2 B Eco Demand Analysis
2 B Eco Demand Analysis
2 B Eco Demand Analysis
Learning Objectives
Quantity Demanded
Increase and Decrease in Demand
Bandwagon Effects
Demonstration effect of consumption by the others lead
to the bandwagon effects of change in demand for a
product in the market. Advertising and fashion play a
significant role in this regard.
Effect: The
Demand Curve
Shifts to the Right
Veblen Effect
Snob appeal of luxury goods leads to the Veblen effect
of demand through conspicuous consumption.
The Market Demand Curve for
Veblen Effect Product
P: 3. Raj Kumar & Co., the cabinet-maker has estimated the following
demand function for the steel cabinets produced by them:
Qd = 1,500 - 0.03P + 0.09AE
Qd = quantity demanded of steel cabinets
P= average price of the steel cabinet
AE = the firms advertising expenditure.
All data are on a quarterly basis. The firm currently spends Rs.10,000
per quarter on advertising.
State the demand curve equation for the price-demand relationship. Give
graphical representation assuming price variable values to be Rs. 10,000,
Rs. 9,000, Rs. 8,000, Rs. 7,000, and Rs. 6,000.
Substituting the value for AE variable in the above equation, we have
simplified price-demand equation as follows:
Qd = 1,500 + 900 0.03P
P1 = Rs. 10, 000 Q1 = 2,400 0.03 10,000 = 2,400 300 = 2,100
P2 = Rs. 9, 000 Q2 = 2,400 0.03 9,000 = 2,400 270 = 2,130
P3 = Rs. 8, 000 Q3 = 2,400 0.03 8,000 = 2,400 240 = 2,160
P4 = Rs. 7, 000 Q4 = 2,400 0.03 7,000 = 2,400 210 = 2,190
P5 = Rs. 6, 000 Q5 = 2,400 0.03 6,000 = 2,400 180 = 2,200.
[Plot price and quantity values on a graph]