This means that hypothesis no. 2
is rejected.
Thus, we conclude that Price alone has an impact on Sales. Neither Pack
Design alone nor the combination of Pack Design with Price have any
significant impact on Sales of the toilet soap.
Slide 18 Additional Comments
Experiments are today widely used in many ways in Marketing Research. For
example, test marketing of new concepts, products or prototypes is usually done
through procedures explained above, or similar to these.
STM or simulated Test Marketing procedures are extensions of the basic ANOVA type
experiments, with the added tools of forecasting based on the results of experiments
conducts. Separate software packages are now available for many specialised
applications such as STM.
Pairwise Tests
If any main effect/interaction effect turns out significant, and has more than two levels,
there is one additional test required to check for pairwise differences in the means.
For instance, in our example of one-way ANOVA, if the mean Ratings had turned out
to be significantly different at the 95 percent confidence level, we still would not know
whether only one of the pairs (say, ADCOPY 1 and ADCOPY 2) are significantly
different from each other, or if the remaining pairs (ADCOPY 1 and 3, and ADCOPY
2 and 3) are also significantly different.
To find out, we can use tests such as Tukey's Test, Duncan's Test or Scheffe's Test.
These can be requested while doing the ANOVA on most computer packages. These
tests give us a pairwise test result of significant difference among means.
These are meaningful only if the F test value for a main effect/interaction effect with
more than two levels turns out to be significant.
Analysis of Covariance
When examining the differences in the mean values of the
dependent variable related to the effect of the controlled
independent variables, it is often necessary to take into account the
influence of uncontrolled independent variables. For example:
The different interactions that can arise when conducting
ANOVA on two or more factors are shown in Figure 16.3.
No Interaction Interaction
(Case 1)
(Case 2)
Noncrossover Crossover
(Case 3) (Case 4)
Figure 16.4
of Interaction
Case 1: No Interaction Case 2: Ordinal Interaction
22 22
21 21
11 12 13 11 12 13
Case 3: Disordinal Interaction: Case 4: Disordinal Interaction:
Noncrossover Crossover
22 22
11 12 13 11 12 13
Issues in Interpretation
The most commonly used measure in ANOVA is omega squared,
. This measure indicates what proportion of the variation in the
dependent variable is related to a particular independent variable or
factor. The relative contribution of a factor X is calculated as follows:
SS x - (dfx x MS error)
2x =
SS total + MS error
Normally, is interpreted only for
2 statistically significant effects. In
Table 16.5,
associated with the level of in-store promotion is
calculated as follows:
2 106.067 - (2 x 0.967)
p =
185.867 + 0.967
= 0.557
Issues in Interpretation
Note, in Table 16.5, that
SStotal = 106.067 + 53.333 + 3.267 + 23.2
= 185.867
Likewise, the 2 associated with couponing is:
53.333 - (1 x 0.967)
c =
185.867 + 0.967
= 0.280