Effective Classroom Management by RB Soomro

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Presentation by
Raheem Bux Soomro
M.Phil. (HRM), MBA
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Shah Abdul Latif University
Venue & Date
Leaders Academy Dokri,
June 24, 2014 1

1. Defining effective classroom management

2. Factors for effective classroom management
3. Relationship between effective teaching and
classroom management
4. Teacher classroom management styles
5. Conclusion and Summary
There are no bad boys,
there is only bad
environment, bad training,
bad examples, and bad
-Boys Town
100 beginning teachers were surveyed
and asked the question: In what areas
do you feel you would like guidance?

The top three answers are


Staying on top of

How to plan
Whats effective classroom management?

Effective classroom management is not..

the creation of an orderly classroom

the reduction of misbehabiour

What is effective classroom management then?

Definition 1
Effective classroom management is..
the creation of a learning environment.
the increase of appropriate behaviour.
Definition 2

Classroom management is all the things a teacher

does to organize students, space, time, materials,
so that student learning can take place.
Dfinition 3

Classroom management is way of organizing the

resources, pupils and helpers so that teaching
and learning can proceed in an efficient and safe
Why classroom management?
Positive Indicators
Teacher has excellent rapport with class and learners with
each other
Learners are motivated and participate readily and actively in
different activities (no boredom)
Task objectives are consistently achieved (increase in time on task)
Increase in positive attitude towards the subject area
( increase in achievement)
There is variety in groupings and room layout
4 key factors to effective classroom

1. The physical environnent of the classroom

2 Classroom climate
3 Rules and procedures
4 Teacher-student relationships
I. The Physical Environment of the
Things to consider:
The management of space should be conducive to
The physical environment of the classroom should
support the tasks that will be carried out there
How will the students be working?
alone? In pairs? In small groups?
(Student desks should be arranged accordingly)
Classroom Layout

The importance of layout

Some considerations
1.Can I see the faces of every single student and can they see me?
2.Can everyone see the board (if you're planning on using it)?
3.Can the students see one another?
4.Can I move around the room so that I can monitor effectively?
Classroom Layout
II. Classroom Climate
Setting the classroom climate is key.
Its about creating an environment:
Where people treat each other with courtesy and respect
Where students follow rules, not out of fear, but because
they feel ownership for them
Where the teachers goal is not so much to control students
behaviour, but to create opportunities for students to develop
and exercise control over their own behaviour
III. Rules and procedures
Rules and procedures are a prerequisite for effective
classroom management and effective instruction.

Rules must be reasonable and necessary.

Rules must be meaningful and
Rule 1 & 2 understandable.

Rules must be consistent with instructional

Rule 3 & 4 Classroom rules must be be consistent with
school rules
Behavior Expectation
Four Questions:

Question What behavior do I expect from my students?

1&2 How can I convey that to my students?

What will I do when a student misbehaves and

Question breaks a rule?
3&4 Will I have a hierarchy of consequences to deal with
mild, moderate, and severe misbehavior?
Managerial Qualities of a Teacher
Effective classroom managers establish rules and procedures at
the beginning of school .
Effective classroom managers plan to prevent management
problems. (proactive vs. reactive)
Effective classroom managers monitor to prevent problems.
Effective classroom managers use socialization as a way to resolve
problem behavior.
Effective classroom managers avoid criticism.
Effective classroom managers hold students accountable for their
IV. Teacher-student relationships
Learners' opinions of teachers

Learners prefer teachers who are :

Slightly strict

Carefully fair

Treat them as individuals

Have a sense of humour, but not one based on irony

4 Primary reasons for classroom




Attention-seeking students prefer being
punished, admonished, or criticized to being
Give attention to this student when he or
she is on-task and cooperating (praise for effort)
A power struggle occurs when teacher and student want to
control a situation. Dealing with power struggles can be
difficult for teachers. When this happens to you, try to:

Ignore the student's attempt to engage you in a power

Meet with the student individually to describe, in objective
and explicit terms, the behaviour which you cannot accept
Give a warning, stress the consequence, and then follow
Factors leading to discipline problems (manage or discipline?)
They are bored.
a gap in the lesson (bad planning, an activity loses momentum, a piece
of equipment fails to work)
unclear instructions (they dont know what to do, they dont start and
attention wanders)
overexcited students arrive from another class in a disorderly mood
lack of teacher attention (you need constantly to scan the room and
keep your eyes and ears open to what is happening, especially in large
work is too easy or too challenging (students give up or attention
They dont know the purpose of your presentation.
They dont understand how the information that you are delivering
applies to them.
Instruction is uninteresting
The pace of the instruction is incorrect (too fast, or too slow).
Not enough interaction between and among peers.
Recommended strategies for class control without confrontation :

Establish eye contact.

Move around the room and increase proximity to restless students.
Send a silent signal. (shake your head)
Give a quiet reminder.
Re-direct a student's attention. (use students name!)
Begin a new activity.
Provide positive reinforcement.
Wait quietly until everyone is on task.
Ask a directed question.
Effective teaching effective
classroom management
According to Wong et al. (2001), effective teachers share
the following characteristics:

They are masters of their material.

They are well prepared and well organized.
They are enthusiastic about the the topic of the lesson.
They are warm and approachable, but not familiar.
They are alert and watchful.
They are firm and reasonable; fair and consistent.
They have clear and well-moderated speech.
Teacher management styles
What is your classroom management profile?

Authoritative: Encourages students to be independent

thinkers, but provides monitoring and verbal give-and- take

Authoritarian: Restrictive and punitive

with the focus mainly on keeping order rather than learning

Permissive: Students have autonomy but little support for

learning skills or managing behavior
Indifferent Teacher
Laissez-Faire Teacher
Effective teachers MANAGE their classrooms.
Ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their classrooms.
Effective teachers have a minimum of student misbehaviour
problems to handle.
Ineffective teachers are constantly fighting misbehavi or problems.
Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly
managed classroom.
Effective teachers make effective use of classroom
management strategies
[email protected]
Selected Bibliography

Cangelosi, James S. (1988). Classroom Management Strategies: Gaining

and Maintaining Students Cooperation. New York: Longman
Cangelosi, J.S. (2000). Classroom Management Strategies (4th ed.). New
York: John Wiley & Sons
Charles, C.M. (1992). Building classroom discipline (4th ed.). White Plains,
NY: Longman
Froyen, L.A. & Iverson, A.M. (1999). Schoolwide and Classroom
Management (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Gallagher, J. D. (1998). Classroom assessment for teachers. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Merrill
Marzano, R. et al (2003). Classroom Management that Works. Alexandria:
Bibliography (continued)
Emmer, Edmund T., Carolyn M. Evertson and Murray E. Worsham. (2002).
Classroom Management for Secondary Teachers (6th Edition). Allyn andBacon
Wong, Harry and Rosemary Wong. (2001) The First Days of School: How to Be
an Effective Teacher. Harry K. Wong Publications

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