Distribution Management & The Marketing Mix: SDM-CH 8
Distribution Management & The Marketing Mix: SDM-CH 8
Distribution Management & The Marketing Mix: SDM-CH 8
SDM- Ch 8 1
Learning Objectives
Role of distribution management in the
marketing mix
Why distribution channels are required
Distribution channel strategy
Overview of distribution channel
Intensity in the distribution effort
SDM- Ch 8 2
The Marketing Mix
Distribution channels help in the place
aspect of the marketing mix
Distribution provides place, time and
possession utility to the consumer
SDM- Ch 8 3
Consumer wants to buy a tube of toothpaste
Made available at a retail outlet close to
her residence place
Made available at 8 pm on a Tuesday
evening when she wants it time
She can pay for the toothpaste and take it
away possession
The company distribution function has made
all this possible.
The situation would be similar if a customer
wants to buy a refrigerator or medicines or
even an electric motor
SDM- Ch 8 4
Players Involved
The company and its distribution network
Direct company to consumer
Company to a C&FA / distribution center to
distributors to retailers
Distributor to wholesaler to retailer
All these intermediaries help the process of
exchange of the product or service.
SDM- Ch 8 5
Distribution Management
Management of all activities which facilitate
movement and co-ordination of supply and
demand in the creation of time and place
utility in goods
The art and science of determining
requirements, acquiring them, distributing
them and finally maintaining them in an
operationally ready condition for their entire
A distribution channel
SDM- Ch 8 6
Distribution Channels Defined
Are sets of interdependent organizations
involved in the process of making a product
or service available for use or consumption
Stern & Ansary
Whether selling products or services, marketing
channel decisions play a role of strategic
importance in the overall presence and success a
company enjoys in the marketplace.
All retailers, wholesalers and logistical
organisations are intermediaries - Kotler
SDM- Ch 8 7
More Definitions
SDM- Ch 8 9
Types of Channels
Sales: motivates buyers, shares information
between company and its consumers,
negotiates fair bargains for consumers and
finances the transactions (company
salespeople, internet)
Delivery channel meant only for physical part
of the distribution (the railways)
Service channel performs after sales
service (authorised service centers)
Channel members
SDM- Ch 8 10
Listing of Channel Members
Company own sales team
C&FAs and CSAs (consignment selling
Distributors, dealers, stockists, value-added
Commission agents, jobbers and brokers
Value added resellers
Electronic channels
SDM- Ch 8 11
C&FAs / C&SAs
C&FA: carrying and forwarding agent and
C&SA: carrying and selling agent both are
on contract with a company
Both are transporters who work between the
company and its distributors
Collect products from the company, store in a
central location, break bulk and despatch to
distributors against indents
Goods belong to the company
C&SA also sells the goods on behalf of the
company but remits proceeds after sale
SDM- Ch 8 12
Distributors, Dealers,
Name denotes the extent of re-distribution
done by them
Distributors invest in the products buy
products from the company
Are on commission, margins or mark-up
May or may not get credit but extend credit
Distributors cover the markets as per a beat
plan. All others merely finance the business.
Distributors could be exclusive for a company
Agents bring buyer and seller together
SDM- Ch 8 13
Operate out of the main markets
Deal with a number of company products of
their choice
Are not on contract with any company
Sell to other wholesalers, retailers and
Negotiate about 15 days credit from company
distributors also provide credit to their
Operate on high volumes and low margins
SDM- Ch 8 14
The final contact with consumers
Operate out of their shops and sell a large
assortment and variety of goods or services
for personal and non-business use
Located closest to consumers
Buy from company, distributors or
Highest margins in the network
Provide personalised services to their
SDM- Ch 8 15
Industrial Products
Customers may also direct from company sales force
Producer Producer
SDM- Ch 8 16
Consumer Products
Direct from producer to consumer
smaller companies
Producer to retailer and on to consumer
consumer durables
Producer to distributor/wholesaler to
retailer and on to consumer - most
companies for FMCG / non-durables
Producer to one intermediary to end
user most services companies
SDM- Ch 8 17
Consumer Products
Retailers may also direct from company sales force
Distributor Distributor
SDM- Ch 8 18
Patterns of Distribution
Determines the intensity of the
Intensity decides the service level
Types of distribution intensity or
SDM- Ch 8 19
Distribution Intensity
Intensive: distribution through every
reasonable outlet available FMCG
Selective: multiple, but not all outlets in
the market pharma, frozen food
Exclusive: may be only one outlet in a
market - car dealers
SDM- Ch 8 20
Intensive Distribution
Strategy is to make sure that the
product is available in as many outlets
as possible
Preferred for consumer, pharmaceutical
products and automobile spares
SDM- Ch 8 21
Selective Distribution
A few select outlets will be permitted to
keep the products
Outlets selected in line with the image
the company wants to project
Preferred for high value products
Metro, Rebock, Nike
Keeps distribution costs lower
SDM- Ch 8 22
Exclusive Distribution
Highly selective choice of outlets may
be even one outlet in an entire market
Could include outlets set up by
companies Tanishque, Kalyan
Producer wants a close watch and
control on the distribution of his
products. Channel strategy
SDM- Ch 8 23
Channel Intensity A
SDM- Ch 8 24
Distribution Channel Strategy
Derived from the corporate strategy and the
marketing strategy
Steps for designing the distribution strategy
Defining customer service levels
Distribution objectives and steps
Structure of the network required
Policy and procedure to be followed
Key performance indicators
Critical success factors
SDM- Ch 8 25
Customer Service Levels
Defined by the nature of the industry,
the products, competition and market
Affordability also decides the service
It should at least match competition.
