DFM Pre Requistes

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DESIGN: Major phases of design, Effect of material properties on design
Effect of manufacturing processes on design. Material selection process cost
per unit property, Weighted properties and limits on properties methods.

TOLERANCE ANALYSIS: Process capability, mean, variance, skewness

,kurtosis, Process capability metrics, Cp, Cpk, Cost aspects, Feature
tolerances, Geometries tolerances, Geometric tolerances, Surface finish,
Review of relationship between attainable tolerance grades and different
machining process. Cumulative effect of tolerance- Sure fit law and truncated
normal law.

12 Hours

SELECTIVE ASSEMBLY: Interchangeable part manufacture and selective assembly,

Deciding the number of groups -Model-1,Group tolerance of mating parts equal, Model
total and group tolerances of shaft equal. Control of axial play-Introducing secondary
machining operations, Laminated shims, examples.
DATUM FEATURES: Functional datum, Datum for manufacturing, changing the
datum, Examples. 10 Hours


DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: Design of components with casting consideration,

Pattern, Mould, and Parting line, Cored holes and Machined holes, identifying the
possible and probable parting line, casting requiring special sand cores, designing to
obviate sand cores. 10 Hours

COMPONENT DESIGN: Component design with machining considerations link

design for turning components-milling, Drilling and other related processes including
finish- machining operations.
TRUE POSITIONAL THEORY: Comparison between co-ordinate and convention
method of feature location. Tolerance and true position tolerancing virtual size concept,
Floating and fixed fasteners, Projected tolerance zone, Assembly with gasket, zero
position tolerance. Functional gauges, Paper layout gauging.
12 Hours


DESIGN OF GAUGES: Design of gauges for checking components in assemble with

emphasis on various types of limit gauges for both hole and shaft.
8 Hours
1. Designing for Manufacturing - Harry Peck, Pitman Publications, 1983.
2. Machine Design - Dieter McGraw hill Publications for topic 1.
3. Metrology - R.K. Jain Khanna Publication for topic 6.


1. Product design for manufacture and assembly - Geoffrey Boothroyd, peter

dewhurst, Winston Knight, Mercel dekker. Inc. New york.
2. Material selection and Design, Vol. 20 - ASM Hand book.
No Evaluation Nature of Duration Date and Time Assessment
Component Component (min)
1 CIA I >Identification of 15 Min Will be >Presentation 15
a research topic Presentatio informed marks
pertaining to n. >MCQ- 5 marks
Design( Should
include basic
theories and laws
learnt in DFM)

2 CIA II MSE 120 Min >50 marks

3 CIA III The full journal 30 min per > Paper
paper student preparation- 10
preparation, marks
submission and > Presentation
presentation. 10 marks
4 End Sem. ESE 180 Min Closed Book
Machine Design Procedure

There is no fixed machine design procedure for when the

new machine element of the machine is being designed a
number of options have to be considered.
When designing machine one cannot apply rigid rules to get
the best design for the machine at the lowest possible cost.

The designer who develops the habit of following a fixed line of steps for
designing the machine or machine elements cannot come out with the best
When the new product is to be developed the problems keep
on arising at design stage, and these can be solved only by
having flexible approach and considering various ways.
Though the machine design procedure is not
standard, there are some common steps to be
followed; these can be followed as per the
requirements wherever and whenever

This statement should

1) Making the be very clear and as
written detailed as possible. If
you want to develop
statement: the new produce write
down the details about
Make the written the project. This
statement of what statement is sort of the
exactly is the problem list of the aims that are
for which the machine to be achieved from
design has to be done. machine design.
help desired motion or the
2) Consider the group of motions in your
possible proposed machine. From
the various options the best
mechanisms: can be selected whenever
When you designing the
machine consider all the
possible mechanisms which

3) Transmitted forces:
Machine is made up of various
machine elements on which various
forces are applied. Calculate the
forces acting on each of the element
and energy transmitted by them.
4) Material selection:
Select the appropriate materials for
each element of the machine so that
they can sustain all the forces and at
the same time they have least
possible cost.

