The Business of Sports
The Business of Sports
The Business of Sports
The Indian sports ecosystem comprises of stakeholders Another key stakeholder, although not involved in
from a wide range of fields, including governance, sports the governance or management of sports, is the
events, manufacturing, retail, infrastructure development, sports fan. Fans bring life to a sport, and are key to
talent scouting and training, and sports marketing. earning sponsorships, media rights, as well as
selling merchandise.
The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS) and the
Sports Authority of India (SAI) are key stakeholders of
the Indian sports ecosystem.
These government bodies are involved extensively in
governance, funding, talent scouting and training (of
players as well as coaches), and infrastructure
development. The autonomous bodies Indian Olympic
Association (IOA), National Sports Federations (NSFs),
State Sports Associations (SSAs) and District Sports
Associations (DSAs) play a major role in organising and
managing sporting events, and talent scouting and
On the other hand, sports goods manufacturing and retail,
and sports marketing activities (such as events and
sponsorship management) are solely under the private
sector. Private for-profit and non-profit organisations also
play an important role in training, funding and
infrastructure development through PublicPrivate
Partnerships (PPPs).
A country can assess its progress in sports on the 347 million viewers, a 22 per cent growth over the
basis of four key parameters. These include previous season. As a result of IPLs massive
performance at international sporting events, returns, the incumbent official broadcaster Sony
sports viewership numbers, broadcasters interest Pictures Networks (SPN) India is keen on
in carrying and buying sports properties, and continuing its association with the mega league
investments in marketing or sponsorship money after its initial contract expires in 2017.On the
in the system. other hand, there are other sports, including
football, kabaddi, badminton, hockey and tennis,
Key metrics of success in sports which have grown on cricket-crazy Indians after
the introduction of their respective leagues. Of
these, football and kabaddi took off really well,
evident from the viewership numbers they have
Viewership earned. In their inaugural seasons in 2014, about
435 million viewers tuned in to PKL and 429
million watched ISL.These numbers are
comparable to IPLs viewership of 552 million in
Sponsorship the same year. According to Star Sports, PKLs
viewership grew 51 per cent on a cumulative
basis, over its four seasons conducted so far.Pro
Wrestling League (PWL) pulled off a surprise
debut by garnering an impressive average daily
reach of 31 million viewers in December 2015.
Even the stadium attendance soared at these
events. The average attendance at ISLs first
Performance season was 24,357, only below three of the
worlds biggest football leagues Germanys
Bundesliga, Spains La Liga and the English
Source: KPMG in Indias analysis, 2016
Premier League. Similarly, PWL appealed to the
audiences in Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh,
Viewership Punjab and Haryana, leading to an impressive
stadium occupancy of over 90 per cent in north
Over the two year period between 2014 and 2015, India. Another evidence of Indias growing
sports viewership in India grew 30 per cent on the interest in other sports is provided by the
back of various sporting events, including the ICC impressive viewership ratings achieved by the
Cricket World Cup, IPL, PKL and ISL. World recently concluded Rio Olympics despite the
Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is another odd hours. According to data provided by
programme that has a significant fan base in Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC)
India. Indians are increasingly following several India, the opening ceremony (which kicked off at
sports apart from cricket indicating a drive 4:00 a.m. IST on 6 August 2016) got 0.5 million
towards becoming a multi-sport nation. impressions across all the nine channels
(including Doordarshan and eight-channel
bouquet from the Star India network) it was
Cricket vs everything else
broadcast on. Also, according to Zapr, an
The 2015 ICC Cricket World Cup was watched by a
analytics company, 5.6 million viewers in India
cumulative 635 million Indians until India lost the
tuned in live for the ceremony and 6.1 million
semi-final match against Australia. In 2016, this
watched its repeat telecast later in the day. The
was followed by the ICC World Twenty20, which
viewership spiked when Indian athletes were on
witnessed a cumulative viewership of 730 million.
