Standpipe and Hose Systems

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Chapter 6

Standpipe and Hose Systems

List and describe the different types of
standpipes and the different standpipe
List and describe the different standpipe
system components.
State when and where standpipes and
hose systems are required in buildings.
Reference the design and installation
standards that apply to standpipes.
State the minimum standpipe system
design pressure and flow requirements.
Reference the inspection, testing, and
maintenance requirements.
Recognize the possible impairments to
standpipe systems.
A standpipe system may be a structures
only fire protection equipment.
Allows for rapid engagement with a fire
Essential for firefighting in tall buildings
A standpipe systems is a network of piping
and components that transports water
through a structure for manual firefighting.
Many fire protection strategies combine
standpipe and automatic sprinkler
Standpipes provide support to automatic
sprinkler systems when manual intervention is
Types of Standpipe Systems
The different types of systems are defined
by their operational and configuration
Operational = water availability
After activation permits water to enter pipe
Manually supplied through FDC
Configuration = whether or not it ordinarily
has water in the pipe
Types of Standpipe Systems
Wet standpipe
Water is in the pipe at all
Required to support manual
Environmental temperature
must be at least 40F for
Found in internal stair
towers of mid- to high-rise A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

Types of Standpipe Systems
Automatic dry standpipe
Contains pressurized air in the pipe
Environmental temperature must be at least
40F for installation.
System piping and hose valves can be stored at
lower temps.
Found in residential multi-family mid-rise
Types of Standpipe Systems
Semiautomatic standpipe
Contains pressurized air or
atmospheric air in the pipe
Water enters pipe through
activation of remote control
A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

Environmental temperature
must be at least 40F.
Found in industrial complexes or public areas
where features are exposed to varying weather
Types of Standpipe Systems
Manual wet standpipe
Contains water in the pipe at all times, but water
is supplied from the buildings domestic system
Domestic supply line usually not more than or
1 inch in diameter
Serves as priming water to reduce time it takes for
water to reach the hose valve
Found in older mid- and high-rise buildings
Rarely newly installed in buildings due to arrival of
combined standpipe systems
Types of Standpipe Systems
Manual dry standpipe (contd)
Does not have an attached
water supply
Fire fighters must connect a water
source to the fire department
Common in remote or
freestanding structures such as
parking garages where
environment is hard to monitor
A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning
Types of Standpipe Systems
Combined standpipe
and sprinkler systems
Designs will try to use the
standpipe system as the
sprinkler supply line.
Common in old buildings
with existing standpipes
and new buildings where A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

standpipe design
provides outlets for
sprinkler system
Types of Standpipe Systems
Combined standpipe and sprinkler systems
Benefits to contractors/developers are
manageable designs, better use of space, cost
Benefit to the fire department is ready access to
sprinkler control valves and manual hose valves
The NFPA formally adopted the combined system
in 1971.
NFPA has certain requirements for these systems
Classification of Standpipe
NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of
Standpipe and Hose Systems
3 general categories of systems
Classification of Standpipe
Class I
Designed for use by
fire fighters or brigade
personnel trained to
handle heavy streams

A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

Classification of Standpipe
Class I (contd)
Common in high-rise buildings, open parking
garages, covered malls, underground
System must deliver sufficient water at high
pressure to support manual firefighting.
Hose connections must have 2-inch
threaded connections.
Hose valves may be fitted with smaller diameter
reducing caps.
Classification of Standpipe
Class II
Equipped to give
occupants, fire brigade
members, or fire fighters
access to water supply
through a hose system
Lower pressure and
volume than Class I or III

A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

Classification of Standpipe
Class II (contd)
Fire departments use only if absolutely
Maintenance history is unknown.
Water supply cannot control fire past the incipient
Hose locations are in open areas.
Careful consideration should be given to
installing these systems.
Classification of Standpipe
Class III
Incorporates Class I and II
requirements to provide
equipment that can be used
by fire department, fire
brigades, and trained

A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

Classification of Standpipe
Class III (contd)
Water and pressure requirements are same
as Class I, but safety issues are similar to
Class II.
Authorities may require Class I instead of
Class II or III.
Standpipe System
Fire department connections overview
If the building has a standpipe or sprinkler
system. first responders will connect hose
lines to the FDC.
FDC is a coupling device on a buildings exterior.
Provides primary or secondary water source
Check valve prevents water from leaving
Protective caps or plugs prevent FDC from
clogging with debris.
Standpipe System
Types of fire department
Wall mounted: FDC
breaches exterior
building wall

A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

Standpipe System
Types of fire department
connections (contd)
Freestanding: FDC supply
line is buried underground
Extends out of ground to
connect to piping