that affect the strength of

5) Find allowable the machine calculate the
stress: allowable or design stress
for the machine elements.
All the machine elements
are subjected to stress
whether small or large.
Considering the various
forces acting on the
machine elements, their
material and other factors
distort or break when loads are applied.
6) Dimensions of the
machine elements:
Find out the appropriate dimensions for
the machine elements considering the
forces acting on it, its material, and design
stress. The size of the machine elements
should be such that they should not

judgment so as to facilitate the

7) Consider the production of the machine and
past experience: machine elements

If you have the past experience

of designing the machine element
or the previous records of the
company, consider them and
make the necessary changes in
the design. Further, designer can
also consider the personal
their total number required, their material
8) Make drawings: and method of their production. The
designer should also specify the accuracy,
surface finish and other related
After designing the machine and machine
parameters for the machine elements.
elements make the assembly drawings of
the whole machines and detailed drawings
of all the elements of the machine. In the
drawings clearly specify the dimensions of
the assembly and the machine elements,
Importance of Design
Cost Decisions made in the design process cost very
little in terms of the product cost but causes major
effect on the cost of the product.
Quality Cannot be built into a product unless it is
designed into it.
Time to Market Design process should be completed
so as to develop Quality and cost competitive products
in the shortest time.
Implementation of DFMA
-"A manager wants to find and fix software faults (i.e., bugs) more
quickly. He offers an incentive plan: $20 for each bug the quality people
find and $20 for each bug the programmers fix. These are the same
programmers who created the bugs! As a result, an underground
development in "bugs" sprung up instantly. The plan was rethought after
one employee earned $1,700 in the first week"!

(Wall Street Journa1,1995)

The key is to design without mistakes, not to spend time

and money correcting the mistakes.
Levels of Engineering Design

1. Development of Existing Products or Designs, redesign, by introducing minor

modifications in size, shape, or materials to improve performance. This type
represents a large proportion of the design effort in industry and may be
accompanied by failure analysis to reduce the likelihood of further failures.

2. Adaptation of An Existing Product Or Design to operate in a new environment or to

perform a different function.

3. Creation of A Totally New Design that has no precedent. This type often requires
the solution of problems which may not have been encountered before and could
require a considerable effort in research and development
General considerations in engineering

Involves tradeoffs among the many, and

often conflicting, conditions that it has to
Human factors: adapting the product to make convenient for human use.

Industrial design, aesthetic and marketing considerations

Environmental considerations: comply with guidelines, e.g. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA), International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Functional requirements: define the minimum level of performance that an

acceptable design must have in addition to safety, marketability, and cost.
Parameters Influencing Engineering Design

Functions & consumer



Manufacturing Material
Process Properties
Major phases of design
Phase 1 Feasibility study < conceptual Design>

Phase 2 Preliminary Design < Embodiment Design>

Phase 3 Detail Design

Phase 4 Planning for Manufacture

Phase 5 Planning for distribution

Phase 6 Planning for use

Phase 7 Planning for the retirement of the product

Focus on Customer Needs and Requirements
Keys to successful product development
to know the customer's
needs, and to provide a product or service
that meets these needs at a
competitive cost.

Identifying current and future needs,

developing product requirements,
determining the best design and technology
approach, and developing effective detail
design requirements are important steps to
successful product development.
Best Practices
Evolutionary and Collaborative Process
Customer Needs Analysis
Product Use and User Profiles
Technology Capability Forecasting
Benchmarking and Company Capability Analysis
Prototyping and Virtual Reality
House of Quality or Quality Function Deployment
Emphasize Creativity And Innovation
Trade-off Analysis of All Design Alternatives
Design Requirements Are Easy To Understand, Quantified,
Measurable, Testable And Updateable Parameters
Documentation Provides Foundation For Effective Communication
Phase 01


This phase has the purpose of initiating the design and

establish the line of thinking

It is a process in which we initiate the design and come up with a number of

design concepts and then narrow down to the single best concept

1.Identification of the need, evaluating the product feasibility, selecting the most
promising concept and defining the objective of the design.

2.Functional requirements and operational limitations are directly related to the

required characteristics of the product.

3.System definition, concept formulation, and preliminary layout are usually

completed, in this order, before evaluating the operating loads and determining the
form of the different components or structural members.

Phase 1 Feasibility study < conceptual Design>

The goal in this phase is
Validate the need
Produce a number of possible solution

Evaluate the solution on the basis of

physical realizability.
Economic worthiness
Financial feasibility
Conceptual Design
(1) Identification of customer needs: The mail objective of this is to
completely understand the customers needs and to communicate them to the
design team
(2) Problem definition: The mail goal of this activity is to create a statement
that describes what all needs to be accomplished to meet the needs of the
customers requirements.
(3) Gathering Information: In this step, we collect all the information that can
be helpful for developing and translating the customers needs into engineering
(4) Conceptualization: In this step, broad sets of concepts are generated that
can potentially satisfy the problem statement
(5) Concept selection: The main objective of this step is to evaluate the various
design concepts, modifying and evolving into a single preferred concept.

