Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
Gabriela Jimborean
UMF Tg. Mures
Pulmonology Clinic
Lung cancer great morbidity and
From 1985 LC is the leading cause of CC morbidity and death around the world
First place in all CC in men
Third place in women (after breast, uterine)
> 12 million people diagnosed with LC
The incidence may increase to 15 million
Explosion - new cases - 27 million
Epidemiology - mortality
2005> 7.6 mill deaths / year
(70% in low-income countries)
2005 - 2015 - 85 mill deaths
(including not treated cases) [1,2]
1.Siegel R, Ward E, Brawley O, et al. Cancer statistics, 2011: the impact of eliminating socioeconomic and racial
disparities on premature cancer deaths. CA Cancer J Clin. 2011;61(4):212236
2. Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM, et al. Global cancer statistics. CA Cancer J Clin. 2011;61(2):6990
CA Cancer J Clin. 2011 Mar-Apr;61(2):69-90. doi: 10.3322/caac.20107. Epub 2011 Feb 4.
LC extraordinary severity
At the time of diagnosis only 20-25% are operable/curable
50% of patients aged 45 to 65 (very active people)
NO screening in Romania, low level world wide, only in USA - !!! Screening
decrease mortality with 20% !!!
Without treatment, most of cases die within the first year after diagnosis
7 of 8 j are asymptomatic long time, establishing the diagnosis in advanced
stages of invasive complications
5 years suvival - 15% pt. all forms including treated (except "solitary pulmonary
nodule" > 80% - st. IA - T1 N0 M0)
Age gets younger
% of women is growing F: B ----1: 5 ( women empowerment)
Multiple risk factors are avoidable
Lung Cancer Screening With Low-Dose Computed Tomography: Costs, National Expenditures, and Cost-Effectiveness, Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network: JNCCN
Risk factors for LC
Active and passive smoking
85-90% of LC are smokers
11% of smokers - LC ( 13 x increase risk for LC)
The risk of 10-30 x higher compared to NS
The risk correlates with:
No of cigarettes during life = Year PACKS
Type cigarettes, filter, deep of inhalation
The age at starting smoking
Genetic risk
Chronic diseases
risk LC is very slow it decreases in
15 y after smoking cessation
but does not touch the low risk of
Adenocarcinoma risk factors
1. ADC in smokers including passive (the most significant
identified risk factor)
2. ADC in nonsmokers
more common in women than in men
more likely in younger people than other types of LC
non-smoking-associated LC is considered a distinct
disease entity, where specific molecular and genetic
tumor characteristics are being recognized
LC Staging
CT with contrast: TAP
Cerebral RMN or CT
PET CT (skull base to knees or
ALK and ROS 1 whole body)
mutations Mediastinoscopy
Biomarkers EBUS , EUS NCCN Guidelines Version 4.2017
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - NCCN
Evidence BlocksTM
Reference diagrams for 2009 TNM staging system of lung cancer.
The 7th Edition of TNM in Lung Cancer: What Now?By Peter Goldstraw Journal of Thoracic Oncology: June 2009 - Vol 4 - Issue
6 - pp 671-673
T Extension
Tumor > 3 cm but 7 cm or tumor with any of the following:
T2 Invades visceral pleura
Involves the main bronchus 2 cm distal to the carina
Associated with atelectasis/obstructive pneumonitis extending to hilar region but not involving
the entire lung
T4 Tumor of any size that invades any of the following: mediastinum, heart, great vessels, trachea,
recurrent laryngeal nerve, esophagus, vertebral body, or carina;
Separate tumor nodule(s) in a different ipsilateral lobe
Stadializarea N
Extensia tumorii la ganglionii regionali
M0 No distant metastasis
M1 Distant metastasis
2 -3 cm
T1 a
< 2cm
IA T1 No Mo
T2 >3cm - <7 T2a (3 5cm)
T2b (5 7 cm)
Invasion of the visceral pleura
main bronchi >2 cm from carina; Lobar
T2 a
T2a IJsbrand Zijlstra, Otto van Delden, Cornelia Schaefer-Prokop and Robin Smithuis
The 7th Edition of TNM in Lung Cancer: What Now?By Peter Goldstraw Journal of Thoracic Oncology: June 2009 - Vol 4 - Issue 6 - pp 671-673
T3 > 7 cm
T3 Nodules in the same lobe
Mediastinal invasion: heart, oesophagus,
tracheea, vessels, Recurrent N, vertebra
Nodules homolateral in other lobe
N staging and biopsy !!!