Customer expectations have no limit
SDM- Ch 8 26
Distribution Objectives
Influenced by the customer
Defines the extent of time, place and
possession utility which the customer
can expect out of the channel network
A housewife should be able to buy a pack
of shampoo when and where she wants it
Set of activities.
SDM- Ch 8 27
Set of Activities
Manner in which the company and its
marketing channels go about achieving the
customer service levels
Some of these steps could be:
Sales forecasts
Despatch plans
Market coverage beat plans
Journey plans for service engineers
Collection of sales proceeds
Carrying out promotional activities
The company also decides as to who is to
perform which task Organization.
SDM- Ch 8 28
Channel Structure
Extent of company support and outsourcing
to be decided
Budget for the cost of the distribution effort
Select suitable channel partners C&FAs,
and distributors
Setting clear objectives for the partners
Agree on level of financial commitments by
the channel partners.
Policy and procedure..
SDM- Ch 8 29
Policy & Procedure
Define policy and implementation
guidelines through Operating Manuals
Policy guidelines include
Code of conduct for channel members
System for redressal of complaints
Any additional subsidies etc
Handling institutional business
Service policy for engineering products
SDM- Ch 8 KPIs. 30
Key Performance Indicators
For measurement of effectiveness. Some of
these could be:
Consistent achievement of targets by product
groups, periods and territories
Achievement of market shares
Achievement of profitability
Achievement of channel objectives and service
Zero complaints from customers
No stock returns
Ability to handle emergencies and sudden spurts
in demand
SDM- Ch 8 31
Key Performance Indicators
For measurement of effectiveness.
Some of these could be:
Balanced sales achievement during a
period no period end skews
Market coverage with ready stocks
Excellent management of accounts
Minimize losses on account of stock-outs
Minimize damages to products
SDM- Ch 8 CSFs 32
Critical Success Factors
The distribution strategy also needs the
support and encouragement of top
management to succeed
Some of the CSFs could be:
Clear, transparent and unambiguous policy and
Serious commitment of the channel partners
Fairness in dealings
Clearly defined customer service policy
High level of integrity
Equitable distribution at times of shortage
Timely compensation to the channel partners
SDM- Ch 8 33
Distribution for Rural Markets
Low penetration high potential
Characteristics of rural markets low
income levels, different lifestyles,
inadequate infrastructure
Aspirations match urban consumers
Well known initiatives on distribution:
HUL Project Shakti
ITC e-Choupal
SDM- Ch 8 34
Rural Markets
Access to most markets either difficult or non-
Weekly haats (shandies) and feeder markets
provide indirect access
Rural consumer understands colours and
symbols better than brands
Rural outlets are small and about two to four in
a small village
Retailer prefers to stock only one brand in a
category. Stocking influenced by access to the
SDM- Ch 8 35
Key Learnings
Marketing channels are networks through
which producers products flow to the
Companies use distribution channels to reach
their large customer base
The channel members could be nominated
like distributors or freelance like retailers
Distribution channels provide the time, place
and possession utility for consumers for the
company products
SDM- Ch 8 36
Key Learnings
Distribution channels could be sales, service
or delivery focused
Rural markets are characterised by high
potential and low penetration. Access is
Feeder markets, small but limited number of
outlets and stocking influenced by access to
the brand these factors influence the
channel selection.
SDM- Ch 8 37
Key Learnings
Companies could also choose the intensity of
distribution based on their products and
distribution objectives
Distribution could be intensive, selective or
The distribution strategy takes care of service
levels, objectives, activities, organisation to
deliver the service, measurement of
performance and critical success factors
SDM- Ch 8 38
End of Notes Chapter 8