Participle-Adjective Formation in Modern Greek: Dept. of Computational Linguistics Universität Des Saarlandes (Uds)

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Participle-Adjective Formation in

Modern Greek
Valia Kordoni
Dept. of Computational Linguistics
Universität des Saarlandes (UdS)
Email: [email protected]

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece

Modern Greek words in -menos

What are they: adjectives or participles?

•If they are adjectives, then the expression ime... –menos (be... –menos) are
phrase structures consisting of the auxiliary ime (be) and a complement (cf.,
Mozer (1994))
• If they are participles, then the structures ime... –menos (be... –menos) are
periphrastic expressions of the Passive Present Perfect (Present Perfect B´; cf.,
Veloudis (1990))
• Researchers who adopt the former view claim that the semantics of words
ending in –menos is the same as the semantics of Modern Greek deverbal
adjectives ending in –tos  ine anigmenos/klismenos and ine anihtos/klistos
(be open/closed) convey the same meaning (cf., Mozer (1994))

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece

MG words in –menos: Participles rather than Adjectives

• Markantonatou et al. (1996) have shown that words ending in –menos bear
more verbal characteristics than Modern Greek deverbal adjectives in –tos 
words ending in –menos are participles rather than adjectives
• In example (1) the expression itan rameno supports two complements, one
denoting the "agent" (ton rafti) and the other denoting the "instrument" (me
hrisi klosti)
• Both of these complements correspond to verbal complements, i.e., the subject
and the instrument supported by the verbal head in example (3)
• In contrast, deverbal adjectives ending in –tos do not allow the co-appearance
in the same sentence of such complements (see example (2)), showing thereby
that their nature is "less verbal"

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece

Modern Greek Participles in –menos: examples

(1) To nifiko itan ra-meno apo ton rafti

the wedding-dress.NEUT.N was sew.PRTC.NEUT.N by the tailor
me hrisi klosti.
with golden thread
"The wedding dress was sewn by the tailor with golden thread".
(2) To nifiko itan raf-to (*apo ton
the wedding-dress.NEUT.N was sewn.ADJ.NEUT.N (*by the
rafti) (*me hrisi klosti).
tailor) (*with golden thread)
"The wedding dress was sewn (*by the tailor) (*with golden thread)".
(3) O raftis erapse to nifiko me hrisi klosti
the tailor.N sew.PAST.3S the wedding-dress.A with golden thread
"The tailor sewed the wedding dress with golden thread".

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece

Modern Greek Participles in –menos as Adjectives

• Markantonatou et al. (1996) have shown that Modern Greek participles

in –menos can appear in the typical position of adjectives (the examples are
from Markantonatou et al. (1996)):

(4) Vrikan tin porta anig-meni me losto.

they-found the door.FEM.A open.PRTC.FEM.A with metal-bar
"They found the door opened with a metal bar".
(5) To kotopulo itan pio psi-meno apo to
the chicken.NEUT.N was more roast.PTRC.NEUT.N than the
arni pu itan shedon apsi-to.
lamb.NEUT.N which was almost uncooked.ADJ.NEUT.N
"The chicken was cooked more than the lamb which was almost

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece

Participle-Adjective Formation in Modern Greek

Why can Modern Greek Participles in –menos appear in the typical position of

•The conversion of Modern Greek Participles in –menos to adjectives, and their

appearance in the typical position of adjectives follows from the fact that they
refer to the result state of the action denoted by the verb they are derived from
• Both anig-meni (open.PRTC) in example (4) and psi-meno (roast.PRTC) in
example (5) refer to the result state of the action denoted by the verbs they
are derived from (anigo (open) in example (3) and psino (roast), respectively)
• This conclusion is in agreement with Bresnan´s (1996) proposal for participle-
adjective formation

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece

Participle-Adjective Formation in Modern Greek (cont.)

• Participle-Adjective Formation in Modern Greek may also obey Ackerman´s

(1992) and Markantonatou´s (1995) predictions that adjectival participles are
related to predicates which have a [-r] argument:

(6) I giagia magirepse to fagito.

the grandmother.N cook.PAST.3S the food.A
"The grandmother cooked the food".
magirevo <AGENT THEME>
IC -o -r
Mapping Principles SUBJ OBJ
(7) To fagito ine magire-meno/*magiref-to apo tin giagia.
the food.N is cook.PRTC.N/cook.ADJ.N by the grandmother
"The food is cooked by the grandmother".

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece

Participle-Adjective Formation in Modern Greek (cont.)

• But:

(8) O Gianis ipie poli krasi htes vradi sto parti

the Gianis.N drank much wine.A yesterday night at-the party
"John drank too much wine at the party last night".
IC -o -r
Mapping Principles SUBJ OBJ
(9) O Gianis itan pio-menos htes vradi sto parti
the Gianis.N was drunk yesterday night at-the party
"John was blind drunk at the party last night".

• Thus: Bresnan´s (1996) proposal is more reliable when it comes to Participle-

Adjective Formation in Modern Greek

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece


• Modern Greek words ending in –menos bear one semantic argument more than
the deverbal adjectives in –tos: the agent or the cause that brings about the
action denoted by the verb (see examples (1)-(3) and (6)-(7))  Modern
Greek words in –menos are participles rather than adjectives

• Modern Greek participles in –menos, though, may also function as adjectives

with a more enriched semantics than their corresponding adjectives in –tos

• Participle-Adjectives Formation in Modern Greek is better accounted for in

the spirit of Bresnan´s (1996) proposal for Participle-Adjective Formation in

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece


Ackerman, F. (1992). Complex Predicates and Morphological Relatedness: Locative Alternation in

Hungarian. In I. A. Sag and A. Szabolcsi (Eds.), Lexical Matters. CSLI Lecture Notes
no. 24, pp. 55-84. Stanford, Calif.: CSLI Publications
Bresnan, J. (1996). Lexicality and Argument Structure. Invited paper given at the Paris Syntax and
Semantics Conference, October 12-14, 1995. Corrected version: April 15, 1996. 27 pages.
Available at
Markantonatou, S. (1995). Modern Greek deverbel nominals: an LMT approach. Journal of Linguistics
31, 267-299
Markantonatou, S., V. Kordoni, V. Bouboureka, A. Kalliakostas, and V. Stavrakaki (1996). Modern
Greek deverbal adjectives in –tos: a lexical semantic approach. Studies in Greek
Linguistics, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics of
the University of Thessaloniki.
Mozer, A. (1994). The interaction of Lexical and Grammatical Aspect in Modern Greek. In Themes in
Modern Greek Linguistics. Benjamins.
Veloudis, G. (1990). The meta-linguistic character of the Perfect: Perfect B´. Studies in Greek
Linguistics 11.

LFG 2002, 3-5 July 2002, Athens, Greece


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