System definition, concept formulation, and preliminary layout are usually completed, in this order,
before evaluating the operating loads and determining the form of the different components or
structural members.

Phase 1 Feasibility study < conceptual Design>

Phase 02

Preliminary Design Embodiment Design

It is a process where the structured development of the design concepts takes place.

It is in this phase that decisions are made on strength, material selection, size shape and spatial
compatibility. Embodiment design is concerned with three major tasks

(1) Product architecture: It is concerned with dividing the overall design system into small subsystems
and modules. It is in this step we decide how the physical components of the design are to be arranged in
order to combine them to carry out the functional duties of the design.

(2) Configuration design: In this process we determine what all features (holes, splines, ribs )are required
in the various parts / components and how these features are to be arranged in space relative to each
modification and simulation can be performed to check the functional and spatial constriants. At
this phase only apporximate size have obtianed.

(3) Parametric design: It starts with information from the configuration design process and aims to
establish the exact dimensions and tolerances of the product. Also, final decisions on the material and
manufacturing processes are done if it has not been fixed in the previous process. One of the important
aspects of parametric designs is to examine if the design is robust or not.
Robustness refer to the consistance performance of a system under variable loads in the service
4.The evaluation phase involves a comparison of the expected performance of
the design with the performance requirements. Evaluation of the different
solutions and selection of the optimum alternative can be performed using
decision making techniques, modeling techniques, experimental work, and/or
Phase 03

Detail Design
It is in this phase the design is brought to a state where it has
the complete engineering description of a tested and a
producible product.
Any missing information about the
surface properties of materials,
manufacturing process,
tolerances etc of each part is added
and DETAILED Engineering Drawing suitable for
manufacturing are prepared.
DETAILED Engineering Drawing suitable for
manufacturing are prepared.

this is the most challenging and time consuming task

Engineering Drawing
because of many complex interrelationship involved.

The next step is DETAILING,

where the material is selected and specified by reference to
standard codes.
The temper condition of the stock material, the necessary heat
treatment, and the expected hardness may also be specified for quality
control purposes.
The Bill Of Materials, is a listing of every thing that goes into the final
product including fasteners and purchased parts. It is also used by purchasing,
marketing, and accounting.

Phase 1,2,3 carry the design from the realization of possibility to probability to the
Real world practical feasibility.
many other technical and Business decisions must be made at these phases of design
Phase 04

Planning for Manufacture

At this stage method of manufacturing must be established for each
component in the system.
The manufacturing process selected must be
an economical balance of materials,
manpower, product design, tooling and
equipment, plant space, and many other
factors influencing cost and practicality

The process must be selected in such a way that the produced product will
be acceptable to the consumer functionally, economically and

A process sheet established containing a sequential list of manufacturing

operations that must be performed on the component
At this phase the form & condition of the material, tooling and machinery used will be

PROCESS SHEET makes possible the estimation of production cost

of the component

Designing the specified tools and fixtures,
Planning the work schedule and inventory controls.
Planning the quality control system.
Establishing the standard time and labor cost for each
Establishing the system of information flow necessary
to control the manufacturing operations.
Plant layout design, and material flow path for complete
Fundamental Rules for the selection and Planning of a
Manufacturing Process
The process should be designed to
1. The process must assure a product
eliminate any unnecessary operations
that meets all design requirements of
and combine as many operations as are
quality, function and reliability
physically and economically practical
2. Daily production requirement
8. Capital expenditure that must be
must be met
amortized over short periods must be
3. Full capacity of the machine and kept as low as possible.
its tooling should be utilized
9. The process must be designed with
4. Idle operator and idle machine the protection of both the operator and
time must be reduced to minimum the work piece in mind
5. The process must provide the 10. The process should be developed so
maximum utilization of the that the final product will be produced
minimum amount of material at a minimum cost to the enterprise as a
6. The process should be flexible whole
enough to accommodate reasonable
changes in design
Phase 05

Planning for Distribution

Over the last few years, the demand placed on the distribution
and logistics departments of manufacturing and marketing
organizations has been continuously intensifying due to
pressures from increased competition, introduction of new
manufacturing methods, and increased expectations from
partners and consumers in terms of low price and high service
levels. Corporations are looking to increase their customer
service levels, while reducing inventory, working capital
requirements and distribution costs.
Distribution Planning solutions should reduce process variability, improve
information visibility and co-ordination between departments, and optimize
planning, while responding to demand and supply side variabilities in real time.

