Canadian Income Taxation Ch02
Canadian Income Taxation Ch02
Canadian Income Taxation Ch02
Tax Planning:
legitimate arranging of financial activities that reduces or
defers tax costs.
within the object and spirit of the law.
Tax Evasion:
Very clear - an act with the intent to deceive.
includes knowingly failing to report revenue, or claiming the
deduction of a false expense, or both.
Tax avoidance:
Circumvents the law to avoid tax,
Transactions that do not reflect the real facts,
May be regarded as abuse.
1. Employment (Chapter 4)
2. Business (Chapter 5)
3. Property (Chapter 7)
4. Capital gains (Chapter 8)
Amount of taxable income & the timing depends greatly on the type of income.
anti-avoidance rules
Specific Rules:
Transaction between related taxpayers are subject to specific
anti-avoidance rules
non-arms length rules (ITA 69)
prohibited to direct payment to related parties. Etc.
General Rules:
General anti-avoidance rule (GAAR)
supplement the more specific rules.
GAAR stipulates:
When a person is involved in an avoidance transaction,
the tax will be adjusted to deny the benefit.