lectut-EEN-112-ppt-Single Phase Transformer
lectut-EEN-112-ppt-Single Phase Transformer
lectut-EEN-112-ppt-Single Phase Transformer
Transformer on no-load
I 0 5% of I fl
Exciting current I0 Ii I m
Iron/Core loss Pi E1 I 0 cos 0
Ideal Transformer
No winding resistance no core losses (hysteresis & eddy-current loss)
No leakage of flux infinite permeability
Equivalent Circuit Phasor Diagram
Real Transformer
Voltage Regulation
VR will be zero when
At full load I 2 I 2, fl
At x times of full load I 2 xI 2, fl
xV2 I 2, fl cos 2
% 100
xV2 I 2, fl cos 2 Pi x I 2 2
2, fl Req
Hence load current at which the maximum will occur
I 22 i
I2 Pi
2 x2
I 2, fl I 2, fl Req
I2 P Pi
V2 cos 2 x 2 i or x
I 2, fl I 2, fl Req Pcu , fl
V2 cos 2 I 2 Req
For maximum , differentiating the denominator w.r.t. I 2
2 Req 0
or Pi I 22 Req
Iron loss (constant loss) = Cu Loss (variable loss)