In addition to the above, Distribution Planning solutions can also aid in strategic
decision-making in areas like
network planning,
warehouse capacity planning
, vehicle capacity planning,
and inventory and service level management.
These systems facilitate long-term planning, and creation and analysis of
various demand, supply and supply chain structure scenarios.

Designing the package of the product

Planning the warehouse capacity, location and connectivity.
Designing the product for condition acessing while in transit
Requirements of a good distribution planning system

1.Minimize total cost of distribution

2.Increase manager productivity through automated, high-speed planning
3.Synchronize Distribution and Production planning
4.Formalize informed decision-making and reduce variability in the Distribution
planning process
5.Leverage information collected through ERP and other transactional systems for
optimized planning
6.Improve information visibility and coordination between Marketing,
Distribution and Production.
7.Improve responsiveness by

Allowing planners to quickly

adjust production and distribution plans
to demand/supply variability (for example,
changes in demand forecasts, supply
delays, etc.)

Generating production and

distribution requirements for different
demand and supply scenarios,
allowing for contingency planning
Phase 06

Planning for use

The following use oriented issues need to be addressed in the
design process for effective use of the product
ease of maintenance
Product safety
Economy of operation
Duration of service

All these parameters should be considered in the begging of

the design process.
another important activity of these phase is to acquire
reliable data of future consumer complaints which would
help for the product improvement in the next design
Phase 07

Planning for Retirement of the product

The final step in design is the disposal of the product when it has
reached the end of its useful life.
useful life may be determined by actual detoriation and wear
to the point at which the design can no longer function. Or it may
be determined by technological obsolescence
Engineering Materials
Materials play an important role in the
construction and manufacturing of various parts and
components. An appropriate selection of a material
for a given application adds to economy, working
and life of the final part and component.
In the first stages of development of a new product,
such questions as the following are
What is it?
What does it do?
How does it do it?

After answering these questions it

is possible to specify the performance
requirements of the different parts involved in
the design and to broadly outline the main
materials performance and This is then followed by the initial screening of
materials whereby certain classes of materials
processing requirements. and manufacturing processes may be
eliminated and others chosen as likely




Factors that should be considered in anticipating the behavior of material in the component.
Analysis of Material Performance

The material performance requirements can be

divided into five broad categories:

functional requirements
process ability requirements
and resistance to service conditions.
Functional Requirements

Directly related to the required characteristics of the part or the Product.

For example, if the part carries a uniaxial

tensile load, the yield strength of a
candidate material can be directly related to the
load-carrying capacity of the product.

some characteristics of the part or product may not have
simple correspondence with measurable material properties,
as in the case of thermal shock resistance, wear resistance,

Under these conditions, the evaluation process

can be quite complex and may
depend upon predictions based on simulated
service tests or upon the most closely related
mechanical, physical, or chemical properties
Processability Requirements
The processability of a material is a measure of
its ability to be worked and shaped into a
finished part.

With reference to a specific manufacturing

method, processability can be defined as
mach inability, etc. Ductility and hardenability can be relevant
to processability if the material is to be
deformed or hardened by heat treatment,
The closeness of the stock form to the
required product form can be taken as a
measure of processability in some cases.
It is important to remember that processing
operations will almost always affect the material
properties so that processability considerations are
closely related to functional requirements.
Stages of design Stages of material


Stages of design Stages of material

Cost is usually an important
factor in evaluating materials,
because in many applications

there is a cost limit for a given

component. When the cost limit
is exceeded, the design may have
to be changed to allow for the
use of a less expensive material
or process.

In some cases, a relatively more

expensive material may
eventually yield a less expensive
Reliability Requirements

Reliability of a material can be defined

as the probability that it will perform
the intended function for the expected
life without failure.

Material reliability is difficult to measure,

because it is not only dependent upon the
materials inherent properties, but it is
also greatly affected by its production
and processing history. Generally, new
and nonstandard materials will tend to
have lower reliability than established,
standard materials.
Despite difficulties of evaluating reliability, it is often an important
selection factor that must be taken into account.


to predict the different ways in which a product
can fail and can be considered as a systematic
approach to reliability evaluation.

The causes of failure of a part in service can usually be traced

back to defects in materials and processing, faulty design,
unexpected service conditions, or misuse
of the product.
Resistance to Service Conditions
The environment in which the
product or part will operate plays
an important role in determining
the material performance

Corrosive environments, as well as high or low

temperatures, can adversely affect the
performance of most materials in service.

