Bharat Aluminium Co LTD V Kaiser Aluminium Technical Inc
Bharat Aluminium Co LTD V Kaiser Aluminium Technical Inc
Bharat Aluminium Co LTD V Kaiser Aluminium Technical Inc
Another significant issue to be adjudged, in the case of Bharti Shipyard Ltd. v/s Ferrostaal AG & Anr.
(clubbed together with the above petition for hearing), was applicability of section 9 (interim measures)
of the Act. The parties had initially agreed to get their disputes settled through arbitral process under the
Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, at Paris, subsequently, mutually agreed
on 29 November, 2010 to arbitration under the Rules of London Maritime Arbitrators Association, in
During the pendency of arbitration proceedings in London, an injunction application was made by
appellants, Bharti Shipyard Ltd., before the District Judge at Mangalore, against the encashment of
refund bank guarantees issued under the contract (u/s 9 of the Act). The applications were allowed
and were consequently challenged in High Court of Bangalore. The Bangalore High Court set aside the
application so allowed on the grounds that the appellants had an alternative remedy (u/s 44 of the
Act, being interim reliefs for international arbitration) in the courts of London and further since the
substantive law governing the contract, as well as the arbitration agreement, is English law, the English
courts should be approached. This was also challenged in this petition to the Supreme Court.
The appeal filed by Bharat Aluminum Co. before the Division Bench of the Supreme Court was placed
for hearing before a three Judge Bench, as one of the judges in the Division Bench found that
judgment in Bhatia International and Venture Global was unsound and the other judge disagreed with
that observation.
Issue involved
Section 2(2) of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (the Act), contained in Part I of the
Act, states that
This Part shall apply where the place of arbitration is in India.
In comparison, Article 1(2) of the UNCITRAL Model Law provides:
The provisions of this Law, except articles 8, 9, 35 and 36, apply only if the place of
arbitration is in the territory of this State."
The central issue therefore that was before the two judge Bench of the Supreme Court in Bhatia
and before the Constitutional Bench in BALCO, was whether the exclusion of the word only from
the Indian Statute gave rise to the implication that Part I of the Act would apply even in some
situations where the arbitration was conducted outside India. If Part I did apply to arbitrations
conducted abroad, the most significant consequences would have been that Indian Courts would
be competent to : a. Set aside foreign awards pursuant to Section 34 of the Act. b. Grant interim
relief pursuant to Section 9 of the Act. c. Appoint an arbitrator pursuant to Section 11 of the Act.
It was held that there is a clear distinction between Part I and Part II as being applicable
in completely different fields and with no overlapping provisions.
The Court has also drawn a distinction between a seat and venue which would be
quite crucial in the event, the arbitration agreement designates a foreign country as the
seat/ place of the arbitration and also select the Act as the curial law/ law governing
the arbitration proceedings. The Court further clarified that the choice of another country
as the seat of arbitration inevitably imports an acceptance that the law of that country
relating to the conduct and supervision of arbitrations will apply to the proceedings. It
would, therefore, follow that if the arbitration agreement is found or held to provide for a
seat / place of arbitration outside India, then even if the contract specifies that the Act
shall govern the arbitration proceedings, Part I of the Act would not be applicable or shall
not enable Indian courts to exercise supervisory jurisdiction over the arbitration or the
award. It would only mean that the parties have contractually imported from the Act,
those provisions which are concerned with the internal conduct of their arbitration and
which are not inconsistent with the mandatory provisions of the English procedural law or
curial law. Therefore, it can be inferred that Part I applies only to arbitrations having their
seat / place in India.
The Court dissented with the observations made in Bhatia International case
and further observed on a logical construction of the Act, that the Indian
Courts do not have the power to grant interim measures when the seat of
arbitration is outside India. A bare perusal of Section 9 of the Act would clearly
show that it relates to interim measures before or during arbitral proceedings or
at any time after the making of the arbitral award, but before it is enforced in
accordance with Section 36 (enforcement of domestic awards). Therefore, the
arbitral proceedings prior to the award contemplated u/s 36 can only relate to
arbitrations which take place in India.
The Court further held that in foreign related international commercial
arbitration, no application for interim relief will be maintainable in India, either
by arbitration or by filing a suit.
This judgment shall be applicable prospectively (i.e. to all the arbitration agreements executed
after September 6, 2012).
2. As a result of this judgment, the seat of arbitration has now gained paramount importance for
determining the applicability of Part I of the Act. October 2012 October 2012
3. The judgment also draws a distinction between the seat of arbitration and the place of
arbitration. It therefore contemplates a situation where even though the parties have provided
for a particular place for arbitration, that some of the proceedings themselves may be
conducted in other territories as may be convenient to all.
4. This judgment also ensures that foreign award (i.e. an award passed outside India) can no
longer be challenged by an Indian entity u/s 34 of the Act and that the party which seeks to
resist the enforcement of the award has to prove one or more grounds set out in section 48 of
the Act.
5. No interim relief u/s 9 of the Act or order 39 of the CPC (both pertaining to injunction) would
be available where the seat of arbitration is outside India. As interim orders from foreign courts
and arbitration tribunals are not enforceable in India such a situation would leave foreign parties