Onenote Tutorial
Onenote Tutorial
Onenote Tutorial
Getting Started
the womb and go
right on learning until
the moment you pass
on. Your brain has a
capacity for learning
that is virtually
limitless, which
Welcome to the Microsoft makes every human
a potential genius.
OneNote 2010 Essentials Michael J. Gelb
Notes window
Pages Bar
Using the Backstage View
About the OneNote Icon
Shown here is the OneNote icon on the
Windows taskbar.
with Notebooks
in development, its
code name was
Scribbler. OneNote
was first released
in 2003.
This module explains how the OneNote
notebooks work. Youll learn how to
create and save a new notebook. The
module also covers how to search your
notebook to find the information you
need when you need it. Finally, youll
also learn how to open and close
Creating a New Notebook
Saving Notebooks
Select the File tab on the Ribbon.
In the Backstage View, select the Save As tab.
Select whether you want to save the current Page,
Section or Notebook.
Select the Format you want for the saved file.
In the Save As dialog box, select the location, File
Name, and File type (if needed) and select Save.
Searching Notebooks
Closing Notebooks
To rename a page:
Highlight the text in the title of the
page and replace the text.
Select the page you
want to delete in the
Pages pane.
Right-click to display the
context menu.
Select Delete.
Using the Templates Pane
To create a new page using a template.
Select the arrow next to New Page from the
Pages pane.
Select Page Templates.
Click on a section in the Template
pane to open a list of templates.
Select the template name to create
a page based on that template in
the current section of your open
notebook. The sections are:
My Templates (if you have added your own
Adding Sections
Select the Create a New Section, which is a
blank tab displayed with your other sections.
Editing Tasks
But unless it is
processed, and
available to the
right people in a
This module covers how to use the Page format for decision
making, it is a
Setup group of tools to determine size burden, not a
and color of your page, and whether the William Pollard
page shows the title or rule lines. This
module also explains how to resize and
move objects. Youll learn how to use
undo and redo in this module. Finally,
this module covers how to check your
Using the Page Setup Group
OneNote Objects
when they see
*and* hear
adding visual
elements to an
audio file just
In this module, well introduce makes good
business sense.
some other objects you can place Jay Jennings
in your notes: calculators, audio
files, and video files. Well also
discuss how to link your note to an
Outlook Meeting or link to a file on
your computer or network.
Using the Calculator
To perform a simple calculation.
Enter an equation, such as 2+4.
Enter the equals sign and press the Space bar.
To enter an equation.
Select the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
Select the Equation tool.
Select Insert New Equation.
Using OneNote with Outlook
Tasks and Meetings
Place your cursor on the line of the item you
want to turn into an Outlook task.
Select Outlook Tasks from the Ribbon.
Select the flag you want to use for the task.
To insert meeting details for taking notes:
Place your cursor where you want your meeting
Select Meeting Details from the Ribbon.
Select the appropriate meeting. These are
meetings scheduled in Outlook for the same
Inserting Audio
Select the Insert tab from the Ribbon.
Select Record Audio.
OneNote displays the Recording Tools tab on
the Ribbon.
Select Stop to stop recording.
Inserting Video
Select the Insert tab from the Ribbon.
Select Record Video.
OneNote displays the Recording Tools tab on
the Ribbon.
Select Stop to stop recording.
Attaching Files
Select the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
Select Attach File.
Highlight the file when you locate it on your
computer or network, and select Insert.
Module Nine: Drawing Fun Tip: When
you need some
in OneNote inspiration,
doodle in
Managing Notes
greatest asset, but
its value can't be
realized if it's not
managed and
This module explains ways to help delivered to the
right people,
you manage your notes. This business
applications and
module will also cover how to use processes.
Wrapping Up
we need take only
one step at a time,
but we must keep
on stepping.
Chinese Proverb