A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

Standpipe System
Types of fire department connections
Most FDCS are single inlet or double inlet
When the FDC has more than one inlet, a
clapper swings between couplings.
Quick connect couplings use locks or cams
to couple with the hose.
Standpipe System
Location of fire department connections
FDC must be visible, recognizable, and
NFPA 14 lists requirements for FDCs.
Other requirements may exist (e.g., jurisdictional).
Wall-mounted FDCs are preferred over
Freestanding FDCs may be necessary due to
topography, safety, and other factors.
Standpipe System
Fire department
connection identification
FDCs must have ID
signs so fire fighters
know what kind of
system they supply.
Signs should give A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

information about inlet

pressure requirements.
Standpipe System
Pipes and fittings
Components used to install systems must meet or
exceed adopted standards.
American Water Works Association, American Society for
Testing and Materials, American Welding Society, American
National Standards Institute
Materials are chosen considering the pipe schedule,
type, and joining method.
Fittings join piping and components together by
various methods.
Regardless of material, the purpose is to connect pipe
and other system components.
Standpipe System
Pressure gauges are important and required to
help determine available water pressure in a
Installed at the top of each standpipe
Recommended for pressure-regulating devices
Should not be exposed to freezing temperatures
Must have a shutoff control valve and be able to drain
Help determine the available water pressure in
the system
Standpipe System
Many different types:
Check valves
Control valves
Drain valves
Hose valves