14.4 million
Moreover, IPLs 2016 season garnered
viewers were recorded during Indias first hockey last two to three years. Basketball infrastructure
match and 15.4 million just an hour later when available in urban areas is developing, and is
Indian tennis stars Leander Paes, Rohan Bopanna attracting female attention too; NBA saw a high
and Sania Mirza played their initial matches.83 female viewership of about 35 per cent in India.88
3.3 4.9
2.9 3.8
7.2 4.8 5.6
2.5 4.8
2.8 5.3
4.6 7.1 6.7 4.6 10.3
10.4 7.1 7.6
25.2 26.9
20.0 22.5 22.5
Source: UEFA Euro 2016 | Group matches: 50.1 million viewers tune in, Zapr, 27 June
2016 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
On air On ground Team
Moreover, in 2014, the FIFA World Cup witnessed
Franchise fee Endorsem ents
a viewership of 55 million, out of which 32 million
were men and 23 million were women. 86 Source: Sporting Nation in the Making-III, ESP Properties SportzPower, 6 April 2016
Glam quotient of international events Broadcast in multiple languages has also made it
In 2015, broadcasters started getting increasingly lucrative for regional players to venture into
involved in acquiring the telecast rights for major sponsorships. It gives them access to a national
international events. A rising interest of the Indian platform to expand their reach and cognisance of
audience in such events has led to this trend. their brand apart from reaching their core target
consumers. Relatively regional brands, such as
SPN, through Sony Six, acquired the telecast Anmol Biscuits and Red Chief Shoes, have hence
rights of La Liga, the premier division of the come up as sponsors and have found relevance in
Spanish football league system, for a period of supporting kabaddi teams.
three years. It was the exclusive broadcaster for
the NFL Super Bowl for Indian viewers in 2015. Collaborating to win
Sony Six also acquired the exclusive telecast Sports networks are collaborating to launch co-
rights of the FA Cup and the Series A (prime branded localised multisport channels to provide
football properties), across India, Pakistan, Sri coverage of various sports, such as cricket,
Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Maldives. football, tennis, badminton and field hockey.
The channel has positioned itself as a premier
SPN and ESPN have joined hands to launch co-
destination for watching football.
branded TV channels with Sony Kix of SPN getting
Similarly, in 2015, Star India acquired the rights to rebranded to Sony ESPN. Both broadcasters have
broadcast German football league Bundesliga for also come up with a website and application,
five years across India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, showcasing an amalgamation of technology
Nepal, Sri Lanka and Maldives. The company also integration and enhancement throughout sports.
has rights to air Formula One events in India The alliance with ESPN could help Sony, as the
until the 2022 season. Moreover, it recently aired former is synonymous with sports programming
the 2016 Rio Olympics across its network of and has a high brand recall. ESPNs portfolio of
channels in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, live and non-live contents might also come in
Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. handy for Sony.
Going local to expand horizons Innovations around traditional sports could help in
Broadcasting of major sports events in regional making it more aspirational. The creation of digital
feeds has become the motto of leading platforms is required for sustained and deep
broadcasters SPN and Star. SPN launched a engagement with real-time analytics.
new sports channel Sony Kix that broadcasts the
games in Tamil and Telugu, while for the Bengali
feed broadcast it chose the networks Bengali
channel, Sony Aath.The idea is to cater to the
regional viewers demand. According to the
broadcasters, these feeds would help garner
incremental increase in viewership.
ICC World Cup 2015 was the first event to be
telecast in six languages, including Tamil (Vijay
TV), Kannada (Suvarna Plus), Malayalam (Asianet
Movies) and Bengali (Star Jalsa) apart from Hindi
and English. Pro Kabaddi League is broadcast by
Star in five languages over eight channels. Its
rival SPN enhanced its broadcast production
quality with regional language feeds for football.
Such a move was beneficial for the regional
advertisers too as it provided them with an
opportunity to grab visibility with ad spots as low
as INR50,000 to INR125,000 for a 10 second spot.
Business of leagues
The years 2008 to 2016 have proved to be crucial
turning points for Indian sports with IPL taking
the country by storm in 2008, and the launch of
several promising leagues since then.
248.0 Others
187.7 147.5
25.3 1.0 0.7 Gate
Source: W hich Professional Sports Leagues Make the Most Money?,, 1
July 2016, Pro Kabaddi League signs on 11 sponsors for season 4, Livemint, 27 June
2016, ISL organisers, franchises upbeat ahead of season 2, The Hindu, 22 December
2015, 2016 IPL had an awesome gross revenue of more than $378 million, The American
Bazaar, 13 June 2016
Note: (1) SGFI- School Games Federation of India, (2) AIU- Association of Indian Universities
Source: KPMG in Indias analysis, 2016
The Khelo India Scheme is a step in the right and converting the same into revenue centres.
direction towards a more integrated competition Higher asset utilisation and revenue generation
structure leading to the national games through could in turn incentivise sports infrastructure
standardised guidelines for organising creation.
