Human Development in Our Time

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Chapter 2

The articulated vision of development of
Paul VI
Rescuing people from hunger,
deprivation, endemic diseases and
Economic Point of view – active
participation on equal terms in the
international economic process
Social – educated societies marked
by solidarity.
Problems that affect integral human
development today
Economic crisis due to speculative
financial dealing
Large scale migration
Exploitation of earth’s resources
New groups that experience poverty
Corruption and illegality
Failure to respect worker’s rights
Diverted international aid
Cultural behaviors prevent real concept
of development.
Can you cite some examples of
cultural norms of behavior that
hinder development?
New elements in the field of economics today
that challenge development
Role of public authorities in economic
development in the context of international
Globalization that has led to the downsizing
of social security systems.
Governments limiting the negotiating
capacity of trade unions
The mobility of labor
New elements in the field of culture that
challenge integral development
Increased interaction between
cultures that has led to two dangers:
Cultural eclectism – cultures are
viewed as equal and
Cultural leveling – indiscriminate
acceptance of conduct and life
Can you give examples of cultural
leveling that is happening to our
Other challenges
“ It is
necessary to
Hunger – needs to
cultivate a
public be addressed
that institutionally.
food and Agrarian reform
access to
water as should not be ignored
human rights
for all
“Openness to
Life` is at the
center of Respect for life cannot be detached
development” from questions regarding the
development of peoples.

How is Life accepted in the world?

Infant Mortality is on the rise
Population Control that spreads anti-
birth mentality; frequent attempts are
made to export this mentality to
other states as it were a form of
cultural progress.
“God is the  Denial of the right to religious freedom
guarantor of
man’s true
development, Religious fanaticism leading to
inasmuch as terrorism.
having created
him in his image,
Deliberate promotion of practical
he also atheism.
establishes the
dignity of men
and women and
feeds their innate
nature to be
New elements demand new solutions
Moral evaluation and scientific
research must go hand in hand.
Goal to have steady employment
for everyone
Globalilization must be under the
guidance of charity in truth
Assignment no. 4
Review the slides for chapter 2 and answer the following
1. Can you cite some examples of cultural norms of behavior
in our country that hinder development?
2. Can you give examples of cultural leveling that is
happening to our country?
3. How does the Pope integrate “openness to Life” with the
over-all concept of development?
4. Can you give examples from “daily news events” that show
how the denial of religious freedom has hampered human
5. Can you cite examples of new groups that experience
poverty today?

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