Medical Jurisprudence - 1st Part
Medical Jurisprudence - 1st Part
Medical Jurisprudence - 1st Part
- a privilege or franchise granted by the state
to any person to perform medical acts
upon compliance with law
- the failure in the exercise of a reasonable
degree of care and skill on the part of the
medical practitioner in treating the Px
- the legal aspect of medical practice
- has to do with legal concepts in the
practice of medicine
- includes: licensure and regulatory laws,
physician-patient relationship, rights,
duties and obligations, liabilities for
failure to comply with law
Administrative bodies:
1. The Board of Medical Education
- standardization and regulation of
medical education
2. The Professional Regulations Commission
- general supervision and regulation of
all professions requiring exams
3. The Board of Medicine
- gives exams for the registration of
physicians; supervision, control and
regulation of the practice of medicine in the Phil.
Requisites in the practice of Medicine
1.Age at least 21 y.o.
2.Educational background
a) a holder of bachelors degree in
science or arts
b) medical course at least 5 yrs.
including internship and PGI
3.Exam requirements
a)Filipino citizen or foreigner
b)good moral character
c)sound mind
d)not have been convicted by a
court of any crime involving
moral turpitude
e)holder of the Degree of Doctor of
Medicine conferred by the college
4)Passing the Medical Board Exam
- obtained a general weighted
average of 75% without a grade
lower than 50% in any subject
- refresher course 3 failures
5)Issuance of Certificate of Registration
- license
Medical Practice
Acts constituting the practice of medicine:
1.physically examine a person & diagnose
2.physically examine a person & treat
3.physically examine a person & operate
4.physically examine a person & prescribe
*Taking of medical history
Who are Qualified to Practice Medicine?
1.those who have completed the requisites
2.those without certificate of registration
a)physicians & surgeons from other
countries called in consultation only
& exclusively for specific & definite
cases, or those attached to internatl
bodies/orgs.- limited practice
b)commissioned medical officers of the
USAF stationed in the Phil. limited practice
c)foreign physicians as exchange
professors in special branches of
medicine/surgery whose services
may be necessary
d)medical students(interns), graduates
of medicine, registered nurses-
during epidemics/national emergencies
when the services of registered
physicians are not available
3.Balikbayan physicians
4.foreign physicians by reciprocity and
Collection of fees:
1.friendly/extrajudicial methods
b)bill collection agency
2.judicial method
facts to be proven in court in an action for recovery of
medical fee:
a)plaintiff-physician is duly qualified and licensed to practice
medicine in the Philippines
b)that he has performed medical service to the patient
c)that the professional fee demanded is reasonable
d)the person liable for payment is the defendant
*quantum meruit
-as much as he deserves
*the medical profession not being a business and service being its primary
concern, a physician should not charge exhorbitant fees
*humanity requires every physician to render services gratuitously to poor
and indigent patients who are in need of his attendance