A. Maurice Jones, Jr./Jones & Bartlett Learning

Standpipe System
Valves (contd)
Pressure-restricting, pressure-reducing, and
pressure-control devices and valves
Allow boost pressure to be high but manageable
Special care must be taken with installation,
testing, and maintenance.
Flow tests must be performed at time of
acceptance and periodically thereafter.
Fire companies should identify properties with
these devices.
Standpipe System
Hose cabinets, hose, hose racks, and
Cabinet/closet: Mounted to the wall; holds fire
protection equipment
Hoses: Certain requirements for use, length,
and collapsible vs. noncollapsible
Hose racks: May require a listing depending
on size
Nozzles: May require a listing and must be
able to flow at low pressures
Required Installations
Codes determine when to install a
standpipe system.
NFPA 5000, Building Construction and Safety
NFPA 100, Life Safety Code
NFPA 1, Fire Code
ICC, International Building Code (IBC)
Refer to NFPA 14 for how to install
Required Installations
Factors affecting installation:
Building height above or below the level of fire
department access
Whether a sprinkler system is installed
Building use and occupancy
Occupant load
NFPA and ICC consider time it takes for
fire fighters to establish water supply for
suppression efforts given these factors.
Required Installations
Which adopted model code and referenced
standard does the local, state, or other
authority use?
Any hazards that will present special
Any exceptions in the code?
Any retroactive code requirements that impact
current work (for existing conditions)?
Required Installations
Requirements based on building height
and levels
Building height above and below grade affects
a fire departments ability to operate during a
NFPA 1 requires standpipe installation under
certain conditions; NFPA 5000 has similar
IBC has its own special requirements.
Required Installations
Occupancy requirements
Factors regarding occupancy may generate
additional requirements.
NFPA 1, NFPA 101, NFPA 5000, and IBC all have
special requirements for assembly type
Dimensions and open area of a building design of
this kind can affect standpipe requirements.
Performance stages over 1000 sq ft
Airport terminals higher than two stories or 100 ft in
Required Installations
Buildings under construction, rehabilitation, or
Create access and fuel load problems for fire
NFPA 1, NFPA 5000, and the IBC have special
standpipe installation requirements for these sites.
Hose connections and clearly marked fire department
connections equipped with plugs and caps are
Temporary standpipes are required during
Design and Installation
Most widely recognized document outlining
standpipe and hose design and installation
Adopted in 1915
Revised 28 times, but basic principles are
essentially unchanged
Design and Installation
NFPA 14 (contd)
Cited by NFPA 1, NFPA 101, NFPA 5000, and
the IBC as the referenced standard
Establishes minimum requirements for
components, design, plans, installation, etc.
Discusses requirements for buildings under
Additional requirements exist when using
IBC model code.
Design and Installation
FM Globals Data Sheet 4-4N
FM is a leading fire engineering, research,
and risk organization.
Under certain circumstances designers will
use Data Sheet 4-4N as the basis for
standpipe/hose system design/installation.
N signifies FM has adopted an NFPA
standard, but FM may have made
Water Pressure and Flow
Minimum and maximum pressure
Minimum: 100 psi at the hydraulically most
remote 2-inch hose valve outlet; 65 psi at 1-
inch valve outlet
Maximum: Multiple factors at play; fire
department hoses are tested at 250 psi.
Trained personnel may have trouble with over 175 psi.
Untrained individuals have trouble over 100 psi.
Maximum listed pressure for most components is 175
Water Pressure and Flow
Pressure requirements in high-rise buildings
Pressure and flow must overcome pressure loss
due to elevation changes.
Design professionals install pressure-control,
pressure-regulating, and pressure-restricting
devices for safety and reliability at high pressure.
At certain heights, pressure cannot be managed.
Subdivide into upper and lower zones.
Use high-pressure fittings and devices.
Water Pressure and Flow
Maximum and minimum flow
Class I and II: Minimum flow of 500 gpm;
another 250 gpm per standpipe riser where
building floor areas are < 80,000 sq feet
> 80,000 sq feet have additional gpm requirements
Class II: Minimum flow of 100 gpm
No additional flow when more than one hose
Water Pressure and Flow
Maximum and minimum flow (contd)
Buildings with NFPA 13 sprinkler systems:
Maximum flow requirement of 1000 gpm
Buildings with no sprinkler system: 1250 gpm
Horizontal standpipes with 3 or more hose
connections require minimum of 750 gpm.
Minimum duration of water supply to meet
system demand is 30 minutes.
Inspection, Testing, and
Maintenance Requirements
Hydrostatic and air test
One of the first and most important tests
System is subjected to 200 psi of pressurized
water for 2 hours and then allowed to drop to zero
to ensure valid test.
Dry standpipe systems are subjected to 40 psi of
air pressure for 24 hours to ensure no leaks.
Inspection, Testing, and
Maintenance Requirements
Hydrostatic and air test (contd)
If weather prevents hydrostatic testing, air test
is interim measure of integrity.
Many jurisdictions require both tests for dry
200 psi of water and 40 psi of air pressure
If a dry system is supplied water through a dry pipe
valve, a dry pipe valve test is also needed.
Inspection, Testing, and
Maintenance Requirements
Visual inspection
Occurs in conjunction with hydrostatic test and is
just as important
Checking for leaks
Verifying components installed correctly
Ensuring components are ones chosen by designer
Occurs at floor level
Failure to complete can result in system damage,
injury, or fire department delays.
Inspection, Testing, and
Maintenance Requirements
Flush the system to remove dirt, debris, etc.,
before attaching it to a water service.
Inspector observes underground fire service
mains and lead-in connections while they flow
Outlet used to flush matches pipe being flushed.
10 ft/sec is recommended rate.
Flush until water is clear.
Inspection, Testing, and
Maintenance Requirements
Flow tests
Tests ensure designed performance is met
and required flow and pressure are available.
Water is flowed from the hydraulically most
remote valve outlet.
Test usually occurs on the roof.
A fire apparatus (pumper) may be needed to
pump through FDC to verify a manual
standpipe and system demand.
Verify pressure-regulating valves if present.
Inspection, Testing, and
Maintenance Requirements
Main drain test
Main drain is always available in combined
systems or systems with automatic water
Removes water
As main drain valve is opened fully, system
gauges display static and residual pressure
Compare these to previous readings.
Inspection, Testing, and
Maintenance Requirements
Operation of components
All system components capable of manual or
automatic movement must be tested under
actual operating systems.
Usually just requires unscrewing a cap or turning a
Ensures the system will operate when needed
Inspection, Testing, and
Maintenance Requirements
Periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance
Even if they have never been used, all systems
must be ready for an emergency.
Inspection and testing occur at defined intervals.
When components sit idle, operational condition is
There are many impairments to firefighting, some
system related, some not.
Such as barrier to access
At a minimum, follow schedules in NFPA 25.
In many structures, a standpipe and hose
system is the only fire protection system
required and available to fire fighters for
manual firefighting.
Generally, the height, area, occupancy, and
hazard determine when a standpipe is
required in a new structure.
NFPA 14 is the standpipe design and
installation standard referenced by all model
code organizations. This standard
establishes the three standpipe system
classifications; discusses the five different
types of standpipe systems; and provides
design, installation, use, outlet size, and
water supply requirements.
Achieving minimum water supply pressure
and flow requirements for a standpipe system
is critical because pressures and flows below
could render some fire department and
standpipe system equipment unusable. This
is especially true when dealing with high-rise
buildings where loss of pressure due to
elevation creates design and operational
Fire department connections are a very
important system component; engine
companies should be sure they are clearly
visible and operational when needed.
Devices that control pressure are another
important standpipe system component
requiring identification, documentation, and
monitoring for proper inspection, testing, and
Witnessed inspections and tests during the
installation and throughout the life of any
standpipe system is critical; failure to inspect,
test, and maintain a standpipe system could
be extremely dangerous to fire fighters,
especially when a problem is discovered too
late to solve.

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