DFM Pre Requistes
DFM Pre Requistes
DFM Pre Requistes
12 Hours
The designer who develops the habit of following a fixed line of steps for
designing the machine or machine elements cannot come out with the best
When the new product is to be developed the problems keep
on arising at design stage, and these can be solved only by
having flexible approach and considering various ways.
Though the machine design procedure is not
standard, there are some common steps to be
followed; these can be followed as per the
requirements wherever and whenever
3) Transmitted forces:
Machine is made up of various
machine elements on which various
forces are applied. Calculate the
forces acting on each of the element
and energy transmitted by them.
4) Material selection:
Select the appropriate materials for
each element of the machine so that
they can sustain all the forces and at
the same time they have least
possible cost.
3. Creation of A Totally New Design that has no precedent. This type often requires
the solution of problems which may not have been encountered before and could
require a considerable effort in research and development
General considerations in engineering
Manufacturing Material
Process Properties
Major phases of design
Phase 1 Feasibility study < conceptual Design>
1.Identification of the need, evaluating the product feasibility, selecting the most
promising concept and defining the objective of the design.
System definition, concept formulation, and preliminary layout are usually completed, in this order,
before evaluating the operating loads and determining the form of the different components or
structural members.
It is in this phase that decisions are made on strength, material selection, size shape and spatial
compatibility. Embodiment design is concerned with three major tasks
(1) Product architecture: It is concerned with dividing the overall design system into small subsystems
and modules. It is in this step we decide how the physical components of the design are to be arranged in
order to combine them to carry out the functional duties of the design.
(2) Configuration design: In this process we determine what all features (holes, splines, ribs )are required
in the various parts / components and how these features are to be arranged in space relative to each
modification and simulation can be performed to check the functional and spatial constriants. At
this phase only apporximate size have obtianed.
(3) Parametric design: It starts with information from the configuration design process and aims to
establish the exact dimensions and tolerances of the product. Also, final decisions on the material and
manufacturing processes are done if it has not been fixed in the previous process. One of the important
aspects of parametric designs is to examine if the design is robust or not.
Robustness refer to the consistance performance of a system under variable loads in the service
4.The evaluation phase involves a comparison of the expected performance of
the design with the performance requirements. Evaluation of the different
solutions and selection of the optimum alternative can be performed using
decision making techniques, modeling techniques, experimental work, and/or
Phase 03
Detail Design
It is in this phase the design is brought to a state where it has
the complete engineering description of a tested and a
producible product.
Any missing information about the
surface properties of materials,
manufacturing process,
tolerances etc of each part is added
and DETAILED Engineering Drawing suitable for
manufacturing are prepared.
DETAILED Engineering Drawing suitable for
manufacturing are prepared.
Phase 1,2,3 carry the design from the realization of possibility to probability to the
Real world practical feasibility.
many other technical and Business decisions must be made at these phases of design
Phase 04
The process must be selected in such a way that the produced product will
be acceptable to the consumer functionally, economically and
Designing the specified tools and fixtures,
Planning the work schedule and inventory controls.
Planning the quality control system.
Establishing the standard time and labor cost for each
Establishing the system of information flow necessary
to control the manufacturing operations.
Plant layout design, and material flow path for complete
Fundamental Rules for the selection and Planning of a
Manufacturing Process
The process should be designed to
1. The process must assure a product
eliminate any unnecessary operations
that meets all design requirements of
and combine as many operations as are
quality, function and reliability
physically and economically practical
2. Daily production requirement
8. Capital expenditure that must be
must be met
amortized over short periods must be
3. Full capacity of the machine and kept as low as possible.
its tooling should be utilized
9. The process must be designed with
4. Idle operator and idle machine the protection of both the operator and
time must be reduced to minimum the work piece in mind
5. The process must provide the 10. The process should be developed so
maximum utilization of the that the final product will be produced
minimum amount of material at a minimum cost to the enterprise as a
6. The process should be flexible whole
enough to accommodate reasonable
changes in design
Phase 05
In addition to the above, Distribution Planning solutions can also aid in strategic
decision-making in areas like
network planning,
warehouse capacity planning
, vehicle capacity planning,
and inventory and service level management.
These systems facilitate long-term planning, and creation and analysis of
various demand, supply and supply chain structure scenarios.
Factors that should be considered in anticipating the behavior of material in the component.
Analysis of Material Performance
functional requirements
process ability requirements
and resistance to service conditions.
Functional Requirements
some characteristics of the part or product may not have
simple correspondence with measurable material properties,
as in the case of thermal shock resistance, wear resistance,
Whenever more than one material is involved in an application,
compatibility becomes a selection consideration
In a thermal environment, for
example, the coefficients of thermal
expansion of all the materials involved
may have to be similar in order to
avoid thermal stresses. The design
should provide access for lubrication;
otherwise self-lubricating materials
have to be used. In wet environments,
materials that will be in
electrical contact should be
chosen carefully to avoid
galvanic corrosion.
In applications where relative
movement exists between different
parts, wear resistance of the materials
involved should be considered.
Material Index (M)
Objective: Minimise mass (m) where , where is the material density.m =AL
Mild Steel(MS).
Stainless Steel(SS)
Selection of Material for a Light and Stiff Beam
Beam to withstand a bending load of F
Constraints: i) Length L is specified, (ii) Must not fail under bending load, F
Analysis RESULT