competitions and talent scouting, incentive-based Current PPP activity in India: PPP for sports
infrastructure creation (minimum facilities for development in India is limited owing to a lack of
national games allotment) and activity-based standardised guidelines and incentives for states
release of funds (release of grants upon to integrate PPP into their sports policies
finalisation of the games calendar) across all resulting in funding constraints. However, some
states. However, the central and state examples of PPP and PPP-related schemes in India
governments may perhaps further look towards include:
aligning along the following: The Naya Raipur Development Authority is
Developing standardised guidelines for asset building a sports city in Naya Raipur, which
utilisation and role of PPP in sports facility would have facilities like tennis, aquatic and an
creation/management to incorporate sports indoor stadium along the PPP model
policies across all states. (specifically, BOT). Private players are expected
Database creation of successful sportspersons to build the facility and hand it over to the
through IT integration of the state and centre. authority. Some amount of this land is
External access to such a system could enable earmarked for a residential complex, which
the private sector to support deserving could cross-subsidise the sports facilities.
athletes with financial assistance and support. Jindal Steel Works (JSW) has collaborated with
Successful integration of well performing SAI as part of its CSR initiative to oversee the
private academies into the Khelo India upgrading and maintenance of infrastructure at
Scheme as high performance centres for SAIs regional training centre in Hisar. The
training camps and possible induction of latter is expected to monitor the training and
talent scouted during the games. selection of players.
The National Sports Academies scheme
The role of the private sector in infrastructure envisaged by SAI aims to develop sports
creation is discussed in the following section. academies for various sporting disciplines in
collaboration with their respective National
Sports Federations in the PPPmode.
Role of the private sector Critical success factors for successful PPP in India:
Critical success factors for effective use of the PPP
Private sector involvement in sports infrastructure mode for sports infrastructure development and
development and training is through three modes- Indias position across these factors is discussed
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), for-profit below:
academies and strategic initiatives, and CSR and Integration of PPP into the sports policy of
non-profit participation. states: States may integrate PPP into their
sports policy. Various states in India such as
Public Private Partnerships Gujarat and Rajasthan, have delineated the
The need for successful PPP in sports role of PPP in their sports policy while other
infrastructure development: The involvement of states such as Madhya Pradesh have already
started development of sports cities via the
the private sector in sports infrastructure
PPP mode. The sports policy of Haryana, a
development in India is mainly in the form of
leading sporting state, defines in depth the
PPPs. Successful PPPs are therefore, a key enabler
need for development of sports facilities when
of sports development. PPPs can be explored for developing new commercial/residential
creating infrastructure through Build-operate- spaces.
transfer (BOT) models by contracting construction Favourable PPP policy and direction/incentive
companies specialising in building multi-purpose for PPP in sports from the central government:
centres or allowing professional private sector The Union Budget 2016 focussed on reviving
entities to manage and control the existing PPP198 for infrastructure creation through
state/central government sports infrastructure action for ensuring improved liquidity, easier
with the objective of building commercial models credit rating mechanism, and boosting (Real
Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Improving the governance and
Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs), infrastructure of sports
further easing fund flows. In addition, the The government has taken some major initiatives in
central government may develop guidelines this aspect, such as the Khelo India Scheme, which
for PPP in sports policy for states to adopt and focuses on developing sports infrastructure in rural
make available case studies of successful as well as urban areas, encouraging a sporting
implementation of PPP by states in India. The culture through competitions, and identifying and
centre may incentivise states to adopt PPP to nurturing young talent. However, there are a
spur infrastructure creation by using the same multitude of other initiatives that could help the
as a criteria for allotment of national games. country achieve sporting prowess.
Incentivise involvement of the private sector
and non-profit organisations
Self-sustainable (for-profit)
The government can seek the support of the private
academies and other strategic sector and non-profit organisations for sports
initiatives development by providing monetary and/or tax
While private sector involvement in incentives for establishing sports training facilities,
stadium/sports city creation is mainly through talent scouting and organisation of leagues and
the PPP mode, several self-sustainable ventures tournaments.
and strategic initiatives exist in the training and
Provide financial security to sportspersons
academies space. Several top ranking academies
Currently, sports is a high-risk proposition for the
are run by former sportspersons themselves and
Indian youth. The government can significantly
have produced some leading players. Some of
the top private academies include improve financial assistance provided to
sportspersons and make it a lucrative career option
to increase participation.
Gopichand Badminton Academy
GunforGlory Decouple politics from sports
Mary Kom Boxing Academy To have former sportspersons of proven ability
Mahesh Bhupathi Tennis Academy leading sports bodies such as NSFs, can help
Prakash Padukone Badminton Academy achieve better visibility for each sport along with
Baichung Bhutia Football Schools
reduction in inefficiencies.