LN > 1 cm = usualy malign in the presence of a known TU
PET- CT, bronchoscopy, EBUS, MS, EUS
Lung cancer - New TNM IJsbrand Zijlstra, Otto van Delden, Cornelia Schaefer-
Prokop and Robin Smithuis The radiology Asistant, Publicationdate:2-7-2010
Ultrasound Electromagnetic
EBUS TBNA Navigation
Transbronchial Needle Aspiration LN and peripheral mass biopsy
biopsy, brosage
AFI AutoFluorescence imaging
NBI Narow Band Imaging Video -Assisted
Endoscopic Ultrasound
EUS FNA Mediastinoscopy
Fine Needle Aspiration Thoracotomy
Bronchoscopy = indispensable
TU diagnosis
Endoscopic Staging
1.Bronchial biopsy
2.Brosage and bronchial aspirate
3.Broncho-alveolar (BAL)
4.Transbronchial /aspirate/ biopsy EBUS - TBNA (lung + LN)
+ sputum, pleural liquid, other
Specimen processing
Standard fixation 10% neutral buffered formalin (4% formaldehyde) is recommended [V, A]
Fixation time should be no less than 6 h, and no greater than 48 h [IV, A]
Sections for biomarker testing should ideally be cut immediately before analysis [IV, A]
Cytology samples (cellblocks, stained direct smears or liquid-based preparations) can be used reliably to
detectEGFRmutations and ALKrearrangements [III, A]. At this time, a cell block is the most widely applicable
cell source
The same pathologist should, if possible, review all available TU material from the same patient including
biopsies and cytology specimens to select the most suitable for biomarker analyses [IV, A]
A pathologist should be involved in sample preparation for DNA extraction [V, A]
Enrichment of samples by micro- or macrodissection to maximise TU cell content before DNA extraction is
recommended [III, A]
K.M. Kerr, L. Bubendorf,ESMO Consensus Guidelines: Pathology and molecular biomarkers for non-small-cell lung cancer, Ann Oncol (2014) 25 (9): 1681-1690
Betz BL, Dixon CA, Weigelin HC, Knoepp SM, Roh MH. The use of stained cytologic direct smears for ALK gene rearrangement analysis of lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer
Cytopathol. 2013;121:489499.
Transbronchial needle aspiration
Contribution of cell blocks obtained through endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration to the diagnosis
of lung cancer, Jos Sanz-Santos, Pere serra, at al BMC Cancer. 2012; 12: 34
CT 3 plans with 3D reconstruction
Electromagnetic field GPS
Bronchoscopy with distal sensor
Biopsy of Lymph nodes, peripheral
Pulmonology Clinic Tg Mures
2000 bronchoscopies/510 suggestive LC
246 biopsies with histopathological
confirmation from central TU (48,2%)
NSCC - squamous 57.52% 1.77
CC scuamos
NSCC - adenocarcinoma 12.4
22.12% Adenocarcin
Large cell 5.31%
22.1 Large cell
SCC small cell 12.39%
Sarcoma 1.77% SCCC
Guidelines for deciding which patients should have EGFR and
ALK biomarker testing.*
The goal is to match patients with approved drugs that target
those mutations.
Type of Lung Cancer Guidelines for Biomarker Testing
K. M. Kerr , L. Bubendorf , M. J. Edelman Second ESMO consensus conference on lung cancer: pathology and molecular biomarkers for non-small-cell lung cancer Ann Oncol (2014) 25
(9): 1681-1690
Guideline Recommendations for Testing of ALK Gene Rearrangement in LC: A Proposal of the Korean CP Pathology Study GroupHyojin Kim, Hyo Sup Shim, Lucia Kim
Kerr KM. ALK Testing in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma: What Now? J Thorac Oncol 2014;9:593-595.