Whenever more than one material is involved in an application,
compatibility becomes a selection consideration
In a thermal environment, for
example, the coefficients of thermal
expansion of all the materials involved
may have to be similar in order to
avoid thermal stresses. The design
should provide access for lubrication;
otherwise self-lubricating materials
have to be used. In wet environments,
materials that will be in
electrical contact should be
chosen carefully to avoid
galvanic corrosion.
In applications where relative
movement exists between different
parts, wear resistance of the materials
involved should be considered.
Material Index (M)

The Material Index (M) refers to an attribute (or a

combination of attributes) that characterizes the
performance of a material for a given application.
The material index allows ranking of a set of
engineering materials in order of performance for
a given application.
Development of a Material Index (M) for an
intended service includes the following steps

Initial Screening of Engineering Materials.

Identification of Functions, Constrains, Objectives and
Free Variables.
Development of a Performance Equation.
Use constraints to eliminate the free variable(s) from the
performance equation and develop the material index.
Rank a suitable set of materials based on the material
Example 1: Selection of Material for a Light and
Strong Tie-Rod
Tie-rod to withstand an axial tensile load of F

Objective: Minimise mass (m) where , where is the material density.m =AL

Constraints: (i) Length L is specified,

(ii) Must not yield under axial tensile load, F

Free variable: (i) Cross-sectional area, A, (ii) Material

Performance Equation:

yield strength of any material

The Performance Equation can be rewritten by substituting the

cross-sectional area, A, as
With the help of above performance equation justify
the selection of material for tie rod manufacturing
for the list of materials given below

Mild Steel(MS).
Stainless Steel(SS)
Selection of Material for a Light and Stiff Beam

Beam to withstand a bending load of F

Objective: Minimise mass (m) where , m= b2 L where is the material density.

Constraints: i) Length L is specified, (ii) Must not fail under bending load, F

Free variable: (i) Edge length, b, (ii) Material

Effect Of Manufacturing Processes On Design
Topic overview

1.Types of available manufacturing process and their selection

2. Design for manufacture and assembly
3. Design considerations for cast components
4. Design considerations for molded plastic components
5. Design considerations for forged components
6. Design considerations for powder metallurgy parts
7. Designs involving welding processes
8. Designs involving machining processes
Classification Of Manufacturing Processes

Many processes form a natural sequence for shape generation.

For example, casting and forging are normally followed by machining

then surface finishing if needed,

. Processes can be grouped as follows:

a) Primary processes: casting, bulk forming (forging, rolling, extrusion),

b) Primary/secondary processes: joining and welding, sheet-metal

work, heat treatment, metal cutting, etc.

c) Tertiary processes or finishing processes: surface treatment,

grinding, coating, etc
Selection of Manufacturing Processes
Not all processes are suitable for all materials.
For example,
cast iron cannot be forged
Powder metallurgy is uneconomical for a limited production run.
Assembly Design example 7.1

Application of DFMA principles to the design of a motor-

drive assembly I (based on Boothroyd)

The motor must have a removable cover,

a rigid base that supports both the
motor and sensor in addition to sliding
up and down the guide rails.
PROPOSED DESIGN which requires two subassemblies for the motor and sensor in
addition to 8 additional parts and 9 screws making a total of 19
items to be assembled.
It is possible to
Apply DFM The assembly time is
eliminate some of the reduced from 160
parts ??? The number of items is seconds to 46 seconds
reduced to 6 The cost reduced from
$1.33 to $0.38.

Analysis RESULT


The base is machined out of nylon instead of aluminum to eliminate the
bushings and reduce the cost of from $2.34 to $0.49.
The new base has less tapped holes, with further reduction of cost.
The total cost is reduced from $35.08 to $22.00 .
Factors to be considered when selecting casting
as a manufacturing process

Casting is particularly suited for parts that contain inaccessible

internal cavities, complex, or large

It is better to cast complex parts when required in large

numbers, especially if they are to be made of aluminum or zinc

Casting techniques can be used to produce a part which is

one of a kind, especially when it is not feasible to make it by
Precious metals are usually shaped by casting, as there is little
loss of material.

Parts produced by casting have isotropic properties.

Casting is not competitive when the parts can be produced by

punching from sheet or by deep drawing.

Extrusion can be preferable to casting in some cases,

especially in the case of lower -melting nonferrous alloys.

Casting is not usually a viable solution when the material is not

easily melted, as in the case of metals with very high melting
points such as tungsten.
Characteristics of different casting processes
and powder metallurgy
Approximate values of surface roughness and tolerance that are normally obtained with
different manufacturing processes

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