Bhiwani Boxing Club
While support in terms of land from the government Increase the use of PPP for infrastructure
and financial assistance from NSDF are often development
provided, the government may also get into The government can utilise the PPP model to
partnerships/MoUs with these academies to organise enhance and speed-up infrastructure development
training camps and recognise them as high in rural as well as urban areas. Relaxations in
performance centres. Moreover, the government policies regarding credit facilitation, taxation,
needs to ensure easier financing, availability of control, ownership and management of
greater pool of trained professionals and more infrastructure can help attract companies in this
revenue streams as the industry matures (sale of space.
trained players to leagues/franchises, naming rights,
etc.). Steps in this direction can go a long way in
Adoption of leading practices
ensuring sustainability of these academies. There are various models of sports governance
and development, which are efficient and
Advent of leagues is seeing a rise in strategic transparent, and have proved to be successful for
initiatives by league promoters and franchises to different countries. For example, China and the
invest in grassroots infrastructure, training and U.S. have contrasting, but successful sports
talent scouting to actively engage communities and models.
develop a culture for their respective sports,
ensuring long-term sustainability of their commercial
properties (leagues and franchises). For instance,
IMG Reliance has entered into a 30 year partnership
with Basketball Federation of India (BFI) and a 15
year partnership with the All India Football
Federation (AIFF).These partnerships entail BFI and
AIFF granting commercial rights to all basketball and
football properties (sponsorship, advertising,
broadcasting, merchandising, intellectual property,
new league and franchise rights, etc.) aimed at
developing basketball and football from the
grassroots level to a professional league.
Therefore, India could gain by utilising leading practices of
Key initiatives which the private for-profit and
sporting nations to develop a comprehensive framework for sports non-profit entities can undertake
governance and management.
Setting up leagues: In the past two to three
Building a culture of sports years, India has witnessed a surge in the
According to the Managing Director of a leading sportswear brand number of leagues set-up across multiple
in India, the most important element for developing a culture of sports including football, kabaddi, wrestling,
sports in India is a change in the mindset of Indian parents208, who badminton and hockey. More league-based
typically discourage their children from spending too much time tournaments for other sports that India has
the potential to excel in (for example, archery,
on sports. The key to countering this mindset is a change at the
boxing and shooting) can help further
base level, where talent can be identified and groomed at an early
promote the idea of sports as a viable career
age thus providing confidence to Indian parents. option.
When legendary Brazilian footballer Pele visited India in October Organise school level tournaments for talent
2015, his advice on how to develop football in the country was scouting: Several corporates, non-profits and
start working at the base, it is important to train kids for the professional leagues in the country are
involved in identifying young sporting talent
through small-scale tournaments and training
Therefore, in order to develop a strong sporting culture in India, programmes. However, the accessibility of
the government and the private sector/non-profits can work in these programmes is limited, and thus, many
tandem and contribute to grassroots development. more organisations are needed to expand the
reach to rural areas aswell.
Key initiatives the government can take Provide soft infrastructure: In addition to the
physical infrastructure, sportspersons also
Introduce sports in need soft infrastructure for their
school/university development; non-profits can go a long way
curriculum: in grooming talented sportspersons through
mentorship programmes and facilitating
Currently, many of the schools, colleges and universities training for the coaches.
focus only on
academic development of children. The government can
mandate these academic Conclusion
institutions to introduce physical education and participation
in sports as a part of the curriculum to provide every student India has a long journey ahead on its path to
an exposure to sports. Sports could be treated developing a strong sports culture. However, the
equally with academics by introducing it as a subject with equal ongoing developments indicate a promising future. A
weightage in examinations. This can be done by working with rising number of sports start-ups, significant growth
the governing bodies such as the Central Board of Secondary in gym memberships and the increasing number of
Education (CBSE), Council for the Indian School Certificate marathoners in the country, indicate a clear trend of
Examinations (CISCE), state boards and All India Council for growing consciousness about health and fitness
Technical Education (AICTE). amongst the Indian youth.215 The early success
Partner with foreign counterparts: The Indian government can
achieved by league- based events across multiple
partner with foreign governments to enable knowledge transfer
sports indicates a strong potential for Indians to
that is mutually beneficial. Special programmes could be
arranged for introducing Indian sportspersons to world class consume sports other than cricket. This also
training in sports where India has the potential to excel, but is encourages more and more people to consider
lacking in skill set (and vice versa). For example, India is sports as a profession for themselves or their
referred to as the sleeping giant of football; the countrys children. Increasing involvement of non-profits as
budding footballers could gain a lot from a comprehensive well as for-profit organisations in growth and
long-term development programme, which may far exceed the development of budding sportspersons is also a
benefits of having foreign coaches for a short duration. boon for the country. Moreover, with the introduction
of schemes such Khelo India, the government is
working on providing a robust structure for sports
development. In essence, Indias road to sporting
glory is brightly lit with an inclusive effort from all the